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Listen To This3lesson 29

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News Item 1:
1. General Comprehension. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.

(1) This news item is basically about ______________.
a. the reaction in the United States to the summit in Iceland
b. the reaction all over the world to the summit in Iceland
c. the reaction in the United States and of America's NATO allies to the summit in Iceland
d. the reaction of America's NATO allies to the summit in Iceland.
(2) ____________, the reaction to the summit was divided between the two major political parties.
a. In Congress
b. In Senate
c. In House of Representatives
d. All over the United States
(3) America's NATO allies were especially disappointed about the lack of an agreement to eliminate _____________ from Europe.
a. long-range US missiles
b. medium-range Soviet missiles
c. intermediate-range nuclear force
d. medium-range US and Soviet missiles
(4) According to Kenneth Adelman, the summit in Iceland did yield ___________ proposals.
a. five
b. two
c. three
d. four
(5) Last week, Soviet negotiators claimed that the Soviet needed ______________.
a. 530 warheads in Asia
b. 530 warheads in Europe
c. 513 warheads in Asia
d. 513 warheads in Europe

2. True or False Questions.
(1) Republicans accused the President of losing an excellent opportunity, whereas Democrats praised him for not giving in to the Soviets.
(2) Kenneth Adelman is Director of the US Arms Control Agency.
(3) Gorbachev agreed to a fifty percent reduction of strategic weapons.
(4) Gorbachev agreed to have one hundred warheads in Europe in the intermediate-range nuclear force.
(5) The two leaders will continue their talks in Geneva.

News Item 2:

1. Decide which of the following statements is not true.
(1) The rain in Alaska lasted three days.
(2) Flood water began to recede yesterday.
(3) The flood waters have caused heavy damages.
(4) So far there has been on report of injuries.

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the blanks with detailed information according to what you have heard.
(1) One said that things to .
(2) Alaska Governor planned to fly over north and south of .
(3) Many people have been homes.

News Item 3

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) _______________ in Soweto were shut down today.
a. All the high schools
b. All the middle schools
c. All the colleges and universities
d. All the high schools and middle schools
(2) Soweto is _________ in South Africa.
a. one of the largest cities
b. a black township
c. a black province
d. a town inhabited by the white people
(3) The schools were shut down because __________.
a. the students staged a massive sit-in
b. the students had to help their parents in the fields
c. the students walked out in the mid-morning
d. the summer vacation began

2. True or False Questions.
(1) The students began the walkout without reporting to classes.
(2) The students' walkout was part of a protest.

News in Detail

1. General Comprehension. Decide which of the following answers is Not true to complete the following statements.
(1) The flood has _________.
a. caused severe damage
b. washed away bridges and roads
c. destroyed at least fifteen homes
d. killed at least ten people in Anchorage
(2) Because of ________, it may be several days before the damage can be fully assessed.
a. heavy fog
b. continuing rain
c. the government's inability to reach the flood-stricken areas
d. the remoteness of many flood-stricken communities

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information according to what you have heard.
(1) The damage caused by the flood:
  a. hundreds of people are and thousands are more ;
  b. and north of Anchorage were washed away;
  c. the town of Seward was completely ;
  d. in the valley north of Anchorage were damaged.
(2) Rescue efforts made by the government:
  a. many people in the flood-stricken areas have been ;
  b. have been sent to sustain life in the interior of Alaska, though with difficulty;
  c. have been set up for those left homeless;
  d. has been issued in order to free up state relief funds.

3. True or False Questions.
(1) The worse deluge in the last quarter of a century fell upon Alaska last Thursday night.
(2) Harry Giesles says that a conservative of the damage amounts to fifty million dollars.
(3) Some Alaskans are reluctant to leave their homes.
(4) Persistent bad weather is hampering rescue efforts.

4. Fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.
(1) The wind was so strong, reaching a speed with m/h.
(2) Harry Giesler took , all the and the coming into Seward into consideration when he was calculating the damage.

Special Report

1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) The conflicts between the Arabs and the Jews in Israel and the occupied territories include the conflicts and a struggle.
(2) The relationship between these conflicts: the helps to .
(3) The Arabs are portrayed as in the textbook The Arab and Islam.
(4) The Jews are portrayed by the Arabs on the West Bank as and at the same time as .
(5) To free the textbooks from stereotypes, some people in Israel try to , to from top to bottom, and to portray the Arabs as .
(6) Reaction of the Israeli government to such an effort: a support.

