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[00:02.00]- 嗨 - 嘿 伙计们 最近怎么样?
[00:07.82]我们刚与Stella的妹妹跟她的未婚夫吃饭 他们要比我们先一步结婚
[00:11.34]你们知道一个女人从小的时候就 幻想着一个完美的婚礼吗?
[00:14.85]- Yeah. - Totally
[00:14.77]- 知道 - 完全理解
[00:16.36]我妹妹完全把我的梦幻婚礼抢走了 每一个细节
[00:20.23]地点在Shelter岛 时间在黄昏
[00:22.55]就在沙滩上的旧屋里 跟我的家人一起度过
[00:35.02]哦 我是个素食者 我一直认为 吃荤其实是一种谋杀行为
[00:52.09]好的 新目标 我要我们的婚礼 彻底把他们的比下去
[00:56.45]我要把他们的婚礼扔进马桶 然后冲够20次水
[01:01.94]哦 Ted 在高中的时候 你恨死婚礼了 对吧?
[01:06.53]要知道 她总是想要把我比下去 我爱她 但是在心里阴暗的一面还是希望她结不成婚
[01:12.97]我恨他 我恨他 我恨死他 天 这牛排真好吃
[01:17.77]4天前 他去营养师那边 咨询各种食物的维生素含量
[01:21.18]我为他放弃了化妆品 放弃了淋浴 放弃了剃腋毛
[01:29.18]现在马上举行婚礼了 我真的很想要培根做餐点 我很喜欢 但是不能修改了 得花上好几千美元
[01:36.09]孩子们 当你们恋爱的时候 两个人是有默契和感应的
[01:41.27]What do you think? We could help her out.
[01:41.19]你说呢? 我们可以帮帮她
[01:44.39]No,Stella,weshould help her out.
[01:44.31]不 Stella 我们应该帮帮她
[01:48.74]Let's pay for dinner.
[01:51.57]Nora. Don't worry.
[01:51.49]Nora 别担心
[01:54.68]We got this.
[01:56.12]That's right.
[01:57.14]We'll take over your wedding, pay you back for everything you spent.
[01:57.06]我们会承包下你的婚礼 把你花费的钱都还给你
[02:00.18]Ted and I will get married this Sunday.
[02:18.07]How I Met Your Mother Season04 Episode05
[02:17.99]老爸老妈浪漫史 第四季 第5集
[02:22.81]We're getting married this Sunday?
[02:25.31]Are we sure we're ready for this?
[02:26.95]Ted,I wasted years trying to get Lucy's dad to decide he was "ready" for this,
[02:26.87]Ted 我浪费了几年的时间去 说服Lucy的爸爸认为他已经准备好
[02:32.10]but he never got ready for this. That's why we never got married.
[02:32.02]但他从来都没有准备好 所以我们就永远结不了
[02:35.48]Come on,let's just be spontaneous.
[02:35.40]来吧 我们要主动出击
[02:37.76]I used to dream that Tony would be spontaneous like this.
[02:41.53]Okay,I'm in.
[02:41.45]好吧 我加入
[02:43.42]And I'm also... spontaneous.
[02:50.26]I wish I hadn't done that.
[02:53.30]Kids,morals usually come at the end of stories, but this one is so important,
[02:53.22]孩子们 通常故事的最后才会说出 它的意义所在 不过这次是特别的重要
[02:57.41]I'm gonna tell you now: Don't ever,ever invite an ex to your wedding.
[02:57.33]我要现在就告诉你们: 永远不要邀请旧情人参加你的婚礼
[03:02.10]If someone had given me that advice, well,it would have changed everything.
[03:02.02]如果之前就有人告诫过我 可能一切都将会不同
[03:05.49]Come on,you've got to come, it's my wedding.
[03:05.41]拜托 你一定得来 这是我的婚礼啊
[03:07.83]I can't. I'm in Tokyo.
[03:07.75]不行啊 我在东京
[03:09.97]It's my first week on the job. I can't just take off.
[03:09.89]这是我工作的第一个星期 我不能就这样离开
[03:13.39]Plus,I'm finally doing serious news.
[03:13.31]而且 我终于可以播报一些重要的新闻了
[03:18.26]Robin was doing serious news.
