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NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版There's a sharp bend in the road.路上有急转

所属教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版



There's a sharp bend in the road.路上有急转弯。
1.There's a sharp bend in the road.路上有急转弯。
2.After the storm there will be a sharp drop in temperature.风暴过后,气温会骤降。
3.This factory presents a sharp contrast with the one I saw.这个厂与我从前看过的那个厂形成鲜明对照。
4.Don't be so sharp to the children.别对孩子这么苛刻。
5.She is such a sharp girl.她可是个伶牙俐齿的厉害姑娘。
6.The new teacher is sharper than we have thought.这个新来的老师比我们想像中的还厉害。
7.The meeting starts at eleven sharp.十一点整准时开会。
8.I'm sorry the pictures are not sharp.很抱歉,照片不清楚。
The affair isn't so easily settled.这件事不那么容易解决。
1.The affair isn't so easily settled.这件事不那么容易解决。
2.Is the date for departure settled now?启程的日期定下来没有?
3.It's settled.It needn't be talked about any more.就这么定了,不必多谈了。
4.I've got an affair to settle.有件事要处理。
5.I'll settle in the countryside after retirement.退休后要到乡下去定居。
6.I like the coastal city -what a life to settle here!我喜欢这个海滨城市,住在这儿生活会多好啊。
7.Don't talk to him until his excitement settles.不要跟他讲话,等他平静了再说吧。
8.We'll settle the problems as soon as possible.我们会尽快地解决这些问题。
He is sensitive to religious topics.这人对宗教问题很敏感。
1.He is very sensitive to religious topics.这个对宗教问题很敏感。
2.Don't be so sensitive -I was kidding.别这么爱过敏,开个玩笑么。
3.He is sensitive about his appearance.他对自己的长像很敏感。
4.He is too sensitive about his family background.是他太敏感自己的出身了。
5.An artist is so sensitive to beauty.艺术家对美的反应真敏锐。
6.A baby's skin is too sensitive.婴儿的皮肤太娇嫩了。
7.The instrument is sensitive,use it carefully.这仪器太灵敏了,使用时得轻点儿。
8.My ears are sensitive like before.你的耳朵又像先前那样灵敏了。
I'll see to it.我管。
1.I'll see to it.我管。
2.I have a lot of things to see to at noon.中午要处理一大堆事情。
3.I hope you'll see to the matter.我希望你来管管这件事。
4.Could you see to it for me?你帮了照看一下锅啊?
5.OK,but get a mechanic to see to the brakes.可以,但得先找机械师修一下刹车。
6.Have it seen to.要找人修一下。
7.Please see to it that you're not late again.注意下次不能再迟到了。
8.I'll see to it that I won't by any inconvenience to you.下次保证不会再带给你不便了。
We're to broaden the scope of business.要拓展业务范围。
1.We're going to broaden our business scope.要拓展业务范围。
2.Many words are outside the scope of a dictionary.许多词字典里找不到。
3.All the related questions are within the scope of the book.有关问题书内都包括了。
4.Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind.经济学超出了孩子的理解力。
5.These terms aren't within the scope of a beginner.这些术语不是初学者能理解的。
6.Let each one have a scope to show his capacity.每个人都应该有展现个人能力的空间。
7.The job gives my talents and abilities a full scope.这个工作给我提供了施展自身才能的广阔天地。
8.Give your children's creativity a wide scope.要给孩子更多的发挥创造力的机会。
This is a regular sixteenth-century church.这是典型的十六世纪的教堂。
1.This is a regular sixteenth-century church.这是典型的十六世纪的教堂。
2.You're a lady with a regular figure.你是一位身材并不出众的女士。
3.But I'm not a regular lawyer.但是我不是正式的律师。
4.That's my regular work.那是我日常的工作。
5.I'm just living in a regular way.我只是按一般方式生活。
6.You must have a regular diet.你要有规律地进食。
7.But your pulse is regular.可是你的脉搏正常。
8.What's the regular dress for such occasions?这类场合通常应穿什么?
