Yamada: Interesting. and how many children does the "average" woman have?
Smith Sensei: She has 2.1 children.
Yamada: How do you get the "point one"?
Smith Sensei: Very funny.
Yamada: Just kidding. So how tall is the average woman?
Smith Sensei: She is 5 feet 4 inches. I don't know what that is in centimeters.
Yamada: That's okay. I can figure it out. So what else can you tell me about the average American "woman"?
Smith Sensei: She is slightly overweight, about 143 pounds and dieting. Her dress size is size 10 or 12.
Yamada: Wow! That sure isn't the median size in Japan. Japanese women are much smaller!
Smith Sensei: Yes, but as japan adopts the American lifestyle, dress sizes will begin to increase in Japan as well.
Yamada: How true. So, keep going. Tell us more . How about religion?
Smith Sensei: She doesn't go to church on Sunday, but she believes in God.
Yamada: How about money?
Smith Sensei: She makes less than $20,000 a year from her white collar job. She lives in the state where she was born and spends a third of her income on housing.
Yamada: Does she ever move?
Smith Sensei: Yes, as a matter of fact. She'll move an average of 11 times in her life. But nearly all her moves will be within her home state.
Yamada: Tell us some personal information
Smith Sensei: She wear contacts (隐形眼镜)or glasses, makes 6 phone calls a day and ahs a TV, VCR (video cassette recorder) , stereo, or radio on 11 hours a day.
Yamada: How about crime?
Smith Sensei: You mean will she be arrested?
Yamada: No. How is she affected by crime?
Smith Sensei: She'll be a victim of crime an average of 3 times in her life.
Yamada: How about love and marriage?
Smith Sensei: She has a 50% chance of divorce.
Yamada: That's not very encouraging. So what's the single most important fact that you can tell us about the average American woman?
Smith Sensei: Well, she has 10 credit cards.
Yamada: I should have known. Hey, do you know any American woman who's interested in meeting a handsome Japanese man?
Smith Sensei: This isn't a dating service.(我不负责安排男女约会)