[03:20.44]It was the number one English news network in Japan.
[03:22.86]Of course,the news was a little different over there.
[03:22.78]不过 播报的方式有点不一样
[03:28.80]The Federal Reserve Board voted to leave interest...
[03:32.72]rates unchanged.
[03:34.53]It's my wedding. You have to be there.
[03:34.45]那是我的婚礼啊 你一定要到
[03:36.69]Okay. Okay. I'll be there.
[03:36.61]好吧 好吧 我会参加的
[03:38.59]Whoops,I gotta go.
[03:38.51]噢 我得挂了
[03:41.55]Good evening.
[03:45.03]And I'm Robin Scherbatsky.
[03:44.95]我是Robin Scherbatsky
[03:47.96]Peace talks were stalled once again in the Middle East.
[03:50.73]Despite a promising start in the latest negotiations, talks foundered on security issues.
[03:50.65]尽管谈判的开始是充满希望的 可是就安全问题方面谈判破裂
[03:57.83]- She's in. - Yes!
[03:57.75]- 她会来 - 太好了!
[03:59.70]All right,Ted, your bachelor party,tonight.
[03:59.62]好了 Ted 今晚是你的单身派对
[04:01.86]I have got three of the most physically and morally flexible exotic dancers you've ever seen...
[04:01.78]我请了三个你见过的身体跟精神上 都最棒的异国舞者...
[04:06.95]Can't,there's no time.
[04:06.87]不行 没时间了
[04:07.71]Okay, I'll let you know how it goes.
[04:07.63]好吧 我会告诉你以后的事情的
[04:08.97]Marshall,we should really rent the cars for tomorrow,huh?
[04:08.89]Marshall 我们得为明天租车 是吧?
[04:17.07]No "Don't get married,Ted"?
[04:16.99]不 "不要结婚啊 Ted"?
[04:19.41]No "You're making a big mistake,Ted"?
[04:19.33]不 "你这样做大错特错 Ted"?
[04:22.39]Barney Stinson...
[04:22.31]Barney Stinson...
[04:23.93]are you no longer committed to the war on marriage?
[04:27.68]No,I just know a hopeless cause when I see it.
[04:27.60]不是 我只知道当我看到它的时候 就知道已经毫无希望了
[04:30.85]It's the same reason I don't recycle.
[04:33.07]Plus,Ted getting married is in my best interest.
[04:32.99]再说 Ted要结婚是我最为关注的事情
[04:37.53]You see...
[04:38.66]lately I've been working on a problem of the utmost importance.
[04:43.87]I confess I was stumped.
[04:45.68]Until one night I decided to tackle it once and for all.
[05:02.99]Then,at last, I cracked the code.
[05:02.91]最后 我破解了译码
[05:13.27]So you're back on Robin.
[05:16.53]I mean,this weekend is the best chance ever to hook up with her again.
[05:20.28]You'll never pull it off. There's too many distractions.
[05:20.20]会出现许多障碍的 有太多的干扰了
[05:23.10]The first drunk bridesmaid you see,
[05:25.45]you'll have your head under her dress like an old-time photographer.
[05:25.37]你会像个旧时的摄影师 把头钻进她的裙底里去的
[05:29.20]Lily,don't cheapen this.
[05:29.12]Lily 别说得那么下流
[05:31.59]I don't want to sound all mushy-gushy and romantic,
[05:35.54]but this weekend,Robin is the only woman I'm banging.
[05:35.46]但这个周末 Robin将会是我唯一会上的女人
[05:40.16]And so,the day before our wedding, Stella and I made the trip up to Shelter Island.
[05:40.08]于是 在婚礼的前一天 Stella和我开车去Shelter岛
[05:45.06]With everyone else not far behind.
[05:47.98]Zitch dog.
[05:47.90]Zitch dog (找狗游戏术语 第二季Ted和Marshall玩过)
[05:52.18]This isn't exactly where I pictured Ted getting married.
[05:52.10]这里并非是我想象当中 Ted要结婚的地方
[05:55.36]"The Namaste Yoga and Meditation Collective."
[05:58.52]I don't know about you guys, but Nama-stay here any longer than I have to.