It speaks volumes of his kindness.这充分说明他心地善良。
1.It speaks volumes of his kindness.这充分说明他心地善良。
2.It speaks volumes of his training.这充分说明了他训练有素。
3.The nice rose speaks volumes of how much he misses you.这么好的花,足以说明他很思念你。
4.He said nothing but his face spoke volumes.他没说什么,但脸上的表情说明了一切。
5.It speakes volumes of his honesty.这充分说明了他的诚实。
6.The trade volume declined sharply that year.那年贸易量陡降。
7.The volume of passengers has reached the highest point of the year.客运量已经达到一年内的最高峰。
8.Would you please turn down the volume?请把音量放小点好吗?
I read French,but I can't speak it.她只会阅读不会讲。
1.I read French,but I can't speak it.她只会阅读不会讲。
2.My favorite interest is to read excellent books.我最大的乐趣是读好书。
3.I have been reading a good article.我一直在读一篇好文章。
4.I'll get some magazines to read.我要弄点儿杂志来读读。
5.Reading and talking.读书,聊天。
6.Would you please read the letter to me?可不可以把信读给我听?
7.I read that yesterday in the newspaper.是昨天从报纸上看到的。
8.I read that a company is wanting designers.我看到一家公司正招聘设计人员。
The matter had better be left as it is.这事情最好顺其自然吧。
1.The matter had better be left as it is.这事情最好顺其自然吧。
2.You'd better wait till my sister arrives.你最好等到姐姐回来。
3.You'd better choose the other one.最好选择另外一种。
4.You'd better not smoke.你最好别吸烟了。
5.You'd better make out a new design.你最好搞一个新设计。
6.You'd better meet her at the railway station.你最好到火车站去接她。
7.I'd better be going.你最好还是走吧。
8.I'd better have a thorough repair.你最好彻底修理一次。
I'll go further into the matter tomorrow.明天再进一步谈。
1.I'll go further into the matter tomorrow.明天再进一步谈。
2.Before going any further,I have a question.在我往下谈之前,要提出一个问题。
3.It's necessary to cut the cost down further.进一步削减成本很必要。
4.If I can be of any further use,tell me please.还要帮什么忙,尽管讲。
5.I don't want to cause any further trouble.不想给你增添更多的麻烦。
6.I have nothing further to tell you.我没有更多的要告诉你的了。
7.There should be no further hesitation.不要再犹豫了。
8.Do you have any further questions to ask?你们还有其它什么问题要问吗?
Maybe I can talk him into joining us.我也许可以劝他加入我们队。
1.Maybe I can talk him into joining us.我也许可以劝他加入我们队。
2.Can I talk you into playing with us for a moment?能不能说动你同我们打一会儿?
3.I'll talk him into playing more.我去劝他多弹一段。
4.Maybe I can talk him into buying the house.也许我可以劝父亲把房子买下来。
5.He wanted to talk me into buying his product.那人想劝我买他的产品。
6.I'll talk you into changing your mind.我会劝你改变这个主意。
7.Don't be talked into doing anything you don't like.不要耳朵发软,去做自己不愿意做的事情。
8.I'll talk you into staying a little longer.我要劝你多待一会儿。
Unit 209第209单元
The streets of the cities are never silent.都市的街道永无宁静。
1.The streets of the cities are never silent.1.都市的街道永无宁静。
2.The fields in the twilight are just so silent.2.黄昏的田野就是这样安静。
3.The birds are keeping silent to listen to my song.3.鸟儿都保持安静,倾听我的歌声。
4.What a silent night!4.多么宁静的夜晚啊!
5.The old man was silent about his early life.5.老人对自己早年生活只字不提。
6.Dad seems to be unhappy; He is silent.6.父亲像是不高兴,他一言不发。
7.Why are you so silent today?7.今天你为什么这么沉默?
8.All the reports are silent about the sensitive question.8.这个敏感问题所有的报告中都没有涉及。
Unit 210第210单元
He quit studying to take a walk.他放下手中的研究工作去散步。
1.He quit studying to take a walk.1.他放下手中的研究工作去散步了。
2.Have you quit your past job for a better one?2.你是否不再干过去那行,另有高就了?
