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   1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

   ① resident n.居民→nonresident n.

   ② residence n.居住→noresidence n.

   2. [同义相连]以下是以resid-为词干的单词,其基本含义是“剩余”,“残留”。可借助词典完成本题。

   ① resid        a.剩余的;残留的

   ② residue       b.残留物;社会底层

   ③ residual       c.残油;渣油

   ④ residuary       d.剩余的;接受剩余财产的

   ⑤ residuum       e.残余;余数;剩余财产

   3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① obsess v.迷住;缠住

   obsession n.着迷;缠住

   ② sessile a.固着的;座生的;无柄的

   ③ subsidy n.助学金;津贴

   subsidiary a.辅助的;补助的

   subsidize v.给……补助;资助

   ④ residentiary n. [宗教]驻在牧师;居住者

   4. [节外生枝] sid有个异形根sed来自sidere的异体sedere。以下是主要的派生词。

   ① sediment n.沉淀;沉积

   sedimentary a.沉淀性的;沉积的

   ② sedan n.轿子;轿车

   ③ sedentary a.坐着的;(鸟等)定居的

   ④ sedate a.安静的 v.给……服镇静药

   sedation n.镇静

   sedative a.镇静的;止痛的 n.镇静剂;止痛药

   85. sign [L]=mark记号

   常用词sign,signal,signature和signify中含有一个常用的拉丁词根sign,它来自拉丁名词signum或拉丁动词signare的词干部分,意思为mark(记号)或to mark(加记号)。

   sign [sign=mark, or to mark(加)记号→]Ⅰn.① mark or symbol符号;记号:mathematical signs数学符号② indication标志,标记:Black is a sign of mourning.黑色是哀悼的标志。③ gesture示意动作:signlanguage手语Ⅱv.① write (one's signature) on签(名),署(名):to sign a document签发文件② communicate by a sign以动作示意:He signed his disapproval by frowning.他皱眉表示不同意。

   ▽signable [sign v.;-able a.] a.可签名的

   signless [sign n.;-less a.] a.不表示的;无符号的

   signal [sign=to mark记号;-al n.=the result表行为结果→“the result of marking做记号的结果”→]Ⅰn. anything that serves to indicate信号,暗号:traffic signals交通信号→Ⅱa.① serving as a signal用作信号的:a signal light信号灯② unusual;outstanding非凡的;突出的:a signal accomplishment非凡的成就→III v. make a signal to向……发信号:Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights at night.水手们白天用旗,晚上用灯发信号。

   ▽signalize [signal;-ize v.] v.使突出;表明;向……发信号

   signify [sign=mark记号;-ify v.=to make使→“to make something a sign使某物成为标记”→] v.① be a sign of;have the meaning of表明;意味:The clouds signified the coming storm.乌云意味着暴风即将来临。② be of importance;matter有重要性;要紧:What a fool says does not signify.傻瓜之言,无关紧要。

   ▽signification [signif(y);-ication n.] n.正确意义;含义

   significative [signif(y);-icative a.] a.有意义的;表明……的

   signature [sign=to mark加记号;-ature n.=the result表行为结果→“the result of making one's mark on (sheep)在(羊身上)加上自己标记的结果”→] n.① personal mark本人的标记 ② one's name signed on a document署名,签字:to put one's signature to a letter在信上签名

   ▽signatureless [signature;-less a.] a.无署名的

   signatory [sign;-atory n./a.] n.签署者 a.签署的

   assign [as-(ad-)=to 向;sign = to mark 加记号→“to mark something to somebody向着某人对某事作出记号”→] v.① give out;allocate给予;分配:They assigned us a room. 他们分配一个房间给我们。② give out as task指派,布置:to assign homework to the class给班上学生布置作业

   ▽assignment [assign;-ment n.] n.(分派的)任务,作业

   assignation [assign;-ation n.] n.分配;分派;指定;约会

   consign [con-(com-)= together 共同;sign = to mark 作标记→“to mark together as an agreement 共作标记以示同意”→] v. ① transfer to another's custody把……委托给:to consign the boy to the care of his uncle把男孩托给叔叔照管② hand over or deliver托运,运送:to consign goods to the agents将货物运给代理商

   ▽consignment [consign;-ment n.] n.托付(物);运送(物)

   consignee [consign;-ee n.] n.受托人;收货人;收件人

   design [de-=down下;sign=to mark做标记→“to mark down in detail详细地做下标记”→]Ⅰv.① prepare the plan for设计,构思:to design a new bridge设计新桥 ② develop and plan for a purpose谋划,预定:The scholarship is designed for foreign students.这项奖学金是为外国留学生设立的。Ⅱn. ① outline or drawing for something to be constructed 设计图,图纸:designs for the new building 新楼图纸② the way in which something is shaped or made设计:to study art and design学习艺术设计

   ▽designing [design;-ing a.] a.工于心计的;狡猾的

   designable [design;-able a.] a.可设计的

   resign [re-=undo取消;sign=to mark or seal加标识→“to undo that of sealing, or unseal取消标识或封印”→] v.① give up without resistance放弃,抛弃:He resigned himself to failure.他自甘失败。② give up an office or position辞职,引退:He resigned his seat in the Parliament.他辞去议院的议席。

   ▽resignation [resign;-ation n.] n.辞职;放弃



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