[05:58.44]你们的想法我不清楚 但是我想尽早离开这里
[06:03.40]Sweetie,go check in with that dirty hippie over there and we'll get some drinks.
[06:03.32]亲爱的 去那个嬉皮女去打个招呼 我们去拿些饮料
[06:10.24]So,what scotches you got?
[06:13.07]Oh,here at the center, we have a very strict no-alcohol policy.
[06:12.99]哦 这个中心是严禁喝酒的
[06:18.72]Great,and all the meals are included,right?
[06:18.64]太好了 每顿饭全包了 对吧?
[06:20.72]Yep,and they're all 100% vegan.
[06:20.64]对 而且100%是素菜
[06:25.00]No. I need alcohol.
[06:24.92]不 我要喝酒
[06:27.70]I'm not gonna get Robin with this stuff.
[06:30.78]Look at this. Berry Blaster Brain Revitalizer.
[06:30.70]看这个 果浆搅拌大脑革命汁
[06:35.62]My God,some of these drinks could actually make a girl smarter.
[06:35.54]天啊 这些饮料还可能会让人变得聪明
[06:38.44]What sort of hell has Ted brought us to?
[06:40.48]- There's no meat. - There's no alcohol.
[06:40.40]- 没肉吃 - 没酒喝
[06:44.05]It gets worse: I'm 90% sure that guy you were talking with used to be lead singer of the Spin Doctors.
[06:43.97]还有更糟的呢: 我肯定刚才跟你们 说话的人九成以前是Spin Doctors的主唱
[06:51.72]Hey,guys, Stella and I have a little problem.
[06:51.64]嘿 伙计们 Stella和我有些小麻烦
[06:55.78]Oh,the programs look great.
[06:55.70]哦 这些节目都挺棒的
[06:58.09]I mean,it's not our names on the front, but otherwise,really nice.
[06:58.01]只是上面写的不是我们的名字 不然的话真的挺好的
[07:01.85]Oh,hey,I talked to Robin.
[07:01.77]哦 嘿 我刚跟Robin通了电话
[07:03.43]She's running a little bit late, but she'll be here just under the wire.
[07:03.35]她可能会晚一些到 不过她会来得及的
[07:06.79]You invited Robin?
[07:08.17]Yeah,of course.
[07:08.09]对 没错
[07:09.69]You never told me that.
[07:11.26]I'm not sure how I feel about that.
[07:13.94]Can I help?
[07:15.29]You feel glad.
[07:18.00]You like Robin.
[07:19.21]Yeah,but she's your ex-girlfriend.
[07:19.13]没错 只是她是你的前女友
[07:21.77]- It's weird. - It's not weird.
[07:21.69]- 这样会怪怪的 - 不会的
[07:23.01]It is weird.
[07:24.44]You don't get what it's like for a bride to see her groom's ex at their wedding.
[07:24.36]你不会明白一个新娘在婚礼上 看到新郎前女友的感觉
[07:27.80]喔 Stella
[07:30.76]Your new husband used to nail me,like, three times a day.
[07:37.23]Having exes around, I don't know, it brings up...
[07:37.15]把旧情人请过来 我不知道 会带来...
[07:41.49]unresolved things.
[07:43.88]How do you know that spark won't come back with your ex sitting out there?
[07:43.80]你就能肯定你跟旧情人 坐在一起不会旧情复炽?
[07:46.91]Come on, we're just friends.
[07:46.83]得了吧 我们只是朋友
[07:48.19]Plus,Robin and I already had our backslide-- last Thanksgiving, not even that long ago.
[07:48.11]在说 Robin跟我早就已经复炽过了... 就上年的感恩节 也没多久的事
[07:52.64]Did you place a large bet against yourself in this argument?
[07:55.96]She already got her ticket.
[07:57.60]Ted,it's important to me.
[07:57.52]Ted 这对我来说很重要
[07:59.92]I would never invite Lucy's dad.
[08:01.96]I wouldn't care if you did. Tony's great.
[08:01.88]我才不管 Tony棒极了
[08:03.47]Let's invite him,too.
[08:04.76]No,Tony is the last person I want at our wedding,okay?
[08:04.68]不 Tony是我在婚礼上最不想见到的人 明白?
[08:09.84]And Robin is a close second.
[08:14.45]Robin's probably about to get on the plane.