3.I've quit working and I've quit smoking.3.我工作不干了,烟也不吸了。
4.I quit because my salary is too low.4.我辞工不干是因为薪水太低。
5.I'm going to quit before next week.5.下周之前我就不干了。
6.I won't quit because I know what it means to me.6.我不会辞工的,因为我知道这对我意味着什么。
7.I'll quit here for a while.7.我得离开这里一阵子。
8.I would quit the cold place.8.我想离开这个寒冷的地方。
Unit 211第211单元
There seems to be no financial question.看起来不存在钱的问题。
1.There seems to be no financial question.1.不存在钱的问题。
2.That's only a question of time.2.那只是时间的问题。
3.The most urgent issue is the question of unemployment.3.政府最急迫的问题是失业问题。
4.That's a question that will take a few minutes for me.4.对我来说那是几分钟的问题。
5.To be or not to be, it remains a question.5.是存在还是消亡,这仍是个问题。
6.The question is whether you want a job by now.6.问题是你想不想现在就找工作。
7.It's out of the question.7.不可能。
8.That's quite out of the question.8.那太不可能了。
Unit 212第212单元
That's what puzzles me.那也正是困扰我的问题。
1.That's what puzzles me.1.那也正是困扰我的难题。
2.Something in Milly's voice puzzles me.2.Milly的声音中有那么点儿让我感到莫名其妙的东西。
3.His recent behavior puzzles me.3.他最近的行为让我感到难以理解。
4.Altogether I'm puzzled by the situation.4.总之目前的情况我实在摸不透。
5.I feel puzzled about what on earth he wants me to do.5.我真搞不懂他到底要我怎么样。
6.I'm puzzled about what to do next.6.下一步怎样做连我都没有主张了。
7.I did feel puzzled about how to do it.7.当时我就是不清楚该怎么做。
8.That's a matter which puzzles me.8.那也是让我迷惑不解的事。
Unit 213第213单元
Shall we put off the picnic?是不是要推迟野餐?
1.Shall we put off the picnic?1.是不是要推迟野餐?
2.I'm afraid we'll have to put it off.2.由于天气状况恐怕得推迟。
3.It will be put off no more than one week.3.推迟不超过一星期。
4.It doesn't matter if the task I don't like is put off.4.我不喜欢的事推迟了也没有关系。
5.Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.5.今天能做的别拖到明天。
6.I always seem to put things off till the last minute.6.我似乎总是把事情拖到最后一刻。
7.We thought it was put off until after the weekend.7.我们还以为是推迟到周末以后呢。
Unit 214第214单元
May I speak to you privately?我可否与你单独谈一谈?
1.May I speak to you privately?1.我可否与你单独谈一谈?
2.It's the sort of thing one should talk about in private.2.这是那种应私下谈的事。
3.You'd better not talk about your private affairs to strangers.3.最好不要把私事讲给陌生人。
4.I've got something private to tell you.4.我有一件不便公开的事要告诉你。
5.It's unnecessary because that's private.5.因为那是件个人的事。
6.I'm not interested in people's privacy.6.我对别人的隐私不感兴趣。
7.It is available for special private affairs.7.它是特为讨论个人隐私而开通的。
8.Plans for takeover were kept private.8.公司被接管的计划当时是不公开的。
Unit 215第215单元
I didn't catch what you said.我没有听懂你刚才所说的话。
1.I didn't catch what you said.1.我没有听懂你刚才所说的话。
2.Did you catch my meaning?2.你们是否听懂了我的意思?
3.It's easy to catch a cold in the winter.3.冬天容易患感冒。
4.I'll catch up with you a moment later.4.我一会儿就追上你。
5.I'll work hard to catch up after my illness.5.我病好以后会努力赶上的。
6.I'll run and catch a bus.6.我要跑去赶公共汽车。
7.I was caught in a traffic jam.7.我被塞车给截住了。
8.Don't let me catch you doing that again!8.当心别再被我抓住!
Unit 216第216单元
It was cloudy this morning, but it turned out fine.早上还是乌云密布,但是后来天却放晴了。
1.It was cloudy this morning, but it turned out fine.1.早上还是乌云密布,但是后来天却放晴了。
2.I thought it was difficult but it turned out easy.2.我以为题很难,可结果题很容易。
3.How did the interview turn out?3.应聘的最后结果怎么样?
4.Do you think the crops will turn out well this year?4.是否认为今年的收成最终会很好。
5.The signature turned out to be a forgery.5.结果那签字证明是伪造的。
6.But it didn't turn out like that.6.但事情最终并不像你说的那样糟。
7.Everything turned out as described.7.原来一切都跟描述的一样。
8.Let's see how the weather turns out.8.我们看看天气最终怎么样吧。


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