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[00:01.38]Kids,everyone has an opinion on how long it takes to recover from a breakup.
[00:01.38]孩子们 对于从情伤中复原需要多长时间 每个人都有自己的看法
[00:05.47]Half the length of the relationship.
[00:07.49]One week for every month you were together.
[00:09.53]Exactly 10,000 drinks.
[00:11.39]However long that takes.
[00:12.81]You can't measure something likehis in time.
[00:15.44]There's a series of steps.
[00:17.28]From her bed to the front door. Bam! Out of there. Next!
[00:17.28]从她床上爬起 走向房门 嗙! 甩门而出 向下一位出发!
[00:21.81]But I think you start to recover the moment you meet that person who gets you back in the game.
[00:21.81]但我想直到你遇到让你重陷爱河的人 你才能复原
[00:27.53]This is the story of how I met that person.
[00:38.32]Now,kids,if you want to go swimming,you don't just dive in.
[00:38.32]那么 孩子们 如果你们想要游泳 你们不能一头猛扎进水里
[00:42.26]First,you dip your toe in the water.
[00:42.26]首先 你们要拿脚尖蘸蘸水
[00:55.06]You check the temperature. See how it feels.
[00:55.06]你们得先试试水温 看看是否合适
[00:58.88]I'm Ted.
[01:30.90]And then you slowly wade in.
[01:33.02]I got left at the altar a month ago.
[01:34.87]Or,you know,cannonball.
[01:34.87]或者 这么说吧 血雨情疯
[01:36.34]It was a complete disaster and ever since then,I haven't been able to even look at another woman.
[01:36.34]那真是场灾难 自那以后 我再也无法正视别的女人一眼了
[01:42.59]Except for the old lady on the subway who break-dances for nickels.
[01:46.31]I don't look at her that way. I just look at her.
[01:46.31]我并不是有什么想法的看着她 就是瞟一眼而已
[01:48.78]I mean,it's an old lady break-dancing.
[01:48.78]我的意思是 就是一胡乱跳舞的老太太
[01:51.34]And she is good.
[01:51.34]不过 她跳得还不错
[01:53.22]I'm going to give her a dollar next time.
[01:56.59]Hey,let's pretend I just said this:
[01:56.59]嘿 让我们假设一下 我刚才其实是这样说的:
[01:59.18]These elevator rides have been the highlight of my week,
[02:02.05]and I'd love to see you again Friday night. Not in the elevator.
[02:02.05]我周五晚上很想再见你一面 不是在电梯里
[02:06.86]At a restaurant,a nice one.
[02:06.86]而是在餐厅 高级餐厅
[02:09.31]What do you say?
[02:25.76]How I Met Your Mother Season04 Episode09
[02:25.76]老爸老妈浪漫史 第四季 第9集
[02:27.76]Kids,I walked in on a lot of crazy stuff at the old apartment over the years.
[02:27.76]孩子们 这几年 我踏进这老房子总会碰见些乌龙的事
[02:34.98]Sorry,guys. I'm just going to go with a bowl of fruit.
[02:34.98]抱歉 伙计们 我看我还是画些水果静物画好了
[02:39.76]It's been 12 minutes!
[02:46.59]- Drop it! - You first!
[02:46.59]- 放下枪! - 你先放下!
[02:48.63]Ike,why are you pointing your gun at me?
[02:48.63]Ike 你为啥要把枪指着我啊?
[02:50.10]Don't use my name!
[02:51.25]Put the guns down,now!
[02:51.25]把枪放下 马上!
[02:58.64]But one of the craziest things I ever walked in on happened when I was roommates with your Aunt Robin.
[02:58.64]但是最让人哭笑不得的事发生在 我和你们Robin阿姨同住的期间
[03:13.32]Who are you?
[03:14.82]I'm Mitch.
[03:18.23]What you doing,Mitch?
[03:18.23]你在干嘛 Mitch?
[03:20.08]Oh,you must be the roommate.
[03:20.08]哦 你一定就是她的室友
[03:22.33]I'm on a date with Robin.
[03:23.62]She had to step outside to take a call.
[03:25.93]I guess her cell phone doesn't work in here.
[03:29.73]Oh,Robin,uh,didn't use the super secret signal.