[08:16.41]Plus,she left a really important job for this.
[08:19.13]Spurred by environmental concerns and high gasoline prices,
[08:24.02]sales of hybrid vehicles have risen 11% over the previous year.
[08:23.94]混合动力汽车的销售量 要比上一年提升11%
[08:29.12]What should I do?
[08:30.58]I don't know.
[08:31.97]I kinda get the no exes thing.
[08:33.86]Why ask a failed romance to come and watch your successful one?
[08:33.78]干嘛要一段失败的爱情 来见证一段成功的爱情?
[08:36.75]It's like inviting the Seattle Mariners to a World Series game.
[08:39.52]It's weird for everyone.
[08:41.48]What? No. Robin has to come.
[08:41.40]什么? 不 Robin必须要来
[08:43.90]Right,she's,like, my best friend.
[08:43.82]没错 她是我最好的朋友
[08:46.55]Female friend. My best female friend.
[08:46.47]女性朋友 我最好的女性朋友
[08:49.72]I don't care,why fake it.
[08:49.64]我才不在乎 我装什么呢
[08:52.16]Dude,Robin has to be here.
[08:52.08]伙计 Robin必须得来
[08:54.23]- She shouldn't come. -What are you talk...
[08:54.15]- 她不该来 - 你什么意思...
[08:55.78]Justice Aldrin, tie-breaking vote.
[08:55.70]Aldrin法官 现在1票对1票
[09:00.10]Okay,wouldn't feel right without Robin.
[09:00.02]好吧 没有Robin会怪怪的
[09:02.69]But you don't mess with the bride.
[09:06.04]I'm gonna tell her not to come.
[09:07.41]- Oh,no,Ted. - It's the right decision,Ted.
[09:07.33]- 哦 不 Ted - 这是正确的选择 Ted
[09:09.62]This is gonna be,like, the worst phone conversation of all time.
[09:12.85]Ted,Ted,Ted. Co-best man-- I'm on it.
[09:12.77]Ted Ted Ted 作为你的伴郎 我来帮你搞定
[09:22.50]Robin,where are you?
[09:22.42]Robin 你在哪?
[09:23.72]Uh,just heading to the airport.
[09:23.64]呃 刚准备去机场
[09:26.05]Okay,we'll see you soon. Have a great flight.
[09:25.97]好的 待会见 一路顺风
[09:31.13]Bad news. I couldn't reach her.
[09:31.05]坏消息 电话打不通
[09:33.56]Robin's already on her way.
[09:40.43]Okay,Robin's on her way.
[09:40.35]好吧 Robin要来了
[09:42.33]You know what, I'm glad.
[09:42.25]说实在 我很高兴
[09:43.86]Exes should be allowed to come to weddings.
[09:46.13]I'll just tell Stella she's got to deal with it.
[09:46.05]我只管这样告诉Stella得了 让她自己去面对
[09:48.30]I think you need to be more delicate with Stella about this whole Robin thing.
[09:51.88]What do you mean by delicate?
[09:53.17]Brides are under a lot of stress before a wedding.
[09:56.05]I mean,of course, I held it together pretty well.
[09:55.97]不过 当然我当时处理得很好
[10:01.43]You don't remember?
[10:04.50]The florist just told me the roses are more light medium-pink than medium-pink.
[10:04.42]花店老板说那些玫瑰花要比 中粉红还要浅一些
[10:09.92]Light medium-pink! Everything's ruined.
[10:09.84]浅粉红! 一切都完了
[10:15.20]Our wedding site uses a gravity furnace instead of forced-air heating.
[10:15.12]我们的婚礼场地用的是重力炉 而不是用热风采暖设备
[10:19.92]That's the one thing I cared about.
[10:22.11]Why are we even getting married?
[10:26.78]Blobbity-blah. Wickity-wah.
[10:26.70]Blobbity-blah. Wickity-wah.
[10:28.77]Eeky,eeky,eeky,eeky whee!
[10:28.69]Eeky,eeky,eeky,eeky whee!
[10:33.90]After a while,it's all noise.
[10:36.94]Poor Stella's had to jam months of crazy into just three days.
[10:36.86]可怜的Stella要把一个月的抓狂 都压缩到这3天里发泄
[10:40.69]So what do I do?
