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NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版Turn off the music, please.把音乐关了!

所属教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版



Unit 217第217单元
Turn off the music, please.把音乐关了!
1.Turn off the music, please.1.把音乐关了。
2.I forgot to turn off the water.2.我忘了关自来水。
3.But the advanced courses in French literature turned me off.3.但法国文学这个高级课程真让我厌烦。
4.People with loud voices turn me off.4.说话声大的人真让人反感。
5.Hurry to turn on the radio.5.快去打开收音机。
6.I've turned on the bath wather for you.6.我为你打开了洗澡水。
7.Rock music really turns me on.7.摇滚乐真的让我很感兴趣。
8.He is not likely to turn the voters on.8.那人似乎不能吸引选民。
Unit 218第218单元
You would come in any case.无论如何他得来。
1.You would come in any case.1.无论如何他得来。
2.In any case you should return it next week.2.无论如何你下周要还。
3.The Great Wall was built in case of enemies.3.修建长城是为了防止敌人入侵。
4.Take an umbrella in case of rain.4.带把伞以防下雨。
5.In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.5.万一失火,请按警铃。
6.You may consult it in case of any new word.6.有生词的时候可以查。
7.I'll leave it to you in case you need it at night.7.把它留下来给你以备夜间需要。
8.In that case, I'll have no more to say.8.如果是那样的话,我没有什么好说的了。
Unit 219第219单元
Who is the best singer?谁是最佳歌手?
1.Who is the best singer?1.谁是最佳歌手?
2.Who is the most beautiful girl in your opinion?2.谁是最漂亮的小姐?
3.Who is the most popular TV star?3.谁是最受欢迎的电视明星?
4.Is it the cheapest one?4.这是不是最便宜的?
5.What is the most interesting tourist sight?5.最有趣的观光景点在哪里?
6.Excuse me, what's the quickest way to get to the station?6.去火车站最快捷的路怎么走?
7.He is one of the most famous writers of modern times.7.那位作者是现代最有名的作家之一。
8.He is the most distinguished chemist in Europe.8.他是欧洲最杰出的化学家。
Unit 220第220单元
Thank you for being so frank.谢谢你这么坦诚。
1.Thank you for being so frank.1.谢谢你这么坦诚。
2.Will you tell me frankly?2.是否能坦率地告诉我?
3.I decided to be frank in rejecting the proposal.3.我准备直率地拒绝接受这个建议。
4.To be frank with you, I like you.4.直率地说,我喜欢你。
5.If you want my frank opinion, the plan is not going to succeed.5.如果你要听我的真心话,这个计划不会成功。
6.To speak frankly, I don't like it.6.坦率地说,我并不喜欢你这样做。
7.Frankly, it's a very promising experiment.7.坦率地讲,这是大有希望的试验。
8.For all his faults, he is frank and honest.8.尽管有错,但他毕竟是坦诚的。
Unit 221第221单元
I doubt the truth of the report.我怀疑报告的真实性。
1.I doubt the truth of the report.1.我怀疑报告的真实性。
2.I'm sorry I doubted you before.2.很抱歉,以前怀疑你。
3.Do you doubt that he'll win?3.你是否怀疑他能赢?
4.When you're in doubt, consult the dictionary.4.有什么不肯定的就查字典。
5.Are you still in doubt about it?5.你是否还在怀疑?
6.I'm in doubt about his ability.6.我怀疑那个人的能力。
7.There's no doubt that I've been selected.7.我一点儿不怀疑我被选中了。
8.There is no doubt that I can do something for you.8.我肯定能帮你干点儿什么。
Unit 222第222单元
Besides you, no one is qualified.除了你,没有什么人够资格。
1.Besides you, no one is qualified.1.除了你,没有什么人够资格。
2.There're over fifty minorities besides the Han Chinese.2.除汉族以外,有五十多个少数民族。
3.Beside knowing English and French, he is fluent in Italian.3.他通晓英语、法语不算,还能讲流利的意大利语。
4.Besides this, what have you got?4.除了这个,还有什么?
5.This belongs to him, he has three others besides.5.这辆车是他的,他除此之外还有三辆。
6.Besides, I want you to promise me one more thing.6.除此之外,我还要你答应我一件事。
7.Besides, she's a wonderfully faithful girl.7.除此之外,她还是一个令人信任的女孩子。
8.What could he do besides reading the newspaper?8.除了读报,他还能干点什么?
