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NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版I feel the same way.我也有同感。

所属教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版



I feel the same way.我也有同感。
1.I feel the same way.It makes me exhausted.我也有同感,那让我精疲力尽。
2.I feel the same way.It makes me drunk.我也这样觉得,我会醉的。
3.I feel the same way,I nearly quit my job.我也觉得是这样,我都要辞职了。
4.I felt the same way.That was my first time on a stage.我那时也有同样的感受,那是我第一次上台。
5.I felt the same way.It's a waste of time.我也有同感,太无聊了。
6.I feel the same way.Dad is the one I miss most.我也有同感,我最思念的人是父亲。
7.I feel the same way.I'll consider working here after graduation.我也有同感,我要考虑毕业后在这里工作。
If there's anything I can do,count on me!要有什么需要帮忙的,就找我吧。
1.If there's anything I can do,count on me!要有什么需要帮忙的,就找我吧。
2.We count on tourism being the major source of income.我们把旅游业当作主要收入来源。
3.You can't count on the weather being fine.这些日子别指望天晴了。
4.You can count on me doing my best.你尽管放心吧,我会尽力的。
5.I counted on having it finished by March.我本指望三月份能完成。
6.I was counting on seeing you the say after tomorrow.我刚才还指望后天见到你呢。
7.The team is counting on me to win the race.全队还指望我赢呢。
8.I'm counting on selling only 5000 copies.我还以为仅销五千册就不错了。
They have no sense of justice.他们根本没有正义感。
1.They have no sense of justice.他们根本没有正义感。
2.The child has a well-developed musical sense.孩子乐感很好。
3.I've a poor sense of direction.我方向感很差。
4.A sense of accomplishment often accompanies hard work.成就感常常是伴着辛苦得来的。
5.Mayby because I have a sense of humour.那可能是因为我有幽默感。
6.That increases your sense of safely.这增加你的安全感。
7.I have no sense of economics.我压根没有经济理论的概念。
8.The school of painting has no sense of bauty.这个绘画流派缺乏美感。
I'm on duty tonight.我今晚值班。
1.Sorry,I'm on duty tonight.很抱歉,我今晚值班。
2.Who is on duty today?今天是谁值日?
3.Tomorrow when I'm off duty,I'll offer my help.明天下班我能帮你。
4.I'll assume my new duty next week.我下周将担负起新的职责。
5.I was criticized for neglecting my duties.我因疏忽了职责而被批评。
6.He has a strong sense of duty.他的责任感很强。
7.Everyone should do his duty for society.每个人都应对社会尽点儿义务。
8.I had to take over the duties of another guy.我奉命接管另一个人的职务。
It doesn't make any difference.没什么区别。
1.It doesn't make any difference.没什么区别。
2.It makes no difference.都一样。
3.It'll make no difference to me.对我来讲,这无所谓。
4.Staying a day or two longer makes little difference.多住一两天没有什么用处。
5.It does make a difference.那确实有影响。
6.It'll make a great difference if you're late.如果你晚来就影响大了。
7.Of course your being here makes a difference.当然有你在不一样了。
8.Your support will certainly make a difference in my cause.你的支持肯定对我的事业很有影响。
But the prices are too high.但是价格太高了。
1.But the prices are too high.但是价格太高了。
2.Compared with other products,our price is the most reasonable one.比起其它的产品,我们的价格是最合理的。
3.I'll sell the boats at any price.什么价都行,我要卖掉这些船。
4.In the long run you'll have to pay the price for it.从长远看来,你们要为此付出代价。
5.We won the battle but at the price of many lives.我们是打了胜仗,但付出了许多生命做代价。
6.Good health is beyond price.好身体是无价之宝。
7.It's just arrived and hasn't been priced.货刚到,还没有标价。
8.The goods in the shop are priced much too high.那里的货物标价过高。
That's the way I look at it.那是我对事情的看法。
1.That's the way I look at it.那是我对事情的看法。
2.Is that the way you look at it?那是你的看法吗?