[10:41.75]You wait for the next cris, you solve it,you're a hero.
[10:41.67]你等着下一个危机的到来 你把它解决掉 你就成英雄了
[10:45.58]Then you bring up the Robin thing, but this time she'll say yes.
[10:45.50]到时候再提Robin的事 那她就会答应的
[10:48.92]Yeah,but what if there's no next cris?
[10:48.84]对 但是如果没有下一个危机那怎么办?
[10:51.90]She's a bride. There will be a next crisis.
[10:51.82]她要当新娘了 肯定会有下一个的
[10:55.21]like four minutes later
[10:57.85]There's an next cris.
[10:59.27]Awesome! What is it?
[10:59.19]太棒了! 什么危机?
[11:01.20]My daughter,my own daughter isn't coming to our wedding.
[11:01.12]我的女儿 我的亲生女儿 她将不能来参加我的婚礼
[11:06.11]Tony's supposed to drive her up tomorrow,
[11:07.57]but now he's being all petty about me getting married,and he won't do it.
[11:07.49]但是现在他对于我要结婚耿耿于怀 他反悔了
[11:10.70]It's been five years. Why can't we just move on already?
[11:10.62]已经都5年了 为什么我们不能开始新生活?
[11:13.92]So first thing tomorrow I drive down,talk to him, get him to let me drive Lucy up,
[11:13.84]所以 明天我先开车过去 和他谈谈 让他同意我把Lucy带回来
[11:18.47]then,boom,cris solved.
[11:18.39]然后 嘣 危机解决了
[11:20.61]Stella's happy. Robin comes to the wedding.
[11:20.53]Stella也高兴了 Robin也能来参加婚礼了
[11:25.13]- You Barney? - Yes.
[11:25.05]- 你就是Barney? - 对
[11:27.27]I hear you're a real man whore,so listen up.
[11:27.19]我听说你就是做"鸭"的 给我听着
[11:30.00]Tomorrow night I want to do things so dirty and so depraved
[11:33.33]that I forget that this was supposed to be my wedding.
[11:36.47]I... I'm kind of here with someone.
[11:36.39]我... 我和别人一道来这儿的
[11:39.27]Bring her.
[11:41.16]You're never going to make it.
[11:44.60]The morning of my wedding day I made the trip back to Tony's house to get Lucy.
[11:44.52]结婚那天早上 我去Tony处去接Lucy
[11:55.10]Doing a little karate?
[11:59.51]抱歉 抱歉 伙计
[12:01.10]You just set off my internal defense alarm.
[12:03.51]You got to watch these things.
[12:04.81]- Stay alert,stay alive. - Right.
[12:04.73]- 保持警觉 保持清醒 - 没错
[12:07.12]So what brings you here?
[12:08.36]I thought you'd be off in some honeymoon suite with my woman right now.
[12:08.28]我还以为你早就滚得远远的 此刻正与我的女人在蜜月套房里呢
[12:11.67]Not yet. Soon.
[12:11.59]还没 不过快了
[12:13.03]That's right, tonight's the night. Yeah!
[12:12.95]没错 就是今晚了 耶!
[12:15.72]Oh,man, you are going to be sticking it to the mother of my child.
[12:15.64]哦 伙计 你就要和我孩子她妈缠绵了
[12:20.02]Actually,I've already stuck it to her plenty of times.
[12:19.94]事实上 我已经和她缠绵过很多次了
[12:22.25]Why do I always have to correct people?
[12:24.01]You and Stella.
[12:26.48]You lucky dog. I could just...
[12:26.40]你们这对幸运的家伙 我本可以...
[12:32.39]I'm so happy for you guys.
[12:35.55]Yeah,uh,hey,listen, here's the thing-- uh,Lucy...
[12:35.47]嗯 嗯 喂 听着 有一个事情 Lucy她...
[12:38.87]You can't take her.
[12:39.99]Tony,stop. Look,this is a big day for Lucy,too.
[12:39.91]Tony 别这样 瞧 这一天对于Lucy来说也很重要
[12:44.12]You're going to have to put aside your own issues and think about what's best for her here.
[12:44.04]你最好抛开你的私心 想一想对她来说什么才是最好的
[12:48.19]Whether you like it or not, she really should be at her mother's wedding.
