《口语训练营》是原有的《趣味青春英语》的内容精编版,每期介绍一组对话。本期我们来学习[flying off the shelf是从架子上飞出去了吗?],一起来看一下吧!
A: Hey,how's it going?
B: Oh, hello. I am exhausted.
A: Didn't you sleep well last night?
B: Sleep well? I didn’t sleep at all. I went shopping with my friend for the new iphone. How do you say something which sells very well in English?
A: You can say it sells like hotcakes. Hotcakes is spelled h-o-t-c-a-k-e-s, hotcakes. If you say something sells like hotcakes, it means it is sold quickly and in large numbers.
你可以说卖得像一块热饼一样来形容。Hotcake 这样拼h-o-t-c-a-k-e-s,如果你这样形容一样东西,那说明它卖得又快又多。
B: The new iPhone sold like hotcakes!
A : There's actually another way of saying it, you can say: the new iPhone 4S is flying off the shelf! Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, shelf.
还有另外一种表达。你可以说 苹果4s手机一下子从架子上飞走了。Shelf这样拼s-h-e-l-f。
B: The shop assistant told us to queue up outside the store at midnight for the new stock to make sure we can get the new iphone. So we just grabbed a chair and waited outside the store.
A: You camped out last night!
你昨天晚上都在camped out?
B: Camp out?
Camp out?
A: Camp, c-a-m-p, camp out means that you stay outdoors all night in front of the store! And I can tell that your friend is a tech-head.
Camp,c-a-m-p, 就是说你在商店外面驻扎了一整晚!你的朋友真是一个科技发烧友。
以上就是本期[flying off the shelf是从架子上飞出去了吗?]的全部内容,希望你能从中有所收获!