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   1. [由此及彼]根据词根含义推测同根词的含义。

   microbial a.微生物的→① microbiology n.

           →② microbiologist n.

   2. [望文生义]根据词根和词缀知识写出下列单词的含义。

   ① microbe n.(提示:be是bi的异体)

   ② microbian a.(提示:-an=of)

   3. [同义相连]将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的中文含义连接起来。

   ① bioclean      a.生物地理学

   ② bioclimatolgy    b.无菌的

   ③ bioelectricity    c.生物气候学

   ④ biogeography    d.生物工艺学

   ⑤ biosphere      e.生物电流

   ⑥ biotechnique    f.生物圈

   4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① amphibian n.两栖动物(或植物)

   amphibious a.两栖的(提示:amphi-=both)

   ② macrobian n.长寿的人;

   macrobiotics n.长寿法(提示:macro-=great)

   ③ biotic a.生物的;生命的

   ④ biogenesis n.生源说

   ⑤ biometrics n.生物统计学

   biometrician n.生物统计学家

   ⑥ bionomy n.生理学;生态学

   bionomics n.(个体)生态学(提示:nom=law)

   ⑦ epibiotic n.体外生的(提示:epi-=upon, out)

   ⑧ bioplasm n.原生质

   10. cad, cas, cid [L]=to fall, to befall降,降临

   cad,cas,cid是同源异形词根,都源于拉丁动词cadere,意思相当于to fall(降落)或to befall(降临)。其中,cad 是不定式词干,cas是动名词词干,而cid是cadere的异体cidere的不定式词干。这族同根词的数量较大。

   decadent [de-=down下;cad=to fall降;-ent a.=-ing表性质→“falling down下降的”] a. falling down morally;falling into ruin堕落的;颓败的:The Ching Empire had become decadent by that time.当时清帝国已经腐败了。

   ▽decadence [de-;cad;-ence n.] n.衰落;颓废

   case [cas=to befall降临;-e→“that which befalls降临之事”→] n. event;condition事件;情况:a typical case典型事件

   casual [cas=to befall降临;-u-;-al a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the quality of befalling, or happening by chance带有偶发性质的”→] a.① not planned偶然的:a casual meeting巧遇 ② infor-mal非正式的:casual clothing便服

   ▽casualty [casual;-ty n.] n.事故的伤亡者

   occasion [oc-(ob-)=in the way of在……面前;cas=to befall降临;-ion n.=the state or result表状态或结果→“that which befalls in one's way降临在面前的事”→] n.① instance or case情况② favorable time, or opportunity时机;机会:as occasion serves一旦有适当的机会

   ▽occasional [occasion;-al a.] a.偶尔的

   accident [ac-(ad-)=towards朝向;cid=to befall降临;-ent n.=thing事→“thing that befalls towards a person朝着某人降临的事”→] n. ①unexpected event意外的事;偶然的事:I met her quite by accident.我碰到她是很偶然的事。② unfortunate happening事故:traffic acci-dents交通事故

   ▽accidental [accident;-al a.] a.意外的;偶然的

   incident [in-=on, upon在……上;cid=to befall发生;-ent n.=thing事→“thing that befalls on a particular person or happens at a particular time发生在某人身上或某个时刻的事”→] n. event, or occurence事件;事变:the July 7th Incident 七七事变

   ▽incidental [incident;-al a.] a.偶然的;伴随的

   incidence [in-;cid;-ence n.] n.发生;发生率

   coincide [co-(com-)=together共同;in-=upon在……之上;cid=to befall降临→“to befall upon together共同降临在……之上”] v. ①happen at the same time or same place(时间、空间)恰好相合:My birthday coincides with yours. 我恰好和你同一天生日。② agree;correspond一致;符合:to coincide in opinion意见相符

   ▽coincident [coincid(e);-ent a.] a.同时发生的;一致的

   deciduous [de-=off脱离;cid=to fall降;-u-;-ous a.=having the quality有……性质的→] a. having the quality of falling off at a certain time定期脱落的:deciduous trees落叶林

   occident [oc-(ob-)=down下;cid=to fall降落;-ent n.=thing connected with 表相关事物→“the direction towards which the heavenly bodies were supposed to fall down前人认为的天体降落的方向”→] n.① the west西方② the western hemisphere西半球:the Occident亚洲以西的全部国家;欧洲;欧美

   ▽occidental [occident;-al a.] a.西方的

   decay [de-=down下;cay(cad的变形)=to fall降→] v. fall down from a state of health and excellence;rot衰退;腐朽:The old man's teeth are all decayed.这老人的牙齿全坏了。



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