[12:48.11]不管你情不情愿 她真的应该参加她妈妈的婚礼
[12:50.20]So,I'm taking Lucy with me.
[12:50.12]那么 我带Lucy一道回去啦
[12:57.48]You're right,man. You're right.
[12:57.40]伙计 你是对的 你是对的
[13:01.10]I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just... seeing you guys...
[13:01.02]我很抱歉 我很抱歉 我只是看见你们俩...
[13:06.20]has made me realize everything I had.
[13:11.13]let's stop hugging.
[13:13.48]I'm sorry.
[13:15.54]Lucy means the world to me.
[13:17.92]And I feel like I'm losing her to this new family-- a family I'm not even a part of.
[13:17.84]我感觉我就要失去她一样 她所在的新家庭里已经没有我了
[13:21.57]Oh,come on,sure you are.
[13:21.49]哦 别这样 当然有你啊
[13:22.50]No,I'm not. I wasn't even invited to the wedding.
[13:22.42]不 不是的 我都没被邀参加婚礼
[13:24.72]Well,you are now.
[13:24.64]好吧 你现在受邀了
[13:30.56]Road trip. Right?
[13:30.48]公路旅行 对吧?
[13:37.51]Road Trip 2-- Back in the Car.
[13:37.43]公路旅行第二回-- 重回车中
[13:42.00]So,today's the day.
[13:41.92]那么 就是今天了
[13:44.61]You hydrating?
[13:46.56]Dear femal thank you for your interest in Barney Stinson...
[13:46.48]亲爱的雌性动物 谢谢你对Barney Stinson感兴趣
[13:49.54]Your back is going to look like a Jackson Pollack.
[13:49.46]我会让你的背变成Jackson Pollack那样 (美国现代抽象表现艺术画家)
[13:52.99]I regret to inform you that at this time...
[13:55.83]I was a vegan for two years.
[13:57.83]I need meat.
[13:59.68]there are currently no positions available.
[14:02.33]I'm a yoga instructor.
[14:03.82]Every position is available.
[14:06.86]Your room,20 minutes. No foreplay.
[14:06.78]去你的房间 20分钟以后 不需前奏
[14:12.19]I'm not going to make it,am I?
[14:12.11]我不会这样做的 对不对?
[14:13.83]Not a chance.
[14:19.76]Okay,just rember, let me talk to Stella first,okay?
[14:19.68]好 记着 让我先跟Stella说 好吗?
[14:22.66]Mommy! Mommy!
[14:22.58]妈妈! 妈妈!
[14:24.42]Ted invited Daddy!
[14:26.77]Hi,sweetie. I missed you.
[14:26.69]嗨 宝贝 我想死你了
[14:29.01]Give me just a sec,okay?
[14:28.93]等妈妈一会儿 好吗?
[14:32.08]嗨 Tony
[14:35.10]You invited Tony? To our wedding?
[14:37.37]Ted,we talked about this. No exes at our wedding.
[14:37.29]Ted我们已经说好了的 我们的婚礼上不许有前任情人
[14:40.64]Why would you do this?
[14:42.09]Oh,boy. What did Ted do this time?
[14:42.01]哦 Ted这次又干了些什么?
[14:51.53]Ted,what is Robin doing here? I thought I made myself clear.
[14:51.45]Ted Robin怎么在这? 我想我的意思你已经很清楚了的
[14:54.45]No exes at our wedding.
[14:57.08]To be fair... your ex is here.
[14:57.00]公平起见... 你前夫也在这呢
[15:00.01]You invited him!
[15:01.23]Come on,it's not weird.
[15:01.15]拜托 这一点也不别扭
[15:02.65]It is weird.
[15:04.15]It's like things are not finished between you two.
[15:07.01]And Tony...
[15:08.67]I can't deal with Tony right now.
[15:09.65]Can you please go out there and tell him to leave?
[15:09.57]你能不能出去 叫他离开?
[15:11.67]You can make me the bad guy.
[15:13.83]I'll go talk to Robin,so she knows it's nothing personal.
