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    indict 具体用法见练习3、4、5句 ________________________________________1.The soldier was accused of running away when the enemy attacked.这个士兵被指控为临阵逃脱.

  2. He charged me with negligence of duty.他指控我玩忽职守.

  3.The police indicted him as a rioter.警察指控他为扰乱治安者.(indict sb. as…指控某人为…)

  4.His company indicted him for sabotage他公司告发他的破坏行为.(indict sb for sth.告发某人…)

  5.He was indicted on a charge of murder.他因犯杀人罪被起诉.(sb. be indicted on a charge of …因犯…被告发)



  achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标

  acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等

  attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地

  gain 指需要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西

  obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西 ________________________________________1.After so many years of hard work,he finally achieved success.经过这么多年努力,他终于获得了成功.

  2.She has acquired some very unpleasant habits recently.她最近养成了一些不良的习惯.

  3.In typhoon,winds attain a speed greater than 120 km per hour.发生台风时,风速每小时高达120公里.

  4.In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.在第二次试验中他们的到了一个非常清楚的结果.

  5.No gains without pains.不劳则无获.

  6.She acquired a good knowledge of English from Mr. Chen's lectures.他从陈教授的讲座中学到很多英语知识.



  acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事

  admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)

  concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败

  confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶

  recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等 ________________________________________1.He concededthat the statement was true in an argument.他在辩论中承认对方的说法是正确的.(有点不情愿的承认)

  2.She acknowledged having been at fault.他承认自己曾犯过错误.

  3.The new law was generally admitted to be difficult to enforce.大家普遍认为,新的法律很难实施.(admit后面可跟名词或动名词作宾语,不根不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾补.此句中admit为被动结构,所以用to be difficult to enforce作主语补语.)

  4.Although they had suffered heavy losses,they refused to concede defeat.虽然他们已遭受惨重损失,但还是不肯认输.

  5.Finally he has to confess himself guilty.最终他不得不认罪.(confess oneself认罪)

  6.Mr.Zhang was recognized as the legitimate representative of the company.张先生背城认为公司的合法代表. ________________________________________


  affirm 断言,肯定,指根据事实坚定不移地宣称,有无可争辩之意

  assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称

  allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称,硬说

  claim 声称,主张,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点 ________________________________________1.Politicians more often affirm their desire for retirement than show that they really mean it.政治家经常声称他们想退休,但未必是真的.

  2.The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighbourhood.嫌疑犯生成案发时他并不在现场.

  3.He asserted his belief that she was innocent.他坚持自己的想法,她是无辜的.

  4.He asserted that this could be done..他宣称这是可行的.

  5.Don't claim to know what you don't know.不要强不知以为知. ________________________________________


  alarm 惊恐,忧虑,指突然遇到危险产生的紧张,害怕,惊慌失措的心理状态,也可指一般的担心忧虑 (take/feel alarm at…因…而惊恐)

  dread 担忧,惧怕,多指因预料有危险和不愉快的事面临而产生的不安心情,比fear更为强烈的恐惧

  fear 表示恐惧最普通的用语,指遇到危险或灾难内心感到不安或发慌

  fright 指突然的惊恐

  horror 令人毛骨悚然,使人极其厌恶的恐怖(常用于强调表现出恐怖的现象或行为,而不强调引起恐怖的原因)

  panic 恐慌(指吃惊以后随之而来的不知所措,神经几乎失控的状态)

  terror 恐怖(指个人安全受到严重威胁时所产生的巨大恐惧及惊骇) ________________________________________1.There is nothing to get alarmed about.没什么可大惊小怪的.

  2.She had always been in dread of meeting with an accident.他总是担心遇上意外事故.

  3.Our cat fears dogs.我们家的猫怕狗.

  4.I don't frighten easily.我不会轻易受惊的.

  5.They watch with horror as the tightrope walker struggled to remain his balance.他们心惊肉跳得看着走钢丝绳的演员摇摇晃晃地在恢复平衡.

  6.All the residents of the town panicked when there was a big fire in the supermarket.超市的一场大火震惊了全镇居民.(panic的过去式为panicked)

  7.She was terrified out of her senses.她吓得魂不附体. ________________________________________


  alter 改变,变更,指衣服等表面或局部做部分变动,而没有变成另一种事物

  change 改变,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等改变.常与into连用.

  convert 使转变,变化,一般只表示事物的外表及用途等方面发生的次要变化,而不是本质上的巨大变化,也可用于改变某人的政治观点、信仰.这个词义是其他词所没有的

  modify 修改,变更,较正式,常用以表示意见,计划或形式,质量方面不大的变化

  shift 指位置或方向的移动,改变

  transform 指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格,性质等

  vary 改变,不同,有区别,变化 ________________________________________1.If your coat is too long,the tailor can alter it to fit you.如果你的衣服太大,裁缝会给你改的合身.

  2.Greatchanges have taken place since he left.他走后变化很大.

  3 He used to be a Christian,but he is now.converted to Buddhism.他过去是一个基督教徒,现在改信佛教.

  4.Prices that vary with the quality.价格随质量不同而变化.(vary with…随…而变化)

  5.The wind has shifted from north to south.风向从北转到了南.

  6.Many military factories have been transformed into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country.为了适应国情的需要,我们把很多军用工厂改成了民用工厂.

  7.The inventormodified his original design in order to increase the machine’s efficiency.发明者改变原来的设计目的是提高机器的效率. _______________________________________


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