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NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版What do you propose?你们有什么建议吗?

所属教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版



What do you propose?你们有什么建议吗?
1.What do you propose?你们有什么建议吗?
2.I propose a brand-new system of accounting.我建议采用全新的会计制度。
3.I propose Jones for secretary.我建议让Jones来做书记。
4.I propose that we should stop the meeting.我建议应该休会。
5.I propose a short rest before we continue to work.我建议应稍事休息后再继续工作。
6.I propose that you go into the hospital first.我建议你还是先进医院。
7.I propose that the matter be considered at the next meeting.我建议把这个问题留作下次考虑。
8.I think you will propose something constructive.我认为你可能有什么建设性的建议。
Have you progressed in your studies?你学习有没有进步?
1.Have you progressed in your studies?你学习有没有进步?
2.How are you progressing with your driving lesson?驾驶课有没有进步?
3.My knowledge of mechanics has progressed greatly.我的机械理论知识进步很大。
4.I hope you'll progress rapidly.希望你能迅速进步。
5.Later,it progressed no further.后来就没有什么进展了。
6.Further progress was delayed by playing for fun.没有更多的进步,是让玩给耽误了。
7.It's the law of human progress in our time.这是我们这个时代人类进步的法则。
8.I'll see to it that the construction is progressing according to the schedule.我要确保工程按计划进展。
I'm profoundly grateful.我十分感激你。
1.I'm profoundly grateful.我十分感激你。
2.I'm profoundly sorry for what I've done.我为自己所做的深感歉意。
3.That is a very profound statement.这句话很深刻。
4.I can't tell you how profoundly your words impressed me.简直无法形容你的话给我留下了多么深刻的印象。
5.I have a profound respect for the Greek culture.我对希腊文化怀有深深的敬仰。
6.Those utterances were porfoundly educational.那些话具有深刻的教育意义。
7.I have a profound faith in the power of money.我深信金钱的力量。
8.My father gave me the most profound influence.父亲给了我最深的影响。
I am nervous in your presence.有你在场,我有点紧张。
2.In Mark's presence,I'm always silent.Mark在场,我一般不讲话。
3.Why don't you make your suggestion in the presense of the president?干嘛不当着校长的面提出你的建议?
4.Don't talk about my illness in the presence of my father.不要当着我父亲的面提我的病。
5.Tim is calm in the presence of sudden danger.他面对突然的危险很是镇静。
6.I'll sign in the presense of all the representatives.我要当着所有代表的面签字。
7.How dare you say so in the presence of my parents!怎么敢当着我父母的面这样讲话。
8.He is too intimate with me in other's presence.当着别人的面,他对我太亲近了。
1.It's our general practice.这是我们的惯例。
2.Our practice is to offer five percent of the total.我们的做法是付总金额的百分之五。
3.It's an old practice.这是一种古老的习俗。
4.It's a dangerous practice.这种做法很危险。
5.It's my usual practice.那是我历来的习惯。
6.To rise early is the proper practice.早起才是我应该的做法。
7.You have to pay for it.That's our practice.你要赔偿,那是规矩。
8.You'll learn something about the traditional Chinese practice.你可以了解一些中国的传统习俗。
Knowledges is power.知识就是力量。
1.Knowledges is power.知识就是力量。
2.Developing creative power is the responsibility of a teacher.开发创造力才是教师的职责。
3.This will broaden the power of imagination of the children.这方法可以增强儿童的想象力。
4.To raise wages means increasing purchasing power.增加工资意味着提高购买力。
5.A struggle for power took place within the company.公司内部发生了权力斗争。
6.I have the power to make the final decision.我有权力作出最后的决定。
7.He is also a man of great power.他也是个很有能力的人。
8.The power of money is magical.钱是有魔力的。
The young generation is the hope of the nation.年轻一代是国家的未来。
1.The young generation is the hope of the nation.年轻一代是国家的未来。
2.Your words have given me fresh hope.你的话让我有了新的希望。
3.The moment I saw you,I knew there was no hope.一看到你就知道没有希望了。
4.I hope you'll be in better spirits next time.希望你下次能精神好点。
5.We're hoping for a better settlement.我们正盼望着有一个更好的解决办法。
6.I didn't do it with a hope of getting something.我这样做并不希望得到什么回报。
7.I have no hope of seeing you anymore.我再没有机会见到她了。
8.You must have a strong hope of realizing your desire.你要对实现自己的愿望抱有很大的希望才行。
That's an ideal place for a picnic.那里是一个野餐的理想之地。
1.That's an ideal place for a picnic.那里是一个野餐的理想之地。
2.That would be ideal if you could stay.如果你能留下来就太好了。
