G: Hi, Jane. Let's go shopping. We need some new dresses.
J: I wish I could. but I'm broke.
G: Why? Today is payday.
J: But I paid in advance.
G: You bought a new laptop. or something expensive?
J: No. I gave them out in specialized red pocket.
G: Red pocket with money in it? Why not give me?
J: My friends get married. It's our custom to give specialized red pocket.
G: So people are happy to get married.
J: Come on, no kidding. I do have chipped in RMB 2000.
G: I am so sorry you have little money left.
J: But I can get them back at my wedding ceremony.
G: You are supposed to give me a specialized red pocket when I get married, aren't you?
J: Of course not! You're American.
G: Oh, I wish I could marry a Chinese!
1.in advance 提前
2.red pocket 红包
3.come 中的元音/ʌ/弱化成/ə/口语中语速过快时,/ə/弱到不发音,come on 读作/kʌmɒn/。
4.do 用于加强语气,需重读。
5.supposed to 弱读为 supposta/səˈpəʊztə/。
suppose to的弱读
used to—usta读作/ˈju:sdə/。
例:I usta to swim every other day last year.
ought to—otta读作/ˈɒdə/。
例:You gotta get up earlier.
got to—gotta读作/gɒdə/。
例:l gotta work harder now.
I supposed to—supposta/səˈpəʊztə/。
例:Lily is supposta to be responsible for it.