B:What's for dinner today, honey?
C:I'm making dumplings.
B: Wonderful. What would you like me to do?
C: You prepare the fillings. Chop the filling ingredients and then mix a variety of vegetables into the pork well. Don't forget to add some salt to the stuffing.
B: OK. Oh. you are rolling the dumpling wrappers. That is the tricky part. It's best to get them pretty thin, right?
(After the fillings and wrappers have been prepared)
C: We're filling the dumplings now. Just put a small amount off fillings on the wrapper and then fold the edges of the wrapper together to form a half-moon shape, and press the edges together well.
B: Oh, it's important to seal the edges appropriately. Otherwise, the dumplings may lose their fillings when you cook them.
C: You get it. So, let's be careful.
( While dumplings are boiling)
B: How soon will they be ready?
C: Very soon, please set the table.
1.variety 读作/və'raɪətɪ/,重计在倒数第三个音节上。
2.add sth. to sht. 是指“往……中加入……”。
3.small 的尾音/l/与amount 的首字母音/ə/连读;of 弱化为/əv/。连读为/smɔ:lə'maʊntəv/。
4.lose 和loose 是想似词,注意发音的区别。前者是短音/u/,后者是长音/u:/。
5.set the table 是指“摆放好餐具”。
以-ty,-cy, -phy, -gy 结尾的单词的重读规则
variety读昔为/və'raɪətɪ/,重读在倒数第三个音节上。以-ty,-cy, -phy, -gy 结尾的单词,重读一般都在倒数第三个音节上。如:
possibility /ˌpɒsə'bɪlətɪ/可能性
personality /ˌpɜ:səˈnæləti/人格,个性
policy /'pɒləsɪ/政策
photography /fəˈtɒgrəfi/摄影
biology /baɪˈɒlədʒi/生物学
psychology /saɪ'kɒlədʒɪ/心理学