Unit 223第223单元
You have every reason to be late.你迟到了还总是有理。
1.You have every reason to be late.1.你迟到了还总是有理。
2.The membership is growing every day.2.成员每天都在增加。
3.The relationship between the two countries is worsening every day.3.那两个国家的关系正在日益恶化。
4.The son is more like his father every hour.4.儿子越长越像父亲了。
5.I'll do my best to help you in every way.5.我会想尽各种办法帮助你。
6.The city is better in every way than your hometown.6.这个城市在任何方面都比你的家乡好。
7.This job is better in every way than the old one.7.这个工作在各方面都比过去的工作强。
8.I pay them a visit every now and then.8.我不时地进城去看他们。
Unit 224第224单元
I want to get used to speaking English.我想变得习惯于讲英语。
1.I want to get used to speaking English.1.我想变得习惯于讲英语。
2.You'll get used to playing by youself.2.你会习惯自己下棋的。
3.I can't seem to get used to wearing glasses.3.我似乎很难适应戴眼镜。
4.I'm used to being alone.4.我习惯于一个人住。
5.I've become used to a vegetarian diet.5.我已经习惯于素食了。
6.I'm used to having my own way.6.我习惯于我行我素。
7.I've always been used to that hard work.7.长期以来一直习惯干这种重活。
8.You'll soon get used to the climate.8.你很快就会适应这种气候的。
Unit 225第225单元
I used to go swimming on Sunday.过去常常在星期日游泳。
1.I used to go swimming on Sunday.1.过去常常在星期日游泳。
2.The earth used to be considered as the center of the cosmos.2.地球曾一度被认为是宇宙的中心。
3.I used to write poetry at your age.3、我这么大的时候也常常写诗。
4.I used to grow roses there.4.过去我总是在那儿种玫瑰。
5.If only you were as you used to be!5.要是你跟过去一样该多好!
6.It used to be very prosperous here.6.这里过去很繁华。
7.My father used to play golf.7.我的父亲过去常打高尔夫球。
8.Did you used to be a soldier?8.你是否曾经当过兵?
Unit 226第226单元
The traffic isn't very heavy today.今天交通不挤。
1.The traffic is not very heavy today.1.今天交通不挤。
2.The traffic is not too bad today.2.今天交通情况不错。
3.We ran into a traffic jam.3.我刚才遇上塞车了。
4.The traffic cop's signaling.4.交通警正发信号呢。
5.There's light traffic in the early morning.5.清晨路上车辆少。
6.You should be watching at the traffic light.6.十字路口要小心。
7.You must watch out for the traffic here.7.出门小心着点儿车辆。
8.There's a lot of traffic at noon on the highway.8.这条公路中午车辆很多。
Unit 227第227单元
I'd rather watch television.我宁愿在家里看电视。
1.I'd rather watch television.1.我宁愿在家里看电视。
2.I won't watch that television show any more.2.我再也不想看那个电视节目了。
3.It'll be shown on television tomorrow.3.明天在电视里播放。
4.What's on television tonight?4.今晚电视有什么节目?