3.You may look at things that way but society won't?你可以那样看问题,但社会上多数人不会那么看的。
4.I look at it in a different way.我的看法不同。
5.I won't look at such a small order.我不考虑这么小的订货量。
6.He looks at things from all sides.他从不同的角度考虑问题。
7.Get a carpenter to look at it.找木工来检查一下。
8.We won't look at any order under $3000.三千美元以下的的货不考虑。
What's your initial impression of China?对中国的第一印象如何?
1.What's your initial impression of China?对中国的第一印象如何?
2.She made a favourable impression on me.她给我的印象很好。
3.How did you get that impression?你怎么得来的这个印象?
4.That's only my impression I don't really know.那只是我的印象,我并不肯定。
5.The first impression is critical in the interview.第一印象在面试中很关键。
6.She impressed me much with her graceful dance.那时她优雅的舞蹈给我留下了深刻的印象。
7.How does Washington impress you?华盛顿给你的印象如何?
8.He didn't impress me much.他没怎么给我留下印象。
The increase in prices is beyond control.物价上涨已失去了控制。
1.The increase in prices is beyond control.物价上涨已失去了控制。
2.He is wild.He is beyond control.他太粗鲁了,无法约束。
3.It's beyond the reach of my knowledge.那超出了我的知识范围。
4.That question is beyond the reach of the beginners.那问题初学者无法理解。
5.Your work is beyond all praise.你的作品实在是怎么赞扬都不过分。
6.The scenery is beautiful beyond description.那里的风光美得难以描述。
7.The car was damaged beyond repair.这车子损坏太严重了,没有希望再修了。
8.The school has been expanded beyond recognition.校园扩建得都认不出来了。
9.Good advice is beyond all price.忠告是无价之宝。
Would you show me those pictures?是否可以让我看一看?
1.Would you show me those pictures?是否可以让我看一看?
2.Does the would 's scar still show?伤口还能不能看得出来?
3.Your happiness shows in your smile.你的笑容都显露出幸福来。
4.I'll show you around to meet everyone.要带你到处走一走,见一见大家。
5.I don't like her.She loves showing off.我不喜欢她,她太好炫耀。
6.But she shouldn't always show off her knowledge of literature.但她也不应总是卖弄文学知识。
7.The children have already showed me up last time.不带小孩子了,上次孩子已经让我难堪。
8.The investigation showed the inefficiency of the management.调查表明管理效率太低。
Be quiet;it made me sick.安静点,真烦人。
1.Be quiet;it made me sick.安静点,真烦人。
2.The teacher will be sick at my mistake.老师会因为这个错误生气的。
3.I'm sick of this routine work.这千篇一律的工作让我感到厌烦。
4.The girl must be homesick.这女孩一定是想家了。
5.He must be sick of failing the exam.他一定是为考试没过关而难过呢。
6.You may be sick if you eat too much.吃多了会呕吐。
7.I felt sick when the ship started.刚开始的时候有点恶心。
8.If I fall sick,who is to care for the business?我要是病倒了,谁来照管生意呢?
That sounds like a wonderful idea.这个主意太妙了。
1.That sounds like a wonderful idea.这个主意太妙了。
2.Hwo sad the Blues sound!布鲁斯听起来多么忧伤。
3.It sounds like music when she speaks.她说话听起来像音乐。
4.The music sounds so sweet!那小调听起来多么甜蜜。
5.It sounds unpleasant when he is chewing!他嚼东西的声音听起来很刺耳。
6.The story sounds so interesting!那故事真有趣。
7.That sounds so silly to speak that way.那样讲话听着傻兮兮的。
8.Your ideas make you sound like an optimist!你的那些观念让人听起来觉得你是个乐观主义者!
