A: Mr. Brown.I am very sorry for the unpleasant happenings and that you had to come from Britain to pay us a personal visit in China to clarify the ins and outs of the case.
B: I never thought that the rails produced by our company were of inferior quality and I am afraid that your testing results might not be that reliable.
A: I have to inform you that 10 days ago when the first lot of rails arrived and were found to be inferior that we promptly faxed you. but it was not until a week lager that you replied. How could you have such poor-quality rails delivered to us?
B: We have studied your testing data and all other relevant documents you presented us since my arrival in China. Still. we don't see anything convincing.
A: We tested your products by using the method stipulated in the contract. You will find that on our certificates. I suggest that you inspect your products. They are still stored on the dock. Some of the ratls have been seriously corroded with rust. You can see pits and even dents with depths 3mm. The most serious matter is that one fourth of the rails are bent. All these defects are noticeable without any testing equipment.
B: Anything may have happened if the goods had been off-loaded at the wharf tor a long period of time.
A: I am not convinced. In spite of our repeated complaints and warnings,the second lot that arrived just yesterday was found to be as inferior as the previous lot. If you persist in your reasoning. I am afraid we'II have no other choice but to terminate our contract and submit the case for arbitration.
B: I agree. Perhaps an arbitrator will be objective.