Mike: Trust me! You will if you dumped a terrible man. It’s a divorce cake for God's sake.
相信我. 如果你甩了一个很差劲的男人,你会的.这可是离婚蛋糕啊.
Cathy: Really? I only heard about wedding cakes.
真的? 我只听说过结婚蛋糕.
Mike: So there should be divorce cakes. People tend to celebrate weddings. I think it’s time for giving best wishes for divorcing.
Cathy: You just stole my words. People can mark it in a big and tasty way.
Mike: Why not? Being single again means I am available for another better relationship.
为什么不呢? 恢复单身意味着我又可以来一段更好的恋情了.
Cathy: Are you still disturbing yourself about Jake?
Mike: No. I am over him. He doesn’t even deserve a divorce cake. I would make a dumping husband cake by myself. I can’t kill him in life. But I can make him the ugliest on the cake.
不.我们已经结束了.他根本不配离婚蛋糕.我会自己做一个 “甩夫” 蛋糕.我不能在现实生活中杀了他,但是我可以把蛋糕上的他做的很丑.
Cathy: You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent. We should start a special bakery for heartborken people.
你真的很坏! 知道不?你真的很有天赋啊.我们应该为那些心碎的人开一个特别的烘焙店.
Mike: Good idea. I prefer greenback to men now.
好主意. 我现在更喜欢绿色的东西:美金