[03:29.73]哦 Robin 呣 忘了使用顶级秘密的信号
[03:33.67]We-we put this old takeout menu on the doorknob.
[03:33.67]我们-我们一般会把这个以前的我外卖菜单 套在门把手上
[03:37.12]Place went out of business.
[03:38.72]Mr. Wang's... Guess I don't have to explain why that's funny.
[03:38.72]老王家的馆... 我想我都不用解释原因了 太搞笑了
[03:43.72]I'm going to go.
[03:47.93]Um,when you leave,take the seat cushion with you. That's trash now.
[03:47.93]呣 你走的时候 把沙发坐垫也拿走吧 那已经是垃圾了
[03:53.15]I think that I am more than qualified for the job.
[03:56.00]My weaknesses?
[03:57.93]I would say caring too much,working too hard,and putting my career in front of my love life.
[03:57.93]我想是我太苛求完美 工作过于认真 总把工作置于爱情之上
[04:02.85]Whoops,that last one was real. What?
[04:02.85]喔 最后一条绝对是真的 什么?
[04:08.17]Well,it appears our sweet,innocent,little Robin has taken a lover.
[04:08.17]嗯 似乎我们很傻很天真的Robin 开始与情人约会了
[04:13.06]A young blade by the name of Mitch.
[04:15.75]No,her blind date? Total bust.
[04:15.75]不会吧 她的快速约会? 一团糟
[04:17.60]She's been sending me text messages all night.
[04:19.92]She just let him go upstairs to use the bathroom a second ago.
[04:23.71]Excuse me a minute.
[04:23.71]抱歉 我出去一会
[04:28.78]Buddy,you are killing me.
[04:28.78]伙计 你饶了我吧
[04:30.15]I'm kind of in the middle of something here.
[04:32.02]Middle of what?
[04:34.68]This is my move.
[04:36.45]It's called,"The Naked Man."
[04:36.45]它叫做 "裸男计划"
[04:38.37]The Naked Man?
[04:39.86]Goes like this: You're on a first date,you've had a few drinks,
[04:39.86]它是这样的:你和女生第一次约会 你们喝了点小酒
[04:44.38]You make an excuse to go up to the girl's apartment.
[04:46.73]So,the bathroom's right there.
[04:46.73]那么 洗浴室就在那边
[04:49.98]- You know what,I'm going to grab this. - Okay.
[04:49.98]- 你看 我得去接一下 - 好的
[04:53.37]Then,once she leaves the room,you strip down naked and wait.
[04:53.37]然后 当她离开房间 你脱光衣服 等她回来
[04:58.53]When she comes back,she laughs.
[04:58.53]当她回来时 她会心一笑
[05:02.23]She's so charmed by your confidence and bravado,she sleeps with you.
[05:02.23]她将被你的自信与勇气迷倒 和你上床
[05:08.82]There is no way that works!
[05:11.01]Two out of three times.
[05:12.63]Two out of three times?
[05:14.47]Two out of three times.
[05:16.08]You just have to pick your spot.
[05:17.94]The Naked Man is best used as a last resort,
[05:20.68]kind of a Hail Mary on a first date when you know there's not going to be a second one.
[05:20.68]一般是第一次约会的救命稻草 如果你判定你们不会有下次约会的话
[05:24.93]How do you know there's not going to be a second date?
[05:26.60]- Ted,look at me. - I'd rather not,Mitch.
[05:26.60]- Ted 你看看我 - 我可不想看 Mitch
[05:29.40]Robiis way out of my league.
[05:29.40]Robin 不爱我这一型的
[05:31.63]I'm not smart,funny or handsome.
[05:31.63]我不聪明 不幽默也不帅 (还挺明白的嘛)
[05:34.63]And as you can plainly see,there's nothing impressive going on anywhere around here.
[05:34.63]就如你所见 我浑身上下没有哪处让你印象深刻的
[05:39.90]My only shot with a girl like Robin is the element of surprise.
[05:39.90]我能和Robin这样的女孩约会 唯一的机会就是出其不意
[05:42.91]And,let's be honest,a little pity.
[05:42.91]而且 老实说 是有点悲哀
[05:46.37]It's shock and "aw."
[05:46.37]一般她们是很吃惊的 但是不是赞叹 而是叹气的"噢"
[05:49.81]This doesn't really work.