[15:13.75]我去和Robin谈 这样她就知道这无关私情了
[15:19.26]And,kids,if I had just let Stella talk to Robin,
[15:19.18]孩子们 如果当时我让Stella去找Robin谈
[15:22.29]this whole story might have ended differently.
[15:24.82]- I understand. - I get it.
[15:24.74]- 我明白 - 我理解
[15:28.83]For the first time, Ted and Stella Mosby.
[15:28.75]第一次 Ted和Stella Mosby
[15:33.27]And that's how I met your mother.
[15:35.55]Blah,blah,blah. Is your dad finally done yakking?
[15:35.47]吧啦 吧啦 吧啦 你们老爸的废话唠叨完了吗?
[15:38.67]Now,come on, who wants ice cream?
[15:38.59]去吧 谁想吃冰激凌?
[15:42.05]But I didn't.
[15:43.55]Look,can you talk to Tony?
[15:44.75]Robin flew all the way here from Tokyo.
[15:46.30]I should talk to her.
[15:56.94]Sorry about running off like that.
[15:56.86]对不起 我就那样跑开了
[15:58.16]Oh,it's okay. You would not believe the trip I just had.
[15:58.08]哦 没事了 你绝不会相信这是个什么样的旅行
[16:00.69]I was on a plane for almost a full day.
[16:03.28]But it is worth it to see you get married.
[16:03.20]但是来看你结婚 还是很值得的
[16:05.49]- How could I not be here... - You can't come to the wedding.
[16:05.41]- 我怎么能不来呢 - 你不能参加婚礼了
[16:07.15]- Oh,thank God! - What?
[16:07.07]- 哦 谢天谢地! - 什么?
[16:08.96]Ted,it's weird.
[16:08.88]Ted 这太别扭了
[16:10.38]- It's not weird. - It is weird.
[16:10.30]- 这不别扭 - 确实别扭
[16:12.48]Do you know how it feels to be somebody's ex at their wedding?
[16:12.40]你知道作为新人的前任情人来 参加婚礼是什么感觉吗?
[16:15.60]- Robin. - Stella.
[16:15.52]- Robin. - Stella
[16:18.71]suck it, bitch! I win!
[16:18.63]靠 婊子! 我赢了!
[16:22.83]We broke up over a year ago.
[16:24.83]Yeah,but that's not that long ago.
[16:24.75]对 但是这时间还不够久
[16:27.49]Watching your marry another woman isn't exactly something I was looking forward to.
[16:27.41]看你娶别的女人 这并不是我期待看到的事
[16:32.43]I don't know, I just thought if I ever changed my mind about marriage and kids, it was...
[16:32.35]我不明白 我想如果我改变了对 婚姻和孩子的看法...
[16:37.76]it was nice to know that you were there.
[16:37.68]如果你还未婚 我会觉得也许我们还有可能
[16:40.09]So,I was your safety school-- how flattering.
[16:41.98]That's not it. It's just that...
[16:41.90]不是这样的 只是...
[16:43.86]Why are you bringing any of this up?
[16:45.53]There's nothing between us anymore.
[16:47.06]Well,maybe there is.
[16:49.21]I mean,of course there is.
[16:49.13]我的意思是 当然还有
[16:51.09]That kind of stuff doesn't just disappear without a trace.
[16:55.41]Look,I'm not just another guest here,Ted.
[16:55.33]嘿 我并不仅仅是一个客人 Ted
[16:57.93]Right. We used to date, but we both moved on.
[16:57.85]好吧 我们以前约会过 但是我们都有新生活了
[17:01.28]And,look,we got what we wanted-- I'm getting married, you got your dream job in Tokyo.
[17:01.20]瞧 我们都得到了想要的东西 我要结婚了 而你在东京找到梦想的工作
[17:05.63]- And they all lived happily ever... - I quit my job.
[17:05.55]- 从此我们就过着幸福的生活... - 我辞掉了工作
[17:08.22]You what?
[17:08.75]I'm moving back to New York.
[17:10.82]I thought I wanted that job, but...
[17:10.74]我以为我想要那份工作 但是...
[17:13.65]I want to come back to my real life.
[17:17.60]And I think you should go back to yours.
[17:20.44]What's that supposed to mean?
[17:25.24]Don't get married.
[17:27.85]Look,you're rushing into this.
