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双语读电影 《头脑特工队》第18章 :长期记忆存储库也跟着开裂和倒塌





Chapter  18
In her quiet, empty bedroom, Riley pulled her books out of her backpack and picked up her clothes, ready to pack them in her bag. Then she paused and her expression changed.
Fear was driving. “Are we really doing this? I mean, this is serious,” he said.
Anger pushed Fear aside and took control. “Look,” he said. “We have no core memories. You want Riley to be happy? Let’s get back to Minnesota and make some.” Riley’s worried expression faded and was replaced with anger as she stuffed her clothes into her bag and exited the room.
Out on the cliff, Sadness, Joy, and Bing Bong stared at the empty space where Honesty Island used to be.
“Joy, if we hurry, we can still stop her,” said Sadness, offering a ray of hope.
There was only one island left… and one lightline that they could follow back to Headquarters. “Family Island,” said Joy. “Let’s go!”
They ran along the cliff edge, bolting toward the bridge to Family Island. Sadness saw the island start to quake and yelled, “It’s too dangerous! We won’t make it in time!”
Joy looked out to see pieces of Family Island falling away. “But that’s our only way back!”
The shaking island had caused parts of Long-Term Memory to collapse and break apart. Suddenly, Sadness pointed over to a memory recall tube. The tubes were normally buried deep beneath the shelving of Long-Term Memory, but with all the earthquake-like movement, one of them had become exposed. If they got to it in time, maybe they could get sucked up and sent back to Headquarters.
“A recall tube!” said Joy.
“We can get recalled!” Sadness added.
They ran past the bridge and headed for the tube.
With her bag strapped to her back, Riley walked toward the front door of the house. “Have a great day, sweetheart,” Mom called from the kitchen.
“See you after school, monkey,” Dad added, making monkey noises.
“We love you!” Mom said.
Riley didn’t respond. She just turned and walked right out of the front door, headed for the bus station.
Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong were closing in on the tube, but Family Island quaked and twisted the bridge like a piece of taffy. Then a large piece of the island broke off!
“Go!” shouted Joy. “Run, run!” A nearby cliff cracked and crashed down into the dump, and the ridge where they were just standing fell away. They screamed as they fled the crumbling chunks of land and headed toward the recall tube.
Joy stepped into the lower section of the recall tube first, with Sadness right behind her. But the tube was small and there wasn’t enough room.
Sadness and Joy jostled against each other and the memories inside the bag started to change color. “Whoa, whoa! Sadness!” Joy cautioned. The bag emitted a blue light, and Joy tried to push Sadness away. “Sadness, stop! You’re hurting Riley!” Joy pulled one of the memories out of the bag. It was bright blue. Sadness stepped back, horrified.
“Oh no!” she said. “I did it again!”
“If you get in here, these core memories will be sad,” Joy said.
RUMBLE! Joy looked to see the source of the terrible sound: the family statue on Family Island was breaking apart. Joy didn’t know what to do! She had to make a quick decision. “I’m sorry… Riley needs to be happy.”
Joy pulled the tube closed and began to ride it up to Headquarters… alone.
“Joy?” Sadness called after her friend as she stood with Bing Bong on the cliff.
Then the intense rumbling from below made the cliffside fall and shook the tube apart. Joy fell from the tube. Bing Bong reached for her, but the ground beneath him disintegrated, causing them both to fall into the abyss.
“Joy!” Sadness cried. Feeling helpless as she stood on the cliff’s edge, she buried her face in her hands.

第 18 章

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