[05:51.09]Two out of three times. Guaranteed.
[05:51.09]十试九爽 我保证
[05:54.93]No way.
[05:56.23]Two out of three times.
[05:58.50]He guaranteed it.
[05:59.73]Oh,come on.
[05:59.73]哦 得了吧
[06:01.22]There is no way that's going to work on Robin.
[06:03.31]She's going to walk in there,take one look at that idiot and send him packing.
[06:03.31]她只会走过去 瞧那个白痴一眼 给他扫地出门
[06:06.59]Yeah,she might kick his ass first.
[06:06.59]没错 她可能会先给他屁屁来一脚
[06:08.52]Yeah,she might get her gun and shoot him.
[06:08.52]没错 没准还给他一枪
[06:16.12]走 走!
[06:19.36]My God! It worked.
[06:19.36]天啊! 管用了
[06:21.99]Mr. Wang's is back in business?
[06:29.64]The Naked Man works!
[06:32.16]This is going to revolutionize the one-night stand!
[06:35.29]This is like the forward pass in football.
[06:38.18]The slam dunk in basketball.
[06:40.19]The haircutting technique where they hold it between their fingers and cut right above it.
[06:40.19]就像理发师挑起几缕头发 在上面嚯嚯开剪的功夫
[06:43.52]It's a total game changer!
[06:45.43]Barney,this guy slept with Robin,who you claim to be in love with.
[06:45.43]Barney 那家伙和Robin上床 你不是声称爱着她吗
[06:49.20]How can you be excited about this?
[06:51.52]Lily,"The Naked Man" is bigger than me and Robin.
[06:51.52]Lily "裸男计划" 比我和Robin的事还要重要
[06:56.55]All these years,I have been busting my hump,
[06:56.55]这些年来 我使劲浑身解数
[06:59.92]with my secret identities and my tricks and my gadgets.
[06:59.92]使用我的秘密身份 我的技巧和我的小道具
[07:04.32]I mean,I'm like Batman.
[07:04.32]我的意思是 我就像蝙蝠侠
[07:06.85]But this Mitch fellow,he's Superman.
[07:06.85]但这个叫Mitch的家伙 他是超人
[07:08.96]He just rips off his clothes and he's good to go.
[07:08.96]他只是把衣服一脱 然后就成了
[07:11.38]What kind of gadgets are we talking about?
[07:15.08]So,this is what it's going to be like,us living together?
[07:15.08]那么 我们住在一起 就像这样 发生这种事?
[07:16.95]I come home,and guys you're dating are just going to be sitting on the couch,naked.
[07:16.95]我回到家 看到和你约会的家伙光着身子坐在沙发上
[07:20.93]Well,I wish I could say no.
[07:20.93]嗯 我也不想那样的
[07:23.42]I still cannot believe the "Naked Man" worked on you.
[07:23.42]我真不敢相信 "裸男计划"竟然对你管用
[07:26.58]Well,what can I say?
[07:26.58]那么 我说什么好呢?
[07:27.81]Okay,I went in there,and he was naked.
[07:27.81]好吧 我进屋 看到他裸着身
[07:30.58]It was funny.
[07:32.01]I laughed,he laughed.
[07:32.01]我笑了 他也笑了
[07:34.60]And then it just kind of happened. I don't know.
[07:34.60]然后就这样发生了 我也不知道怎么回事
[07:40.35]I call "slut!"
[07:40.35]我要说 "贱人!"
[07:43.19]Excuse me?
[07:44.34]I'm sorry,Robin,but you hooking up with this guy makes it seem like the only thing standing
[07:44.34]我很抱歉 Robin 但是你和那家伙上床就好像是证明了
[07:47.24]between you and sex is clothes.
[07:51.10]I didn't just sleep with Mitcbecause he was naked.
[07:51.10]我和Mitch上床不仅仅是因为 他那时光着身子
[07:54.33]Then why did you sleep with him?
[07:55.44]Because... he,um... He,uh...
[07:55.44]因为... 他 呣 ... 他 呣...
[07:59.57]uh,because I care about Mitch. A lot.
[07:59.57]呣 因为我很在乎Mitch 非常在乎
[08:04.18]There was a,uh,connection of specialness.
