A: Hi, John! Long time no see. I heard you are studying at Yale, how is everything there?
B: Hello, Catherine. Everything is fine. Thank you. By the way, I met Tom yesterday and he said you are planning to apply to Yale. Anything I can help?
A: Yeah, I’m interested in economics and would like to further my study at Yale. You know I’m really fascinated by its education system: for one tning is the emphasis on undergraduate teaching, with so many distinguished knowledgeable professors giving lectures to undergraduate students; then is the vitality of student life. Both academic and extracurricular and the research opportunities are available at Yale University. However, I am a bit confused by the complicated application procedures.
B: You really shock me. You have already known so much about Yale. It doesn’t matter that you do not know the detailed application procedures. I will explain to you one by one. To be accepted to study at Yale, first of all, interested applicants must apply directly to the school, college, or program where the degree will be awarded.
我真被你吓到了,你竟然已经了解了这么多有关耶鲁的消息。如果你不清楚具体的申请程序,不要紧啊,我可以一点一点地解释给你听。要想来耶鲁读书,首先,对耶鲁感兴趣的申请者必须直接向学位授予单位——研究生学院、本科生学院或 是项目作出申请。
A: OK. I see. Then what should I prepare for the application?
B: The following material is needed for your application. First of all,you should have a secondary school report which consists of a transcript and school counselor recommendation. The transcript is a record of grades achieved over the past three years of schooling. Predicted grades (if applicable) should be included. If you do not have a counselor, the form and recommendation can be filled in by a tutor/house master/ principal/academic advisor or another comparable school official.
你需要准备好下面这些材料。首先,要准备一份所毕业高中开具的公证,里面要包含一份成绩报告单以及一份辅导员介绍信。成绩报告单上应该包含你高中三年的各科成绩,如果可能的话,还应该包含你的预测成绩。要是没有辅导员,介绍 信也可以由你的家庭教师、舍监、校长、学术顾问或是其他与此相当的学校领导中的一位来代写。
A: OK. I'm very lucky that my high school performance was good. My GPA was about 95 and I ranked the second among about 2300 students. So I think I’m the right candidate.
B: You are really good enough on this respect. Next come the teacher recommendations. Two teacher recommendations are required. Both should be written by recent teachers in academic subjects. You must provide the school with an official English translation of any letters or transcripts not written in English, in addition to the original 6 documents.
我觉得你已经相当合格了。申请所需的第二项材料是教师推荐信。一共需要两位老师的推荐信,而且他们必须是最近给你带过课的老师。此外,除了递交原件以外, 所有的申请材料都要求提供一份正式的英文翻译件。
A: No problem. I will ask my headteacher who knows me quite well and my math teacher to write the recommendations. Is this OK?
B: Yes. And the last requirement for Chinese students is your grades for SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) and any combination of two Subject Tests plus tests of your English ability: TOEFL⑦ or IELTS grades. You needn’t worry about the SAT; it is a piece of cake for us Chinese applicants. However, you should pay more attention to the test of the English language. We students at Yale must be able to understand rapid, idiomatic English and to express ourselves easily in both spoken and written English. As part of the assessment of a candidate’s competence in English, Yale strongly recommends TOEFL for any applicant whose first language is not English and who has not received at least two years of his or her secondary education in an English-medium curriculum. For TOEFL, a minimum score of 100 is required on the Web-based TOEFL. For IELTS a minimum score of 7 is required.
可以。我们中国学生申请耶鲁的最后一项要求是SAT I、其他两门自选科目的成绩以及有关英语语言水平测试的成绩托福或稚思都可以。身为一名中国学生,你不必担心SAT成绩,它对我们来说是小菜一碟。但是你一定要在语言考试上多花点心思,因为耶鲁学生必须具备理解快速的、地道的英语的能力,并且不管是在口语还是书面语中都要能够流利地表达自己的思想。作为衡量申请者英语能力的手段,耶鲁强烈推荐那些母语不是英语的以及中学阶段学习英语不到两年的申请者参加托福考试。耶鲁对托福成绩的要求是机考最低100分,对
雅思成绩的最低 要求是7分。
A: English is my all-time favorite. I’m now busy preparing for TOEFL and there is only two weeks left for the test. I hope I would have a good result and realize my dream at Yale. Thank you very much for you time and patience.
B: My pleasure. Hope we will meet at Yale. Good Luck!
A: Thank you. See you at Yale. Bye.
B: Bye-bye!