Mike: Sorry? Did I miss something? Who do think I am? I don’t go bisexual. Plus I am very loyal to my Jake.
Cathy: Stop being bitchy. It’s this report.
怎么说话呢. 都是这篇报道了.
Mike: Okay, what kind of report is pushing you to get married with me?
Cathy: It says here that Maldives is going to sink because of worse climate. We are loosing the wonder of the nature.
上面说气候越来越恶劣,马尔代夫要沉了. 我们即将失去这个自然奇迹.
Mike: So? It is neither the end of the world nor my life, I hope.
所以呢? 这不是世界末日,也不是我的末日吧.
Cathy: Have some mercy, please. I have been dreaming to go there for my honey moon.
Mike: You are right. Maybe I should propose to Jake. We can go there for our honey moon. He will love it.
你说的很对. 我应该向我的杰克求婚.然后我们去那里度蜜月.他肯定会喜欢的.
Cathy: Hey, hello, are you with me?
Mike: Jake, my angel. I believe I told you about him. He is so adorable. His eyes are so charming. His lips…
杰克,我的天使. 我肯定跟你说起过他.他太迷人了. 他的眼睛太漂亮了,他的嘴唇