[08:04.18]这跟 呣 一种特殊的感觉有关
[08:09.02]Of,uh,specialness and feelings.
[08:09.02]一种 呣 特殊的感觉
[08:12.24]It was because he was naked.
[08:13.89]And I'm sorry,but I don't approve.
[08:13.89]我很抱歉 但我不敢苟同
[08:15.49]There is only one reason to sleep with somebody,and that is "love."
[08:15.49]和别人上床只有一个原因 那就是"爱情"
[08:22.45]Yeah,Marshall's a big girl because he believes in true love
[08:22.45]没错 Marshall是个傻妞 因为他相信真爱
[08:25.44]and just finished reading The Notebook because the secretaries bullied him into joining Oprah's Book Club.
[08:25.44]而且刚刚读完小说<记事本> 因为秘书们逼他加入奥普拉图书俱乐部
[08:29.20]Fine! But you know I'm right.
[08:29.20]好吧! 但你们知道我是对的
[08:31.36]Marshall,I love you,but there's lots of reasons to have sex.
[08:31.36]Marshall 我爱你 但还有很多其他原因可以上床的
[08:35.22]Name one.
[08:35.93]- I can name 50. - No,you can't.
[08:35.93]- 我可以举50个 - 不 你不能
[08:38.10]Number one: last Thursday.
[08:47.19]- Hey,Marshall,want to do it? - I'm up.
[08:47.19]- 嘿 Marshall 想做吗? - 我这就来了
[08:51.21]You befouled our marital bed because you couldn't get to sleep?
[08:55.69]You're the one who said,"That shadow on the ceilin looks like a scary toothless clown."
[08:55.69]是你说"天花板上的那个黑影 真像个恐怖的无牙小丑"
[08:59.82]Good night,Lily."
[08:59.82]"晚安 Lily"
[09:01.48]Fine! That's one.
[09:01.48]好吧! 算是吧
[09:02.77]- But I defy you to name... - I'm going to name 50.
[09:02.77]- 但是我敢说你举不到... - 我就举50个例子给你看看
[09:06.20]There's "makeup" sex...
[09:06.20]还有 "化妆"性爱...
[09:08.54]breakup sex,Hmm...
[09:08.54]分手性爱 呣 ...
[09:10.00]and "your friend just told you about a new-position" sex.
[09:10.00]还有 "你老友刚告诉你一个新姿势"性爱
[09:13.12]You're welcome.
[09:15.23]There's also "revenge",rebound, paratrooping.
[09:15.23]还有 报复 复合 天降奇兵式性爱
[09:20.51]You know,when you go out of town but instead of getting a hotel room,
[09:20.51]你们知道 当你们出城去 没住宾馆
[09:22.90]you go straight to a bar with the sole intention of hooking up with a girl so you have a place to stay.
[09:22.90]你们去到酒吧 只有一个目的 就是泡上一个有房的妞儿 这样你就有地方住了
[09:26.82]Oh,you mean "banging for roof."
[09:26.82]哦 你是说 "寄宿式"
[09:30.50]I don't do it. My college roommate did it.
[09:30.50]我可没做过 是我的大学室友
[09:32.64]Oh,no,no,Robin,I just have a bad cough.
[09:32.64]哦 不 不 Robin 我刚咳嗽了
[09:34.92]I don't really have a bad cough.
[09:37.27]We all know college roommate means you,slut!
[09:37.27]我们都知道那个所谓大学室友 就是你自己 贱人!
[09:42.24]Does anyone have a lozenge?
[09:44.74]Ooh,ooh,ooh,I've got one.
[09:44.74]噢 噢 噢 我想到了
[09:46.27]Nothing good on television sex.
[09:49.06]Hotel room sex.
[09:50.82]Curiosity,as in...
[09:50.82]好奇性爱 例如 ...
[09:53.38]"I've always wondered what it's like to have sex with a really tall girl.
[09:56.95]Not a big girl,just a tall girl.
[09:56.95]不是五大三粗的 只是高个子
[10:02.73]if a normal girl were seven,seven-and-a-half-feet tall
[10:02.73]如果女生普通身高就有7-7.5英尺高 (相当于2.13米到2.28米)
[10:08.50]and wore a denim miniskirt.
