(At the foot of the mountain)
L:Let's begin to climb.
C: Alright. Look! There are many paths. Which one should we choose?
L: Let's take this wider one with big trees. We can catch them if the road is steep.
(After 20 minutes)
L: Do you get a lead foot?
C: Yes, I'm too tired. My legs are killing me!
L: It serves you right. You never do any exercises. Hold on. We will reach the top right away!
C: Don't push me. I'd love to go home.
L: OK, OK. You may rest for a while and catch up with me later.
(On the top of the mountain)
L: Hurry up! We can have a bird's view of the city from the top.
C: Wonderful! I am completely blown away by the scenery.
L: No wonder mountaineering4is so popular now.
C: Yes, and we come to the right place this time.
1.hold on “坚持”,连读作/həul dɔn/。
2.浊擦音/v/遇到清辅音/t/,同化为/f/,love to 读作/lʌftə/。
3.这里 rest 重读,表示强调。
love to中的同化现象
在I'd love to go home这个句子中,love to不读作/lʌvtə/,而是/lʌftə/。这是因为在这两个词中出现了同化现象。当浊擦音后面紧跟着清辅音时,这个浊擦音就要变为相对应的清擦膏,即/v/就变为/f/,love to读作/lʌftə/。类似的情况还有:
has to /hæstə/
five persons /faɪfpɜ:sənz/
have seen /hæfsi:n/