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   1. [同义相连] gram可当术语后缀,-gram意为“图形”,“符号”等。

   ① parallelogram        a.代表单词的符号(如:)

   ② barogram         b.震波图

   ③ hologram         c.气压图

   ④ seismogram        d.全息图

   ⑤ logogram         e.平行四边形

   2. [望文生义]词根gram在希腊语中还有small weight(小重量)的含义,所以成为英语中表示重量的基本单位gram(克)。

   ① kilogram(提示:kilo=thousand)

   ② gram-atom(提示:atom n.原子)

   ③ gram-molecule(提示:molecule n.分子)

   3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① anagram n.(颠倒单词的顺序组成的)倒组词(提示:ana-=back)

   ② epigram n.警句(提示:epi-=upon)

   ③ monogram n.交织字母;花押字(提示:mon=one)

   ④ pentagram n.五角星形(提示:pent=five)

   ⑤ grammalogue n.(速记等中的)用记号代表的词

   ⑥ chromatogram n. [化学]色谱(提示:chromat=colour)

   4. [节外生枝]与gram同源近义的还有一个非常重要的希腊词根graph,意为to write(写)或writing(记录)。graph还可以构成术语后缀-graph和-graphy。graph的同根词数以百计,以下几个是最主要的。

   ① graph n.图表,词的拼法,胶版

   ② graphics n.制图法,图解计算法

   ③ autograph n.亲笔(提示:auto-=self)

   ④ biography n.传记,传记文学(提示:bio-=life)

   ⑤ calligraphy n.书法(提示:calli-=beautiful)

   ⑥ dictograph n.(电话)侦听计(提示:dict=to speak)

   ⑦ monograph n.专论,专文(提示:mono=single)

   ⑧ phonograph n.留声机,唱机(提示:phon=sound)

   ⑨ photograph n.照片(提示:phot=light)

   ⑩ telegraph n.电报(提示:tele-=far off)

   44. grat [L]=pleasing, thankful使人高兴的,感激的


   congratulate [con-(com-)=together一起;grat=pleasing使人高兴的;-ul-;-ate v.=to make 使……→“to make oneself pleased together with others使自己与他人一起高兴”→] v. express one's pleasure at the success, joy, etc. of other(s)祝贺:I congratulated him when he won the prize.我祝贺他得了奖。

   ▽congratulatant [congratulat(e);-ant a./n.] a.祝贺的 n.祝贺者

   grateful [grat=pleasing, thankful令人高兴的,感谢的;-e-;-ful a.=having the quality有……性质的→] a.① pleasing, or causing pleasure令人愉快的;可喜的:a grateful rain一场喜雨 ② thankful, or appreciative感谢的;感激的:grateful letter感谢信

   gratitude [grat=thankful感谢的;-itude n.=the state or quality表性质或状态→] n. thankfulness; appreciation 感谢;感激:We express our gratitude for your help.对你们的帮助,我们表示感谢。

   gratify [grat=pleasing令人高兴的;-ify v.=to make使……→] v.① make pleased使高兴:She was gratified to get the news.得知消息,她很高兴。②make pleased by giving satisfaction to使满意:Don't gratify every wish of a child.对小孩子不能有求必应。

   ▽gratification [gratif(y);-ication n.] n.喜悦;满足

   ingratiate [in-=into成;grat=pleasing惹人喜欢的;-i-;-ate v.=to make使……→“to make into a pleasing person使成为讨人喜欢的人”→] v. bring oneself into favour with讨好,巴结:He tried his best to ingratiate himself with the boss.他尽力巴结老板。

   ▽ingratiating [ingratiat(e);-ing a.] a.讨好的;奉承的

   gratuity [grat=pleasing使人高兴的;-u-;-ity n.=things with the quality有……性质的东西→“things causing pleasure使人高兴的东西”→] a. gift of money given for some service;tip赏金;小费:We don't accept gratuities.我们不收小费。

   gratis [来自拉丁词gratis=pleasing令人高兴的→“for pleasing other than for payment为使人高兴而不是为报酬的”→]Ⅰa. free of charge免费的:Entrance is gratis.免费入场。→Ⅱ ad. done or given for nothing;without charge无偿地;免费地:We render assistance gratis.我们无偿提供援助。

   ingrate [in-=not不;grat=thankful感激的;-e→“not thankful不感激的”→]Ⅰa. ungrateful忘恩负义的→Ⅱ n. one who is ungrateful忘恩负义者:You base ingrate.你这忘恩负义的小人。



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