[10:13.05]I would have to know what that is like.
[10:17.86]32 reasons later...
[10:18.97]"He said he loved you,...."
[10:18.97]"他说他爱你 但你不能同样的话回应..."
[10:23.70]Wingman diving on the friend grenade.
[10:27.55]The condoms are about to expire.
[10:35.22]Wow,this is getting a little hard.
[10:35.22]哇 越来越难了(硬了)
[10:41.28]Okay,four more to go.
[10:41.28]好吧 还有四条
[10:43.83]"You dropped a Cheeto on his lap "and when you reached for it,he thought you were making a move,"
[10:43.83]"你的奇多掉他膝盖上了 你过去捡的时候 他以为你开始前戏了"
[10:48.81]so you just went with it.
[10:51.38]Well,thank you for ruining the memory of our six-month anniversary.
[10:51.38]好吧 多谢你毁了 我们结婚六个月纪念日的回忆
[10:54.90]You got me Cheetos.
[10:57.20]Look,can we just stop with this stupid list?
[10:57.20]听着 我们能不能不再想这份愚蠢的列表?
[10:59.53]Okay,you guys are making me sad.
[10:59.53]好了 你们让我觉得郁闷了
[11:01.10]No,I'm having fun.
[11:01.10]不要嘛 我只是找点乐子
[11:03.20]Man,this whole "one-partner" thing sucks sometimes.
[11:03.20]伙计 从一而终有时候也有点糟糕的
[11:06.49]I'm always talking about you.
[11:08.54]I can't play "I never" because then everyone would know all the weird stuff I let you do to me.
[11:08.54]我不能玩"我从没..."的游戏 因为这样 大家就会知道我让你对我做过的怪事
[11:13.62]The only weird thing I ever did to you was open up my heart and soul
[11:13.62]我对你做过最奇怪的事就是 对你敞开心扉
[11:17.26]when all I had to do was strip naked while you were out of the room.
[11:17.26]而其实只要你离开房间的时候我脱光光 就万事大吉了
[11:20.21]I di't sleep with Mitch because he was naked!
[11:23.39]Mitch and I have something special.
[11:25.33]I mean,fingers crossed,guys. He maye the one.
[11:25.33]祝我好运吧 他可能就是我的真命天子
[11:27.76]The one? Mitch? The Naked Man?
[11:27.76]真命天子? Mitch? 那个裸男?
[11:30.32]You mean the naked genius.
[11:32.50]All these years I've been suiting up when I should have been suiting down.
[11:32.50]这些年来 我该脱的时候都没脱
[11:36.42]That's it. I am doing "The Naked Man" tonight.
[11:36.42]就这么办 我今晚要做"裸男"
[11:40.13]- Ted,so are you. - What?
[11:40.13]- Ted 你也是 - 什么?
[11:41.68]With the elevator girl. You're going out with her tonight,right?
[11:41.68]和电梯女孩 你今晚是不是要和她约会?
[11:43.51]- "Naked Man!" - No.
[11:43.51]- 裸男计划! - 不
[11:45.24]Barney,come on,this is the first girl I've had the courage to ask out since Stella.
[11:45.24]Barney 拜托 这是自从Stella之后 我第一次鼓起勇气约女孩出来
[11:48.40]Naked Man!
[11:49.58]No,Barney,this is the eighth outfit I tried on tonight!
[11:49.58]不行 Barney 我今晚试了八套衣服!
[11:51.95]I got my hair cut three times! I'm a nervous wreck!
[11:51.95]我剪了三次头发! 我非常紧张!
[11:55.05]Are you wearing makeup?
[11:57.93]It's not makeup!
[11:59.32]Okay,it's a sunscreen with a subtle tint of...
[11:59.32]好吧 这是一种细腻的浅色乳霜...
[12:03.38]It's made for men.
[12:05.98]Sue me,I want my eyes to pop.
[12:05.98]有本事告我去 我只是想突出我的眼睛
[12:10.13]Naked Man!
[12:11.53]No,Barney,I like Vicky.
[12:11.53]不 Barney 我喜欢Vicky
[12:13.09]This could actually go somewhere.
[12:14.42]I don't want to do anything stupid to jeopardize it.
[12:16.96]Well,I really like... that girl,but...