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) This report is mainly about _____________.
a. how the Jews portray the Arabs in their textbooks
b. how the Arabs portray the Jews in their textbooks
c. the psychological struggle between the Arabs and the Jews
d. the solution furnished by the Israeli government to the problem of stereotypes against the Arabs
(2) Arab schools on the West Bank use _____________.
a. Israeli textbooks
b. Jordanian textbooks
c. Revised Jordanian textbooks
d. Mainly revised Jordanian textbooks, though the Jordanian versions are used in some schools
(3) The little girl's mother believes that _____________.
a. violence is the best way to solve the problem
b. the Jews should feel glad about the attack on Arab mayors
c. violence is never the solution to the problem
d. the Arabs should fight back violently
(4) The effort to purge textbooks in Israel is done by ____________.
a. the Ministry of Education
b. the Vanier Foundation with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education
c. the Vanier Foundation
d. the religious schools in Israel

3. True or False Questions.
(1) According to David Shipler, author of Arab and Jew, it is the Jews who have made an effort to teach their children to hate the Arabs in schools.
(2) The prejudices of the Arabs and of the Jews against each other are so deep that there is hardly a solution to the problem.
(3) During the Second World War the Americans used to hear that the Japanese did not value life as Westerners did.
(4) The Israeli government sends three inspectors to check the Arab schools on the West Bank to make sure that they are not using the Jordanian textbooks. And this has been quite effective.
(5) In Jordanian textbooks, there is a lengthy and detailed account of the history of the Israelis.
(6) According to David Shipler, these textbooks do not affect the interaction of Arab and Israel children.
(7) Some right-wing religious schools try to implant in the minds of Israeli children the idea that the Arabs exist in this world only as subjects of the Jewish people.
(8) There were similar problems in American schools a few years back and there were prejudices against the American blacks and American Indians.

4. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape again and fill in the following blanks.
    There is a support for it officially in the Education Ministry, but are reluctant to do it. And there's been some educators at the level of . So it's a . It's gone to the point where quite a few grade classes now are following in which they begin the first day by that come to mind when they think of . The teacher then puts them up , and the kids have to sit there and . And that's the beginning of dealing with they've .

1. US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

    The US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, created in 1961, has no overseas operational tasks. It is embodied within the Department of State. Its director advises the president and secretary of state on arms control policy and serves as a representative in disarmament negotiations.

2. Soweto

    Black city to the southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa. Originating in shanty towns of the 1930s, it was developed by government housing schemes into a city, but until 1976 its population could have status only as temporary residents, serving as a work force for Johannesburg. The name derives from SOuth WEst TOwnship.

1. Bedouin

    Bedouin, or Beduin. Nomandic tribesman (Arabic "desertdweller") of Arabia and North Africa, now becoming increasingly settled.

2. Amalek

    Amalek is son of Eliphaz, and grandson of Esau. He is mentioned briefly in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, Chapter 36.

There was mixed reaction at home and abroad on the lack of a concrete agreement from the meetings in Iceland. On Capitol Hill, reaction broke down along party lines, with Democrats criticizing the President for missing a golden opportunity; Republicans praised him for not caving in to the Soviets. America's NATO allies were disappointed that promising arms reduction initiatives never materialized. They especially regretted the lack of an agreement to eliminate medium-range US and Soviet missiles from Europe. But Kenneth Adelman, Director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, says too much criticism is unfounded. He says the meetings did yield two proposals which have moved the arms control process far beyond where it was before the meetings in Iceland. "I think the prospects are better now because the Soviets have agreed to particular numbers on their 50% proposal for reductions of strategic weapons, and agreed to only, to have only a hundred warheads worldwide in the INF, or intermediate-range nuclear force. Soviet negotiators cannot now say the Soviets need five hundred and thirteen warheads in Asia as they did last week if their leader says, no, they only need a hundred in Asia." Adelman says arms negotiators in Geneva can now pick up where the talks left off in Reykjavik.

