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NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版It didn't occur to me.没想到。

所属教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版



It didn't occur to me.没想到。
1.It didn't occur to me.没想到。
2.Why didn't it occur to me?我怎么早没想到呢?
3.It never occurs to me to adopt a homeless child.我以前从没想过要收养一个孤儿。
4.It suddenly occurred to me that the door was not locked.我突然想起门没锁。
5.Didn't it occur to you to shut the window?你就没想到要关好窗子吗?
6.It occurred to me just now.那情景又浮现在我的脑海里。
7.It didn't occur to me to mention it.我忘了提这件事了。
8.Nothing occurred to me.I was too nervous.当时我一句话也想不起来,太紧张了。
1.It will always remind me of you.这会使我常常想起他。
2.All this reminds me of my old days.这一切让我想起了过去的日子。
3.You remind me of my old father.你让我想起老父亲了。
4.Your story reminds me of an experience I had.这让我想起曾经有过的一次经历。
5.Does that remind you of something?那让你想起了什么吗?
6.Remind me to take my medicine.提醒我吃药。
7.It reminds me that I should write to my family.这也提醒我应该给家写封信了。
8.Music often reminds us of events in the past.音乐常使我们想起往事。
1.There's little money,but we can manage.钱不多了,但我们应付得过去。
2.Don't worry.I'll manage somehow.不用担心。我总会有办法凑合。
3.It's more than I can manage.我真有点应付不了。
4.Can you manage it on your own?这事你自己一个人干得了么?
5.How will you manage without a job?没工作怎么行?
6.Can you manage to get me the passport?能否设法帮我搞个护照?
7.I can't manage a big dinner like this.这么多人的饭,我可做不了。
8.Can you really manage another slice of cake?真的还能再吃下去一块吗?
1.She wants her own way too often.什么都总得依着她,惯坏了。
2.She always cries if she doesn't get her own way.不依着她,她就哭。
3.I have my own way in every situation.任何情况下她都能按照自己的想法去做。
4.Let him go his own way.由他去吧。
5.You can't always have your own way.不可能时时按照你个人的意图去做。
6.Have it your own way.Only leave me alone.想怎么样就怎么样吧,只是别烦我了。
7.He will make his way in the future.他将来一定会有所成就的。
8.Then you can make your way in the world.那样才能有出息。
Unit 93                 1.It's just as well to be careful.第93课                   以后还是小心为好。
2.It's just as well I don't go-we may talk.不走也好,可以聊聊。
3.It's just as well to telephone before you go.你在去之前还是先打个电话的好。
4.Just as well.I won't to then.也好,那就不去了罢。
5.It would be just as well to take an umbrella.还是带把伞好。
6.It would be just as well to go by train-the roads are icy.乘火车去吧,路太滑了。
7.I can ride a horse and shoot as well.我还能骑马和射击。
8.It's a political as well as an economic question.这是个经济问题也是个政治问题。
1.What's he taking up to study in college?他在大学里打算修什么课?
2.I dropped math and took up computers.现在放弃数学开始学计算机了。
3.I took up writing when I was in my middle school.我中学就开始了。
4.What have you taken up to study lately?近来选修了什么课程?
5.He took up the piano when he was five.他五岁时就开始学钢琴了。
6.When did you take up basketball?你什么时候开始打的?
7.He must take it up before five.五岁前就得学。
8.Why didn't you take up painting?你们怎么没有学画画?
It's very thoughtful of you!你真是周到啊!
1.It's very thoughtful of you!你真是周到啊!
2.It's thoughtful of you to bring me the flowers.你真是想得周到啊,还送我鲜花。
3.He always behaves in a thoughtful way.他做事情向来考虑周到。
4.She is a thoughtful girl.那姑娘很会为别人着想。
5.You're very thoughtful to others!你真会为别人着想。
6.It's not very thoughtful of him to do this.他这样做太不为别人着想了。
7.He is so thoughtful concerning the future.他是这么不替将来着想。
8.He is so thoughtful when it comes to other's needs.这个人真不为别人着想。
1.Let's keep in touch.让我们保持联系。
2.How can I get in touch with you?我怎么同你联系?