5.I watched the game on television.5.我在电视中看到了。
6.That's live television.6.那是实况转播。
7.I'm working in the television field as a reporter.7.我在电视行业当记者。
8.We rely mainly on television advertising.8.主要依赖电视广告。
Unit 228第228单元
It's time you went to bed.该睡觉了。
1.It's time you went to bed.1.该睡觉了。
2.It's time we ordered our dinner.2.我们该订晚饭了。
3.It's time they were taught a lesson.3.该好好教训他们一顿了。
4.It's time to catch the last train.4.现在该去赶末班车了。
5.It's high time he made up his mind.5.他该拿主意了。
6.It's high time you were washed and dressed.6.你们早该洗漱穿衣服了。
7.It's high time you bought a new one.7.真该买新的了。
8.It's high time they took it seriously.8.他们确实该认真对待了。
Unit 229第229单元
I don't want to go to school ahead of time.我不愿意提前到校。
1.I don't want to go to school ahead of time.1.我不愿意提前到校。
2.All in good time.2.来得及。
3.I'll keep it all the time.3.我要一直保留着它。
4.We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings.4.我们应时常意识到自己的不足。
5.At one time I lived in Japan.5.我曾一度住在日本。
6.The two runners arrived at the same time.6.两个选手同时到达。
7.I like it, but at the same time it frightens me.7.我喜欢这个运动,但同时这个运动也够吓人的了。
8.The town is fifty years behind the times.8.那个镇落后于时代五十年。
Unit 230第230单元
The exhibition is well worth a visit.这个展览会很值得一看。
1.The exhibition is well worth a visit.1.这个展览会很值得一看。
2.His suggestion is worth considering.2.他的建议值得考虑。
3.That's something worth trying.3.这值得一试。
4.The experiment is worth the effort.4.这个试验值得花那些努力。
5.This is worthwhile.5.这很值得。
6.Do you think it's worthwhile quarrelling?6.你是否认为这值得吵。
7.It's not worthwhile losing your temper.7.那不值得你发脾气。
8.It's not worthwhile keeping it any longer.8.这不值得再保留了。
Unit 231第231单元
Time is the most precious thing in our lives.我们生命中最为宝贵的是时间。
1.Time is the most precious thing in our lives.1.我们生命中最为宝贵的是时间。
2.How quickly time passed!2.时间过得多快啊。
3.It's time for the spring rain.3.又是下春雨的时候了。
4.Morning is the most pleasant time of the day.4.早上是一天最愉快的时候。
5.It'll take me a long time.5.那得用很长时间。
6.You have a short time to decide.6.你只有一点点时间去做决定。
7.Times aren't what they were.7.时代不同于以往了。
8.Take your time, there's no hurry!8.慢慢来,不着急。
Unit 232第232单元
First of all, you must be frank.首先,你必须坦率。
1.First of all, you must be frank.1.首先,你必须坦率。
2.First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here.2.我想首先表达一下我来到那里是多么高兴。
3.First of all, I'd like to make a brief introduction.3.首先,我要对这一章简要介绍一下。
4.I'll do it the first thing tomorrow.4.明天我要首先做这件事。
5.I'll call on you the first thing when I arrive.5.我一到首先就拜访你。
6.I'll be here the first thing in the morning.6.我明天第一件事就是到那里。
7.I'll leave the work to be done the first thing tomorrow.7.我要把它留作明天第一件事完成。
8.For the first time, I see how vast the world is.8.这是我第一次知道了世界有多么大。
Unit 233第233单元
I could have lent you the money, why didn't you ask?我本来可以借钱给你,你怎么不开口?
1.I could have lent you the money, why didn't you ask?1.我本来可以借钱给你,你怎么不开口?
2.You could have eaten it raw.2.你本来可以生吃的。
3.Things like that could have been prevented.3.这样的事本来是可以避免的。
4.I could have bought it.4.我差点儿就买回来。
5.You could have been more considerate.5.你其实应该更会为别人着想。
6.I could have learned it earlier.6.我要是早点儿学就好了。
7.You could have listened to my proposal.7.其实你那时候就应该听我的劝告。
8.Who could have supposed that?8.有谁能想到那样呢?
Unit 234第234单元
You'll soon get accustomed to it.你很快就习惯了。
1.You'll soon get accustomed to it.1.你很快就习惯了。
2.I have to get accustomed to cold weather.2.我必须习惯冷天气。
3.You must be accustomed to getting up early.3.你必须习惯早起。
4.I'm accustomed to looking after you.4.我都习惯照顾你了。
5.I'm accustomed to travelling.5.我习惯于旅行。
6.I'm accustomed to hard work.6.我习惯干苦活儿。
7.I have become accustomed to school life.7.我已经习惯了学校的生活。
8.That's her customary smile.8.那是她习惯性的微笑。
Unit 235第235单元
Whatever you say.随便。
1.Whatever you say.1.随便。
2.Whatever you order, it'll be fine to me.2.随便点我都喜欢。
3.Whatever dictionaries you have, lend them to me.3.不管你有什么字典都要借给我。
4.Take whatever you want.4.想要什么尽管拿。
5.Whatever happens I'm determined to fulfill it.5.不管发生什么,我都决心完成它。
6.Whatever books you want, I'll buy them for you.6.不管你要什么书,我都给你买。
7.I have nothing whatever to do with this.7.这事压根儿就不关我的事。


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