[12:16.96]我真喜欢...那个女孩 但是...
[12:21.44]Oh,I didn't see her from the back.
[12:24.18]I really like... that girl.
[12:27.49]And I'm willing to jeopardize our future together for one night of glory.
[12:27.49]而且我要为了一夜豪情 放弃我们的未来
[12:33.28]Naked Man!
[12:36.04]So,that night we all set out to prove something.
[12:36.04]所以 那晚我们都开始证实一些事
[12:38.85]Robin wanted to defend her honor.
[12:40.83]Mih,hey,baby,it's me. Robin.
[12:40.83]Mitch 嗨 亲爱的 是我 Robin
[12:46.36]Do you want to grab some dinner tonight?
[12:49.37]Because you're basically my boyfriend!
[12:52.75]Lily needed to prove that she could finish her list.
[12:55.84]I'm stuck. I can't think of the last two.
[12:55.84]我卡住了 我想不出来最后两个
[13:00.84]Reason number 48: To reinforce good behaviors such as shaving and dental hygiene."
[13:00.84]第48个原因 为了更好的形象 比如修面和口腔卫生
[13:06.26]Oh,now you're conditioning me? Great!
[13:06.26]现在你开始干预我了? 太好了!
[13:08.08]That explains why I always get an erection when I floss.
[13:08.08]这就解释了 为什么当我每次用牙线时都会勃起
[13:12.49]I had to prove that as scary as it was to be dating again,
[13:15.46]I was over Stella and ready to get back out there.
[13:15.46]我已经忘记Stella 开始新生活
[13:18.24]And Barney needed to prove that he,too,could pull off "The Naked Man."
[13:21.78]Hey,thank you for letting me look at your aquarium. You're a real life saver.
[13:21.78]谢谢你让我看你的鱼缸 你真是个善良"救命"的人啊
[13:24.91]Sure,no problem.
[13:26.30]I just need to use the bathroom and I'll be on my way.
[13:26.30]我得用一下你的洗手间 然后我就离开
[13:35.97]Ted,I'm doing it. I'm doing the "Naked Man"!
[13:35.97]Ted 我准备好了 我要做裸男!
[13:46.56]I'm doing it! I'm doing The Naked Man!
[13:46.56]我也是! 我也要做裸男!
[13:48.94]That's great!
[13:50.41]What made you change your mind?
[13:51.50]Well,uhte with Vicky started off okay,but it didn't go as well as I hoped.
[13:51.50]开始和Vicky一切都还好 可是之后的事情就不在我预想之中了
[13:55.99]Oh,my God! Ted,you are so funny!
[13:55.99]上帝呀! Ted 你真幽默!
[13:59.16]And can I just say,you have amazing eyes.
[13:59.16]而且 你有一双迷人的眼睛
[14:02.52]What,these old things?
[14:02.52]什么 就这俩老东西?
[14:05.62]Nice job,hot shot.
[14:05.62]干得好 想烫死我啊
[14:07.31]- I'm sorry... - Save it!
[14:07.31]- 对不起... - 省省吧!
[14:08.66]Go tell the manager he owes us an appetizer.
[14:08.66]去告诉你们经理 他欠我们一道开胃菜
[14:11.46]One of the ones with shrimp!
[14:13.94]You're welcome. You were saying?
[14:13.94]不客气 你刚才想说什么?
[14:16.39]And then his cane missed the top step,and he was falling,for,I swear,like two minutes.
[14:16.39]他的拐杖漏掉最后一级台阶 然后他就摔倒了 我发誓 在那两分钟里...
[14:23.03]Oh,God,I love old people.
[14:29.35]Once I realized there was no possible future in this relationship,I just decided to go for it.
[14:29.35]我意识到我们之间没有发展的可能 所以我要放手一搏
[14:34.62]Okay,big question: What pose will you display your "Naked Man" in?
[14:34.62]重中之重 你打算摆个什么裸男造型?
[14:40.94]Wow,that is a big question. I hadn't really thought about it.
[14:40.94]哇 真是个棘手的问题 我还没想过呢
[14:43.26]I was thinking the "Superman."
[14:47.63]Uh,what about the "Captain Morgan"?
[14:52.17]How about the "Oops,I didn't see you there"?