Rest assured that I'll be here.放心吧,我会来的。
1.Rest assured that I'll be here.放心吧,我会来的。
2.Rest assured that I'll do my best.不必担心,我会尽全力的。
3.You can rest assured that everything will be tried.放心,我们一定想尽所有办法去试。
4.I'll not rest assured about my son.儿子让我放心不下。
5.Can you rest assured that your son is abroad?你是否放心得下让儿子出国?
6.Rest assured that you'll receive it in two days.放心吧,两天内就收到了。
7.Rest assured that I'll get everything prepared.放心吧,我会把一切准备好的。
8.Rest assured that nothing will happen.放心,什么事都不会有的。
I'll try,but I can't promise.我会尽量赶来,但不保证。
1.I'll try,but I can't promise.我会尽量赶来,但不保证。
2.I promise to finish it in three days.我可以答应在三天之内完成。
3.I'm sorry I've promised it to another.对不起,已经答应借给别人了。
4.When can I buy the toy gun you promised?答应过我的玩具枪什么时候买?
5.Promise me that you'll go straight home after work.一定要下班后直接回家。
6.I must phone my family as I promised.我必须按答应过的给家里打电话。
7.You'll have to promise the moon to people.那样就不得不对人们承诺一些根本办不到的事。
8.This promises to be a pleasant evening.这就可以肯定,这将是一个愉快的夜晚。
The train is leaving in five minutes.火车五分钟内就要开了。
1.The train is leaving in five minutes.火车五分钟内就要开了。
2.Would you leave a message?愿不愿意留下字条?
3.Leave the television on while I'm watching.让电视就这么开着,我还在看。
4.Let's leave the matter until tomorrow.这件事留到明天吧。
5.Perhaps we can leave it there,can't we?我们就谈到这,好吗?
6.I'd leave it alone if I were you.要是换了我,早就不去管了。
7.Then I'll have to leave it at that.那也只好就此算了吧。
8.It's better to leave some things unsaid.有些话还是不说的好。
He's very particular about what he eats.他对吃的非常挑剔。
1.He's very particular about what he eats.他对吃的非常挑剔。
2.Don't be too particular about clothes.对衣服别太挑剔。
3.He is very particular about the design of a product.他对产品的设计很是苛刻。
4.That is he is very particular about details.那是因为他对细节太挑剔。
5.Don't be too particular about others.对别人不要太挑剔。
6.She's too particular about manners.她对举止很挑剔。
7.Actually she is too particular about choosing friends.其实,她对选择朋友太挑剔了。
8.I'v very particular about color and style.她特别讲究颜色和款式。
Sarah is devoted to her children.她把全部心血都倾注在儿女身上。
1.Sarah is dervoted to her children.她把全部心血都倾注在儿女身上。
2.Father devoted himself entirely to science.父亲的一生都献给了科学。
3.I'll devoted myself to a love story the whole afternoon.言情小说我可以专心读一下午。
4.She devoted too much time to playing cards.她太多的时间都用在玩纸牌上了。
5.Don't devote too much time to the selection of a subject.在专业选择上不要耗费太大的功夫。
6.I'll be devoted to music after graduation.毕业后仍要致力从事音乐。
7.Will you devote yourself to teaching in the future?将来是否还会从事教学?
8.All my son's spare time is devoted to study.儿子的所有业余时间都用于学习了。
The sight is really magnificent.这景色太壮观了!
1.The sight is really magnificent.这景色太壮观了!
2.The sunset is the most beautiful sight.最美的是日落的景观。
3.The Great Falls is the most wonderful sight.大瀑布是最为绝妙的景色。
4.I can imagine what an astonishing sight the ocean is.可以想像,海洋是一幅多么令人震惊的景色。
5.We met at a dance party.It was love at first sight.我们在舞会上相识,是一见钟情。
6.What a sight the room is after the party!看这晚会过后我的房间成了什么样子了。
7.What a sight you are in those clothes!看你穿了这些衣服,成什么鬼样子了。
8.What a sight you are!怎么搞成这个样子。


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