Tony: She was quite a lady. She was called the most beautiful woman in films.
是,她是一个不简单的女人. 人们都管她叫电影里最美丽的女人.
Frank: You are a fan of her, too?
Tony: You bet. Before her, I thought beauty was only skin deep.
Frank: What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?
你在说什么啊? 你是不是有点儿错乱了?
Tony: I am talking about Hedy Lamrr.
Frank: I thought we were talking about my dream woman Marilyn Monroe.
Tony: Marilyn was hot and less charming than my lady. Hedy wasn’t only captivating. She was very intelligent.
玛丽莲•梦露很性感,但是不及我的性感. 海蒂不仅仅是迷人,她非常聪明.
Frank: Was she smart enough to invent a mobile phone. It has been the smartest tool invented ever to me.
她聪明到可以发明手机? 我觉得手机是迄今为止最聪明的发明.
Tony: That’s the best word that I’ve ever heard today. She did to some extent. She patented an idea that later became the crutch of mobile phone.
这是我今天听到的最好的话了. 在某种意义上说,她确实发明了. 她申请过一个专利,而这个专利就是奠定了现在手机技术的基础.