reasonable price(合理的价格)moderate/fair price(公平价格)
a good price(好价格)attractive price(诱人的价格)
favorable price(优惠价)competitive price(竞争价格)
high price(高价)list price(价目单定价)
low price(低价)highest price(最高价)
lowest price(最低价)rock-bottom price(最低价)
retail/tag price(零售价)fixed price(固定价格)
a nominal price(名义价、虚价)a reduced price(折扣价)
wholesale price(批发价)import price(进口价)
export price(出口价) market price(市场价)
home market price(国内市场价)international market price(国际市场价)
bring down/lower/reduce prices(降价)cut/ slash prices(削价)
charge a high price(索高价)raise prices(提价)
offer a price(出价)readjust prices(重新调价)
stabilize prices(稳定物价)set/fix a price(定出价格)
Prices drop/fall/decline/go down.(物价下跌)
Prices jump up/rise/shoot up/go up.(物价上涨)
Prices remain stable.(物价稳定)Prices fluctuate.(物价波动)
另外,在具体生活中, 价格的表达方式很多,需灵活使用。不过,有两点还请读者注意。
The prices of watches are low at that shop. =Watches are cheap at that shop. 那家商店的手表便宜。
The prices of tomatoes are high in this market. =Tomatoes are expensive in this market.这个市场的西红柿贵。
其二,询问价格时要注意what与price 连用; how much 与某物连用。如:
What is the price of this car? =How much is this car? 这辆小汽车多少钱