Cathy: What would you like to eat tonight? Aren’t you supposed to pay for my dinner this time?
晚上想吃什么? 该是你请我吃了吧.
Mike: What about pig brain soup?
Cathy: Gross! Why people like eating that kind of disgusting food? I am not a brave eater.
Mike: It’s nothing compared with ants and scorpions.
Cathy: Stop it. You are making me want to puke. Where did you get these nasty, awful foods?
Mike: They are not. They are very nutritious actually. And they are getting overwhelmingly popular in Singapore.
Cathy: Don’t ever try to talk me into that kind of food.
Mike: Never jump to a conclusion. People say you need to be brave to eat brains of sheep and pigs, but I’d say you need to be sick to eat balut?
别这么早就下结论嘛! 有人说吃猪脑,羊脑需要勇气.我说你要足够变态,才可以吃活珠子.
Cathy: I have no clue about it and I don’t want to know. You are ruining my appetite. I get to go to the lady’s room.
Mike: Just a second. It’s technically an embryo with an egg shell. It is hairy and … Where is the man’s room, please?
等下.那个其实就是带着蛋壳的胚胎. 它还有毛,而且.. 请问男洗手间在哪里?