Flood waters began to recede today in Alaska after three days of rain caused heavy damage, damage expected to reach into the millions of dollars. "It's getting better," said one emergency worker. "Things are actually starting to look up." Alaska Governor Bill Sheffield planned to fly over the flood-stricken areas north and south of Anchorage. So far, there are no reports of injuries. Many people have been evacuated from their homes.

All the high schools and middle schools in South Africa in the black township of Soweto were shut down today as students staged a massive walkout. Thousands of students reported to classes, but walked out in mid-morning as part of a protest.

Hundreds of people are homeless and thousands more stranded, after severe rain and windstorm lasting three days slammed portions of South Central Alaska. Flooding that washed away bridges and roads and destroyed at least fifteen homes continues in many areas, and persistent bad weather is hampering rescue and damage assessment efforts. Tim Wolston, of member station KSKA in Anchorage.
The worst deluge of rain in at least a decade began pelting South Central Alaska last Thursday night. Sixty and seventy-mile-an-hour winds helped the rain wash away two bridges and the railroad line north of Anchorage, and completely cut off the town of Seward, southeast of here, from the outside. Seward Mayor Harry Giesler says very conservative estimate of fifteen million dollars in damage has been done so far.
"We're looking at extensive road repair and rebuilding on all the arterial roads and even the main road coming into town. And the railroad, pardon the expression, caught h, e, double toothpicks.
Heavy fog and continuing rain are hampering efforts to assess the damage and get supplies to those who need them. But Giesler says those that needed to be evacuated have been, while others are trying to ride out the storm.
"You know Alaskans are a very hearty bunch, and especially people that have things like dog teams and animals. They are very, very reluctant to leave their home as long as it's even there. So we're going, trying to get back and check on people, make sure they're all right and that they have food and water and things like that."
The water is still rising in spots, and Seward is expecting at least another twenty-four hours of rain. North of Anchorage, the damage is just as severe. Lieutenant Mike Holler of the state Division of the Emergency Services says several hundred homes in the valley north of Anchorage have been damaged.
"It remains to be seen, as people literally walk out of the woods or find dry ground and are evacuated, as to just what extent the damage will get total."
Lieutenant Holler says two major bridges north of Anchorage were totally washed away by the raging waters, and tracks belonging to the Alaska Railroad, which provides a major form of transportation between Anchorage and Fairbanks, were destroyed.
"Now, as far as the goods, shipment of goods and materials to sustain life in the interior of Alaska, that particular transportation avenue has been totally shut off, along with the highway as far as using overland trucking and so forth."
Emergency shelters have been set up for those left homeless by the flooding. Alaska Governor Bill Sheffield has issued disaster declarations in order to free up state relief funds, and the state is hoping for federal aid. Officials say because of the remoteness of many of the communities involved, it may be several days before the damage is fully assessed, and that's if threatening clouds don't release more rain. For National Public Radio, this is Tim Wolston in Anchorage, Alaska.

