A recent research study revealed that children under the age of eight are unable to critically comprehend televised advertising messages and are prone to accept advertisers’ messages as truthful, accurate and unbiased. This can lead to a series ofproblems. For example, television advertising aimed at children often encourages a heightened sense of materialism at an early age. Children may develop a product preference after seeing an advertisement on television which could lead to parent-child conflicts when parents deny their children’s advertising-based requests. Another example concerns the marketing of fast food products, soft drinks and other non-nutritious snacks. This type of advertising is directly associated with the increasing rate of childhood obesity. Researchers at the University of Michigan have figured out that children who regularly watch television advertising consume more junk food and have a distorted view of healthy food than households where advertising-free television is viewed.
be prone to 易于
=be inclined to, tend to
Children who spend too much time playing games are prone to have worse grades than those who are active and involved in extracurricular activities.
a series of 一系列
=a collection of
In the meantime, government is responsible for cutting down the travel expenses for students by implementing a series of favorable policies.
名人 celebrity
公众人物 public figure
可靠的信息来源 reliable news source
给新产品作广告 advertise a new product
充斥着误导性的广告 be saturated with misleading advertisement
For a business to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising.
Television advertising directed towards young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.