[17:27.77]你看 你太仓促了
[17:29.79]It's like you're trying to skip ahead to the end of the book.
[17:29.71]就好像是你要提前跳到故事的 结尾一样
[17:33.21]Ted,you're the most romantic guy I know.
[17:33.13]Ted 你是我见过的最浪漫的人
[17:35.26]You stole a blue French horn for me.
[17:37.37]You tried to make it rain.
[17:38.98]- I did make it rain. - It was a coincidence.
[17:38.90]- 我确实祈到了雨 - 那是巧合
[17:41.40]But after all that, this is how your great romantic quest comes to an end?
[17:41.32]那么多事情之后 你就这样终止了对浪漫的追寻?
[17:46.25]You're just disappearing into someone else's wedding, someone else's house,
[17:46.17]你就消失了 和别人结婚 共组家庭
[17:50.03]someone else's life without a second thought.
[17:49.95]和别人生活 别无他想
[17:53.16]That's not the amazing ending that you deserve.
[17:56.98]That's not Ted Mosby.
[17:56.90]这不是Ted Mosby的风格
[18:03.68]I love Stella. She's the one.
[18:03.60]我爱Stella 她就是我要的那个人
[18:07.95]If you really feel that way...
[18:11.19]I guess it's a good thing you're not coming to the wedding after all.
[18:23.39]Big fight?
[18:29.08]- It's on the house. - Just keep 'em coming.
[18:29.00]- 店里请客 - 再给我倒几杯
[18:35.03]Oh,God,do not keep them coming.
[18:34.95]哦 天啊 一杯足矣
[18:41.72]嘿 Robin
[18:44.93]I am having a horrible day.
[18:47.39]I snuck some scotch in from the duty free store. You want to join me?
[18:47.31]我从免税店顺了点苏格兰威士忌 要一起喝吗?
[18:50.50]Yeah,yeah. Let's go to your room. Far away from this room.
[18:50.42]好 好 去你的房里喝 离这远远的
[18:53.35]And we can knock it back.
[18:54.76]They didn't get me a room.
[18:56.14]I was actually hoping I could stay with you.
[18:59.57]No problem.
[19:01.45]I just have to straighten up a little bit.
[19:04.23]I've got some clothes on the floor,and...
[19:04.15]我有些衣服散落在地板上 还有...
[19:06.64]And a naked girl tied to your headboard.
[19:09.26]Towels all over the bathroom. It's a mess.
[19:09.18]毛巾落在洗手间 确实很乱
[19:14.04]give me ten minutes to get the place in order...
[19:15.71]See ya,Barney.
[19:15.63]再见 Barney
[19:29.61]Okay,let's do this.
[19:29.53]好 我们来干吧
[19:32.05]Who the hell is that?
[19:31.97]见鬼 这是谁?
[19:34.19]Um,it's the girl from the front desk.
[19:34.11]嗯 她是前台小姐
[19:45.93]Kids,sometimes you think you're living out one story,
[19:45.85]孩子们 有时你们觉得你们活在一个故事里
[19:49.59]but the truth turns out to be something else entirely.
[19:49.51]但事实上 故事可能彻头彻尾的改变
[19:58.61]At the time I thought the story was about whether Robin should be at the wedding.
[19:58.53]那时 我想这事无非是关于Robin 是否应该来参加婚礼
[20:09.91]If only I'd understood what the real story was.
[20:21.87]Having exes around...
[20:23.49]I don't know,it brings up unresolved things.
[20:23.41]我说不好 是有些未完待续的事吧
[20:31.62]How do you know that that spark won't come back with your ex sitting out there?
[20:31.54]你怎么知道如果前任情人就坐在身边 你们不会重新擦出火花
[20:38.08]It's like things are not finished between you two.
[20:43.26]I wasted years trying to get Lucy's dad to decide if he was ready for this.
[20:43.18]我浪费几年时间来让Lucy她爸决定 他是否已对此最好了准备
[20:47.91]Seeing you guys...
[20:50.42]it's made me realize everything I had.
[20:52.68]I used to dream that Tony would be spontaneous like this.
[21:02.17]Seriously,kids,never invite an ex to your wedding.
[21:02.09]说真的 孩子们 绝对不要邀请前任情人来参加你们的婚礼

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