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   1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

   ① retainer n.

   ② abstainer n.

   ③ sustainer n.

   2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

   ① containable      a.可保持的

   ② obtainable       b.能支撑住的

   ③ retainable       c.可获得的

   ④ sustainable      d.能包含的;能容纳的

   ⑤ maintainable      e.能维持的;可维修的

   3. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

   continue继续→① continuation n.

        →② continuative a.

        →③ continuator n.

   4. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。

   ① tennis    A.稳定的进程   B.网球   C.占有(权)

   ② tenor    A.稳定的进程   B.网球   C.占有(权)

   ③ tenure   A.稳定的进程   B.网球   C.占有(权)

   5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① maintain v.维持;维修;坚持;供养(提示:main=hand)

   maintenance n.维持;维修;坚持;扶养

   ② entertain v.招待;使娱乐(提示:enter-=among)

   entertainment n.招待;娱乐物;文娱节目

   ③ pertain v.从属;有关;关于;适合(提示:per-=through)

   pertinence n.恰当;相关

   pertinent a.恰当的;贴切的;有关的;相干的

   ④ pertinacious a.坚持的;固执的;难消除的

   pertinacity n.执拗;顽固

   ⑤ appertain v.属于;关于;适合于

   ⑥ abstinence n.节制;禁欲

   abstinent a.有节制的;禁欲的

   ⑦ tenable a.守得住的;站得住脚的

   ⑧ tenement n.保有物;地产;住屋

   tenementary a.地产的;住屋的;供出租的

   ⑨ tenaculum n. [医]外科用的夹钩

   ⑩ lieutenant n.副职官员;代理官员(提示:lieu=place)

   92. tend, tens, tent [L]=to stretch伸

   在常用词attend,attention,extend,pretend和intense中,可以看到tend,tens,tent这三个同源异形根。tend来自拉丁动词tendere,意思为to stretch(伸开,伸长,延伸);tens和tent都是这个拉丁动词的动名词词干(tendere有两个动名词形式:tensum和tentum),主要用来构成相应的名词和形容词。

   attend [at-(ad-)=to向;tend=to stretch伸→“to stretch one's mind to把心思伸向”→] v.① pay notice or care to;fix the mind on注意;专心:Please attend to what he is saying.注意听他讲。② be present at出席:to attend a meeting出席会议

   ▽attendance [attend;-ance n.] n.看护,照料;出席(人数)

   attendant [attend;-ant n./a.] n.仆役,侍从 a.伴随的

   attention [at-;tent;-ion n.] n.注意;注意力

   attentive [at-;tent;-ive a.] a.注意的;当心的

   extend [ex-=out出;tend=to stretch伸→] v.① stretch out伸出:He extended his arms in front of him.他向前伸出双臂。② make longer orgreater延长;扩大:We are to extend the railway to the city.我们计划把铁路延长到那座城市。

   ▽extent [ex-;tent] n.长度;广度;限度;程度

   extension [ex-;tens;-ion n.] n.伸长;扩大

   extensive [ex-;tens;-ive a.] a.广大的;广泛的

   extensible [ex-;tens;-ible a.] a.可延伸的;可扩展的

   intend [in-=upon在……上面;tend=to stretch伸→“to stretch one's eye upon something把目光伸到某事之上”→] v.① plan or purpose打算:What do you intend to do next?下一步你打算怎么办?② mean to be意指:What did he intend by that remark?他说那话是什么意思?

   ▽intendance [intend;-ance n.] n.监督;管理

   intendant [intend;-ant n.] n.监督人;管理人

   intent [in-;tent] a.集中的;专心致志的 n.意图;含义

   intention [in-;tent;-ion n.] n.意图;目的;意义;意旨

   pretend [pre- = before 在……之前;tend = to stretch 伸展→“to stretch one's mind before the public在众人面前展开或夸张自己的想法”→] v.① profess, or claim声称;自称:He pretends to be a scholar.他自称学者。② profess falsely;give a false appearance伪称;假装:Don't pretend to know what you do not know.不要不懂装懂。

   ▽pretender [pretend;-er n.] n.佯装者;冒充者;妄求者

   pretense [pre-;tense] n.假装;自命;借口;托词

   pretension [pre-;tens;-ion n.] n.要求;权利;借口;自称

   pretentious [pre-;tent;-i-;-ous a.] a.自负的;矫饰的

   intense [in-=to到;tens=to stretch伸;-e→“being stretched to a high degree伸展到高度的”→] a.① strained紧张的:intense but orderly work 紧张而有秩序的工作 ② extreme 极度的:intense heat 酷热③ strong in quality or feeling强烈的:intense sorrow强烈的悲痛

   ▽intension [intens(e);-ion n.] n.紧张;强度;加强

   intensive [intens(e);-ive a.] a.加强的;集中的;深入细致的

   intensity [intens(e);-ty n.] n.(思想、感情的)强烈;强度

   intensify [intens(e);-ify v.] v.加强;加剧

   tense [tens=to stretch伸展;-e→]Ⅰa. stretched tightly;strained绷紧的;紧张的:tense situation紧张的形势→Ⅱv. cause to be stretched or strained拉紧;使紧张:to tense the muscles绷紧肌肉

   ▽tensity [tens(e) a.;-ity n.] n.紧张;紧张度

   tension [tens(e) v.;-ion n.] n.绷紧;紧张

   tensile [tens(e) v.;-ile a.] a.拉力的;能伸长的

   tensor [tens(e) v.;-or n.] n.张肌;张量

   tend [tend=to stretch伸→] v.① stretch or develop in some direction伸向;趋向:The prices are tending upward.物价趋于上涨。② incline倾向:to tend to optimism有乐观主义倾向

   ▽tendency [tend;-ency n.] n.趋向;倾向;倾向性

   tendentious [tend;-ent;-i-;-ous] a.有倾向性的;有偏见的

   contend [con-(com-)=together共同;tend=to stretch伸长→“to stretch for something together 共同伸取某物”→] v. ① strive; struggle in emulation竞争;斗争:to contend for spheres of influence争夺势力范围② debate or dispute争论:He often contends against me.他常常与我争论。

   ▽contender [contend;-er n.] n.竞争者;斗争者;争论者

   contention [con-;tent;-ion n.] n.竞争;争论;论点

   contentious [con-;tent;-i-;-ous a.] a.好争论的;引起争论的

   distend [dis-=away开;tend=to stretch伸展→] v.① stretch away;stretch in three dimensions扩伸;膨胀:Iron distends by heat.铁受热膨胀。② swell肿胀:The injured wrist began to distend up.受伤的腕部开始肿起来。

   ▽distension [dis-;tens;-ion n.] n.扩张;膨胀;肿胀

   distensible [dis-;tens;-ible a.] a.可膨胀的

   ostentation [os-(obs-) = in front of 在……之前;tent = to stretch 展开;-ation n.=the act表行为→“the act of stretching one's belongings in front of others在他人面前展示财物”→] n.① act of showing;display to draw attention or admiration显耀;卖弄:I hate ostentation in any form.我憎恶任何形式的虚饰。② boasting出风头:to be free from ostentation杜绝风头主义

   ▽ostentatious [os-;tent;-atious a.] a.卖弄的;虚饰的

   ostensive [os-;tens;-ive a.] a.明显表示的;表面的;诡称的



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