[14:52.17]"不好意思 没想到你在这里" 这个姿势行不行?
[14:57.03]The Thinker?
[14:59.65]What about the Heisman?
[15:02.57]Mr. Clean?
[15:06.41]The Burt Reynolds.
[15:06.41]Burt Reynolds (美国演员 曾经在杂志上刊登过全裸照片)
[15:15.65]It's so great to see you again.
[15:20.92]I-I really had a great time last night.
[15:28.55]So,what is it like managing a C.P.K.?
[15:31.59]I mean,who's idea was it to put a pineapple in the...
[15:33.71]Okay,stop right there. I know what this is.
[15:33.71]行了 别说了 我知道你是怎么回事
[15:36.76]I've been on this date before.
[15:38.12]This is the "I'm not a slut" date.
[15:40.37]What? That's crazy.
[15:40.37]什么? 你怎么会这么想
[15:42.69]Usually u read me so well,but this time you're wrong.
[15:42.69]你通常很了解我 但这次你错了
[15:45.61]Come on,Rob.
[15:45.61]拜托 Robin
[15:46.95]One of us had a good time last night,and we both know it was me.
[15:46.95]咱们都心知肚明 昨晚走运的是我
[15:50.63]Oh,Mitchell Something,that is,that is just not true!
[15:50.63]Mitchell 姓什么忘了 不是这样的!
[15:55.16]Really? How was the sex?
[15:55.16]真的吗? 那场性爱怎么样?
[15:56.95]I didn't hate it.
[15:58.34]Robin,you've seen my move. That's it.
[15:58.34]Robin 你中了我的招 仅此而已
[16:02.50]I have nothing else to offer you.
[16:04.97]I'm broke,I sweat when I eat,and I'm in,like,five different fantasy football leagues.
[16:04.97]我破产了 我吃饭的时候出汗 而且我参加了5个想象中的橄榄球队联盟
[16:09.45]It's all I talk about.
[16:11.14]Trust me,you don't want to be around that.
[16:11.14]相信我 你不会想和我在一起的
[16:12.71]What? Yes,I do!
[16:12.71]什么? 我当然愿意!
[16:15.38]Look,I didn't just sleep with you because you were naked.
[16:15.38]听着 我跟你上床并不是因为你脱光了
[16:18.14]Yeah,you did.
[16:19.86]And now you're trying to pretend it was something more to make yourself feel better.
[16:19.86]现在你想安慰自己 就假装咱们之间有未来
[16:23.91]Say what you will,at least "The Naked Man" is honest.
[16:23.91]坦率点吧 至少裸男是诚实的
[16:28.97]What about the ol' "Coppertone Baby"?
[16:34.97]The Olympic gymnast who stuck the landing.
[16:40.80]- Yeah,I got to go. - Naked Man!
[16:40.80]- 我要挂电话了 - 裸男!
[16:46.54]You have a really nice place!
[16:48.33]Oh,thanks! Coming from you,that's a real compliment.
[16:48.33]谢谢! 从你口中说出来 真是由衷的赞美
[16:51.19]I just love that you're an architect,it's so fascinating.
[16:51.19]我非常喜欢你的职业 建筑师实在太迷人了
[16:53.81]I could listen to you talk about structural design all night.
[16:58.30]And then I noticed,lying on her end table,a book of love poems by Pablo Neruda.
[16:58.30]后来我发现在她的茶几上 有一本Pablo Neruda的爱情诗集
[17:03.02]The same edition I'd d nce college.
[17:05.39]And it was bookmarked to my favorite poem.
[17:05.39]而且夹书签的那页 是我最爱的一首诗
[17:09.86]Maybe I was all wrong about this girl.
[17:12.48]Maybe there was a future for us.
[17:23.11]Here we go.
[17:26.16]Pablo Neruda.
[17:26.16]Pablo Neruda
[17:28.08]Oh,yeah,that book's a turd.
[17:31.27]Some douchey guy I hooked up with left it here.
[17:33.19]It's all in Mexican.
[17:36.09]You know who writes good poems? Jewel.
[17:36.09]你知道谁能写好诗吗? Jewel
[17:39.25]Her teeth are crooked and she lived in a car.
[17:39.25]她长着歪牙 住在车里
[17:42.86]- So,she has stuff to write about. - Ta-dah!