The conflict between Arab and Jew in Israel and the occupied territories is fought with bombs and jet fighter attacks and with high level political posturing. But there's also a psychological struggle between the two. New York Times Correspondent David Shipler has written a book called Arab and Jew, which explores the stereotypes and myths that Israelis learn about Arabs, and that Arabs learn about Israelis.
"These myths," said Shipler, "stem from and help perpetuate the political and military conflicts. "Shipler says the two cultures teach their children to hate in the schools.
"Increasingly, Israeli Jews are beginning to realize that the battlefield is not only on the frontiers of their country ,but also in the minds of their children, that what happens in classrooms, how the Arab is portrayed in text-books, how the teachers talk about Arabs, how Arab children see Jews as they grow up—all of these elements are important in shaping the future, because the prejudices are very deep and are reinforced so thoroughly everyday that it's hard to see a way out of them .There is textbook called The Arabs and Islam that's used ... it's published by the Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture and used in religious Jewish schools for seventh and eighth graders. And that textbook portrays the Arab as essentially primitive and violent. These two concepts go together in the sense that the Arab affection for violence and battle and warfare and robbery is highlighted. And you don't get any sense at all of the Arab as a modern, urban professional. The Arab is a desert warrior essentially, whose children grow up playing games. ... For example, there's a passage that says the Bedouin man is proud to engage in robbery and so educates his children. Bedouin children like the game 'Hassu' —robbery raids. They compete in running and wrestling and learn to use weapons at a very young age. In another section, there's a phrase that says, 'the women who lose their sons or husbands in the battle receive the hard news without weeping or cries.' In other words, the Arab doesn't value human life somehow. Now that stereotype is fairly common to many cultures."
"We heard that during the Vietnam War about the Vietnamese :they don't value human life like we Westerners."
"Exactly. During the Korean War about the Koreans, during World War II about the Japanese. It's a fairly common one. Of course, what it does is dehumanize the Arab in the eyes of Jewish children who are raised with these textbooks."
"Now what happens when you go to schools of Arabs inside Israeli occupied territory? How did they portray the Jews, the Israelis?"
"The textbooks that are used surreptitiously in Arab schools on the West Bank, for example, are published by Jordan."
"You say, surreptitiously."
"Yes, because the Israeli procedure is to take those Jordanian textbooks, expurgate the offensive passages and republish them. But in fact they have only three inspectors for a thousand schools to check to make sure that Arab teachers are not using the Jordanian versions. So they really can't check up very thoroughly. And the Jordanian versions do creep into the classrooms. What happens in those textbooks is that Jews are portrayed as violent and are hardly seen at all except in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict. One of the interesting companion stereotypes to the Jew as violent that you see in Arab textbooks is the Jew as a coward. This idea is quite pervasive. The Jew is strong because he has advanced weapons, but in his soul, in his heart he's a coward, and so he hides behind these weapons."
"Is there any way to gauge whether these stereotypes, whether the school's socialization process is really working? In other words, can you somehow measure if the ... how these teachings of the schools are affecting the way Arab and Israeli children interact with each other, that it makes them hostile toward each other?"
"In the first place Arab and Israeli children hardly ever have contact and rarely have an opportunity to interact, because they live separately, they go to separate schools, and what not. But I think there's no question that the school setting on both sides encourages bigotry. There was one example that brought it home to me of an Israeli girl who was ten years old, who came home from school one day after an attack on Arab mayors on the West Bank, and she said, 'Mommy, are we glad or not glad that it happened?'"
"She didn't know."
"Her mother said, 'We're absolutely not glad. Violence is never the way.' And the next day she came home from school, and she said, 'Mommy, you're wrong. We are glad it happened.' I don't know where she picked it up, whether from other children or from a teacher. But there are some schools, and in especially religious schools in Israel devoted to teaching children of right-wing ultranationalists, where the instruction is quite ideological in terms of rejecting the Arab as an alien who really doesn't belong in this land except as a subordinate to the Jew. Young people have told me that they're taught that the Arab is Amalek, the ancient enemy of the Jews in the Bible who is to be exterminated."
"You have been talking a lot about school textbooks, for instance, what's taught in the schools as a way of perpetuating these stereotypes. In our own country, of course, there's been a big effort in the past ten-twenty years to purge textbooks in the classrooms of the sort of stereotypes we have had of blacks, for instance, or Indians. Is there anybody in Israel who is trying to do a similar thing with the Israeli textbooks?"
"Yes, there is an entire effort being conducted by the Vanier Foundation with the Ministry of Education's cooperation to take these stereotypes out of text books, to write new ones, to revise the curriculum from top to bottom, beginning in the youngest grades in an effort to sensitize Israeli Jewish children to the richness and diversity of Arab culture and to portray Arabs as more than just enemies, but also as fellow citizens and neighbors."
"And this is something the government condones?"
"Well, half-heartedly. There is a support for it officially in the Education Ministry, but the religious schools are reluctant to do it. And there's been some resistance on the part of some educators at the level of school principal or teacher. So it's a mixed picture. It's gone to the point where quite a few eleventh grade classes now are following an elective curriculum in which they begin the first day by writing down all the words that come to mind when they think of Arabs. The teacher then puts them up on the blackboard, and the kids have to sit there and stare at their own prejudices. And that's the beginning of a process of dealing with the stereotypes they've grown up with."
David Shipler. His new book is called Arab and Jews : Wounded Spirits in A Promised Land .

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