3.Their ideals are peace and prosperity.他们的理想是和平与繁荣。
4.That's an ideal place for recreation.那是个休养的理想之地。
5.That's an ideal place to reside.这是理想的居住之地。
6.The ideal way is to give round-the-clock service.理想的方式是提供昼夜服务。
7.I haven't found my ideal mate yet.他未找到理想的人。
8.It has been my ideal since long ago.这是我很久以来的理想。
I have no idea for the party.我不打算去参加聚会了。
1.I have no idea for the party.我不打算去参加聚会了。
2.Have you any idea of the future?对将来有什么打算?
3.You have no idea how worried I was.你不知道我有多担心。
4.I've thought of the same idea,Mary.我也这么想。
5.My idea is that we should lock it up.我的想法是锁上门。
6.People have different ideas about happiness.人们对幸福的理解不同。
7.I've got a wonderful idea.我有个好主意。
8.I have no idea.我不知道。
In spite of all the mistakes,it's a good essay.尽管有错误,但不失为一篇佳作。
1.In spite of all the mistakes,it's a good essay.尽管有错误,但不失为一篇佳作。
2.In spite of the rain,I'll go there.尽管下雨,我还是要去。
3.In spite of the noise,I slept like a log.尽管噪音很大,我还是睡得很沉。
4.In spite of being angry,he took my advice.尽管他生了气,但还是采用了我的建议。
5.In spite of his rudeness,he is actually kindhearted.他尽管有点鲁莽,但其实心地善良。
6.In spite of its backwardness,it's a place of peace and quiet.它虽然落后了点,但是个宁静而平和的地方。
7.In spite of his silence,he is a thoughtful man.尽管他不作声,但他仍是一个有思想的人。
8.In spite of all the difficulties,we should look on the bright side.尽管目前困难重重,但应看到光明的一面。
This food looks inviting.那里的食品看起来很不错。
1.The food there looks inviting.那里的食品看起来很不错。
2.The pool looks inviting.I want to go for a swim.这泳池很有吸引力,我想去游一次。
3.The tea smells inviting and tastes fresh.这茶闻着香,喝着鲜。
4.Your clothes give you an inviting appearance.你穿这件衣服显得很有魅力。
5.Your room is inviting.你的房间很吸引人。
6.The display in the shop window is very inviting.那橱窗里的陈设很招揽顾客。
7.The sight of my hometown is so inviting.我家乡的风景很是迷人。
8.The city is so inviting to me.这个城市对于我来说太迷人了。
Can you make anything out of it?你听明白了吗?
1.Can you make anything out of it?你听明白了吗?
2.I couldn't make out what he meant.我听不懂是什么意思。
3.It's difficult to make out his idea.我很难理解他的观念。
4.She is so strange.I can't make her out.她真怪,真让人想不通。
5.I really can't make out why I did so.我自己也真搞不懂,为什么这样做。
6.I can't make out why he hasn't come.真猜不透,他为什么还不来。
7.I couldn't make it out at all.一点儿也不明白这是怎么回事。
8.I can't make it out until you tell me frankly.你直言相告我才能明白。
I've been missing you so much.我一直非常想念你。
1.I've been missing you so much.我一直非常想念你。
2.I'll miss you terribly.我将会很想念你。
3.I'll miss you all dreadfully.我会想念你们大家的。
4.I'll miss our pleasant talks when you leave.你走后我会很怀念这次愉快的谈话。
5.You can't imagine how much I missed you.我很难想像他多么惦念我。
6.I'll miss your bright eyes and sweet smile.我会怀念你明亮的眼睛,甜美的笑。
7.Do you miss the life on the small island?你是否怀念在小岛上的生活?
8.I suddenly realize I miss my home very much.我突然意识到我很想家。
I have met him on many occasions.我在许多场合里见过他。
1.I've met him on many occasions.我在许多场合里见过他。
2.You'd better keep silent on such occasions.这种场合最好保持沉默。
3.On every occasion,he called me younger sister.在所有的场合下他都称我为“妹妹”。
4.I send you my blessing on the happy occasion.在这个欢乐的时刻,我要表达对你的祝福。
5.I can't recall the occasion,but I've met her.我想不起是什么场合了,但我见过他。
6.It's a most joyful occasion.那是最快乐的时刻。
7.He talks about his work upon every occasion.在所有的情况下他都只谈工作。
8.We'll celebrate the great occasion.这个美妙时刻,我们应该庆祝一下。
I work hard in order to have a happy life.我努力工作是为了幸福地生活。
1.I work hard in order to have a happy life.我努力工作是为了幸福地生活。
2.I did it in order to spend my holiday at home.我这样是为了能回家过节。
3.I worked in that vacation in order to make a little money.我假期打工是为了赚一点钱。
4.I do this in order not to be scolded.我这样是为了不受责骂。
5.We invited the imperpretors in order to make foreign visitors feel at home.请翻译是为了让外国游客感到宾至如归。
6.We must speed up in order not to be caught in the rain.得赶快走,以便不被雨截住。
7.I took the par-time job in order to learn more about society.业余时间打工是为了更多地了解社会。
8.In order to pay for it,I'll have to save as much as possible.为了付款不得不尽量储蓄。


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