M: Your home decoration is superb.
C: We just finished the whole decoration. We spent one month fitting up our house.
M: Do you have any experience in decorating a house?
C: No. Our designing is done by a Decoration and Design Company. But we don't want to paint with that color. we' redo the bedroom in pink.
M: I do like the droplight and curtain. They are very beautiful.
C: My parents gave the curtain to us as a house warming gift.
M: I notice that most of your furniture is made of wood.
C: Yes. I prefer wooden furniture to metal one. I think it seems much more elegant.
M: I think your bedroom looks great. I like it.
C: Really? My parents are totally against my design. They said it's too complicated.
M: It's always like that, generation gap. How did you finally convince them?
C: I told them that I am the master of my site.
M: That's really cool.
2.want to 在口语中习惯连读为wanna/'wɒnə/。
3.音的重读。do 要重读,强调“确实”的意思。do like 表示“确实喜欢”。
4.音的同化。/d/与/j/连读同化为/dʒ/。did you 读作/'dɪdʒʊ/。
常见口语中的音变—want to与going to的音变
在美国口语中,常会省略某些音,使说话和朗读更加自然流畅。 want to(想要)常会音变为wanna;going to后面接动词,表示“打算做某事”时,常会音变为gonna。具体的变化形式如下:
1.want to→wanna/'wɒnə/
Do you wanna try the Chinese restaurant?
2.going to →gonna/ˈɡɔnə/
Is Mary gonna take dancing this semester?