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   1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

   expel驱逐→① expeller n.

      →② exopellee n.

      →③ expellable a.

   2. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① pulse n.脉搏;脉动;脉冲

   pulsar n.脉冲星

   pulser n.脉冲发生器

   ② pulsate v.搏动

   pulsative a.脉动的

   pulsator n.搏动的东西;搏动式人工呼吸器;脉动器

   pulsatory a.能脉动的

   ③ pulsimeter/palsometer n.脉搏计

   ④ pulsion n.推进

   pulsive a.推进的

   3. [节外生枝] pel有个来自法语的异体peal,请注意下列单词。

   ① peal n.响亮持久的声音

   ② appeal v.呼吁;恳求

   appealing a.有感染力的;动人的

   ③ repeal v.撤消(决议等);废止(法令等)

   repealer n.撤消者;废止者

   68. pend, pens [L]=to hang, to weigh, to pay悬挂,称量,支付

   pend和pens是同源异形根,它们来自拉丁动词pendere和它的动名词pensum。这个动词有三个意思:to hang(悬挂);to weigh(称量)和to pay(支付)。三个意思都与古罗马时用天平“称量”金银“支付”费用一事相关联,而称量的东西是必须“悬挂”在天平上的。三者之中,“悬挂”是基本义。

   depend [de-=down下;pend=to hang悬挂→“to hang down form some-thing挂在某物下”→“be supported by something靠某物支持”→] v.① rely (on)依靠;依赖:All living things depend on air.万物生长都有赖于空气。② be determined取决于:Whether we go for an outing depends on the weather.去不去郊游要看天气而定。

   ▽dependence [depend;ence n.] n.依靠;从属

   dependant [depend;-ant n.] n.受赡养者;侍从

   dependent [depend;-ent a.] a.依靠的;由……决定的;从属的

   independent [in-=not不;dependent a.依赖的→] a.① not relying on独立的:independent thinking独立思考② self-governing自治的:inde-pendent country主权国家

   ▽independence [in-;depend;-ence n.] n.独立;自主

   independency [in-;depend;-ency n.] n.独立;独立国

   suspend [sus-(sub-)=under在……之下;pend=to hang悬挂→“to hang under挂在……之下”→] v.① hang from a supporter above吊;悬:The lamp is suspended from the ceiling.电灯从天花板挂下。② put off for a period of time使悬而不决,暂停:to suspend talks中止会谈

   ▽suspense [sus-;pens;-e] n.悬而不决;未定

   suspensor [sus-;pens;-or n.] n.吊绷带

   suspension [sus-;pens;-ion n.] n.悬,吊;暂停,中止

   suspensive [sus-;pens;-ive a.] a.暂停的;悬而未决的

   append [ap-(ad-)=to到;pend=to hang挂→“to hang to a main body挂到某主体上”→] v. add附加:I want to append some words to the drawing.我要给图样附上文字说明。

   ▽appendage [append;-age n.] n.附加物;附属物

   appendant/appendent [append;-ant/-ent a.] a.附加的;附属的

   pendulum [pend=to hang挂;-ulum (-um) n.=thing物→“thing that hangs悬挂着的东西”→] n. thing hanging from a fixed point so as to swing freely, as in a clock悬摆;钟摆:simple pendulum单摆

   ▽pendular [pendul(um);-ar a.] a.钟摆运动的;摆动的

   pendulous [pendul(um);-ous a.] a.悬垂的;摆动的


   expend [ex-=out出;pend=to pay支付→] v.① pay out, or spend付出;花费:He expended lots of time in writing this book.他花许多时间写这本书。② use up用尽:Don't expend your energy on such a foolish business.别在这种蠢事上耗尽精力。

   ▽expenditure [expend;-iture n.] n.支出;支出额

   expense [ex-;pens;-e] n.花费;消耗

   expensive [ex-;pens;-ive a.] a.花费多的;昂贵的

   dispense [dis-=apart分开;pend=to weigh称;-e→“to weigh apart from the amount从总量中称出一部分”→] v.① deal out;distribute分发;分配:The machine dispenses coffee to anyone who puts in a coin.只要投入硬币,这机器就会给你一份咖啡。② mix and give out (medicines)配(方);发(药):Who dispensed the medicine to you?谁给你配的药?

   ▽dispensation [dispens(e);-ation n.] n.分配;分配物;配方

   dispensary [dispens(e);-ary n.] n.配药处;药房

   spend [expend或dispense的词头脱落形式→] v.① expend (time)消耗(时间):He spent three years writing this book.他花三年时间写这本书。② dispense or give out (money) in payment花费(金钱):How much did you spend on the car?你买这部车花了多少钱?

   ▽spendable [spend;-able a.] a.可花费的

   compensate [com-=together一起;pens=to weigh称;-ate v.=to make使……→“to make one thing weighed together with another so as to make a balance使某物与其他物一起称,以达到平衡”→] v. make a balancing payment for some loss;make up赔偿;补偿:to compensate the workers injured at work赔偿负工伤的工人

   ▽compensation [compensat(e);-ion n.] n.补偿;赔偿;赔偿费

   compensator [compensat(e);-or n.] n.赔偿者;(机器)补偿器



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