[17:42.86]- 她才有素材可写 - 嗒哒!
[18:01.35]The Naked Man works!
[18:02.73]I just had decent sex with an awful human being.
[18:05.07]I am back!
[18:06.22]恭喜你 兄弟
[18:08.15]You're not the only one who rocked "The ked Man" tonight.
[18:12.21]You just want to do it to change the subject.
[18:16.52]Hey,that's number 49!
[18:19.24]Did it work?
[18:21.27]It's like I just flossed.
[18:23.68]I love you.
[18:25.91]That's 50.
[18:29.52]Nice! What pose did you go with?
[18:29.52]太好了! 你摆的什么造型?
[18:31.18]I went with "I've got boobs."
[18:32.89]And she nailed it.
[18:36.27]Oh,my God! Guys,guys,guys! This is him!
[18:36.27]上帝啊! 同志们! 就是他!
[18:39.00]This is "The Naked Man"!
[18:40.27]Um,Ted,his name is Mitch.
[18:40.27]Ted 他叫Mitch
[18:42.62]And,um,he's my boyfriend. So...
[18:42.62]而且 他是我的男朋友 所以...
[18:44.69]It's okay,Robin. I no longer ll "slut."
[18:44.69]没关系 Robin 我不会再说你是荡妇了
[18:47.15]- Oh,okay. u can go. We're done. - Thanks.
[18:47.15]- 好吧 你可以走了 这儿没你的事了 - 谢谢
[18:50.79]Hold on,Mitch,Mitch,I have to thank you.
[18:50.79]等一下 Mitch Mitch 我得谢谢你
[18:53.67]We all tried "The Naked Man" tonight.
[18:55.52]Ooh,we should see how Barney did.
[19:03.22]Hi,is,uh,is Barney there?
[19:03.22]嗨 Barney在吗?
[19:06.18]Oh,my God! What's the matter with you? Get out!
[19:06.18]我的上帝! 你有什么毛病啊? 滚出去!
[19:09.41]I just have to grab my suit. It's very expensive.
[19:09.41]我得拿走我的衣服 很贵的
[19:11.23]- The tie alone... - Get out of here right now!
[19:11.23]- 就那个领带也值... - 马上滚出去!
[19:13.16]Get out,you sick son of a bitch!
[19:13.16]滚 你这个狗娘养的变态!
[19:15.72]Call me.
[19:18.14]And if I see him again,I'm calling the cops.
[19:18.14]如果再让我碰见他 我就报警
[19:24.81]Two out of three times.
[19:27.72]Mitch,I want you to know,this night,crazy as it was,it got me out of my shell.
[19:27.72]Mitch 我想告诉你 今晚很疯狂 同时也让我走出阴影
[19:33.80]That's the beauty of "The Naked Man."
[19:35.74]It gives you exactly what you need.
[19:37.47]No more,no less.
[19:41.26]Now,if you'll excuse me,I need to replace one of my fantasy football quarterbacks.
[19:41.26]请原谅 我得去换下我幻想中的四分卫了
[19:46.18]He separated his shoulder!
[19:52.83]A toast... to Mitch.
[19:57.99]By the sum of his parts,he is just a man.
[19:57.99]从某方面来看 他只是个男人而已
[20:01.63]But by what he does with those parts,he becomes so much more.
[20:01.63]但从他的所作所为看 他太伟大了
[20:05.10]He may not fit society's definition of a hero,but he is the hero I needed.
[20:05.10]或许他不符合公众对英雄的定义 但他就是我所需的英雄
[20:09.95]The hero who helped me recover from the disaster of my failed almost-marriage
[20:09.95]他是帮我从即将成功但最终 功亏一篑的婚姻中重生...
[20:13.36]and get back into thgame.
[20:15.30]He lives in the shadows.
[20:16.76]Is he a dream? Truth? Fiction? Damnation? Salvation?
[20:16.76]他是个梦境? 是真实 虚幻 诅咒 还是救世?
[20:20.99]He is all these things and none of them.
[20:20.99]他好像就是这一切 但是又虚无缥缈...
[20:23.08]For he is... The Naked Man.
[20:29.33]Oh,my God!
[20:42.00]Oh,thank God.

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