3.We've been out of touch for years.我们已经几年没有联系了。
4.That's a serious matter that touches your future.这是涉及到你未来的严肃的问题。
5.I was really touched.我真的很感动。
6.I've been trying to get in touch with you the whole afternoon.一下午都在没法与你取得联系。
7.What he said didn't touch the issue.他所讲的问题未触及问题所在。
8.I haven't touched the piano for days.几天都没有碰琴了。
1.It has an unpleasant taste.菜有一种不好的味道。
2.Have a taste and see if you like it.你们尝一下,看是否喜欢。
3.I'd like a small taste of it.我少来点,尝尝味道。
4.I cannot taste anything.I've a cold.我感冒了,尝不出味道。
5.I have no taste for sweet things.我不喜欢吃甜的东西。
6.I'll furnish the room according to my own taste.我想根据自己的品味亲自摆放。
7.I admire your taste in the arts.我很钦佩他的艺术鉴赏力。
8.She always dresses simply,but in good taste.她一贯穿着简洁,但格调不俗。
9.Pop music is not to everyone's taste.流行音乐并不适合每一个人的胃口。
1.It is too good to be ture.那太好了,简直难以置信。
2.I'm too ill to go anywhere.我病得太厉害,哪都去不成。
3.You're never too old to learn.活到老,学到老么。
4.You can't be too careful.千万要多加小心。
5.The issue can't be stressed too strongly.这问题怎么强调都不会过分。
6.It's not at all too small for you.这件衣服一点都不小。
7.The day passed all too quickly.这一天过得实在也太快了。
8.The vacation is all too short.这假期实在太短了。
1.I'll thank you to leave me alone.行行好,让我自己待一会儿。
2.I'll thank you to be quiet for a moment.求求你安静一会儿,好不好。
3.I'll thank you to mind your own business.管好你自己的事吧,谢天谢地了。
4.I have myself to thank for that.怨只能怨自己。
5.We've got Wilson to thank for it.都怨Wilson.
6.I've got you to thank for my cold.看你干的好事,弄得我感冒了。
7.We've got nobody to thank but ourselves.都怨自己,谁都不怨。
8.I've got the sky to thank for that.这都怨老天不作美。
1.In view of that,I won't go there.鉴于这种情况就不去那里了。
2.In view of the facts,it seems useless to continue the business.鉴于此类事实,似乎没必要继续你们的生意了。
3.In view of the achievement,the step is advisable.鉴于已经取得的成就,这一步是可行的。
4.In my view,the plan is not workable.依我看这个计划行不通。
5.In my view,the school vacation is too long.依我之见,假期太长了。
6.The magician did some wonderful magic in full view of the people.魔术师当着众人的面表演绝妙的魔术。
7.The book will give you a view of World War II.这书读了能让你了解第二次世界大战。
8.You'll get a view of the countryside.你可以看到乡间的景色。
1.What's your purpose of calling so early?你这么早打电话有什么事?
2.I have no ill-willed purpose.我并无恶意。
3.I didn't accomplish the purpose desired.我还没有达到预想的目的。
4.I didn't do that on purpose.我不是故意的。
5.That's not my original purpose.那不是我的本意。
6.My purpose is to upgrade my spoken English.我的目的是提高口语。
7.I don't have any definite purpose.没有确定的目的。
8.I have a purpose in making a trip to Europe.我有一个目标,那就是去欧洲旅行。
1.Try to put it clearly.尽量讲清楚点。
2.Why don't you put it in a simpler way?干嘛不讲得简单点呢?
3.Feelings sometimes can not be put into simple words.感情有时很难说清楚。
4.Well,let me put it this way.让我这样对你说吧。
5.I might as well put it into writing.我还是把它写下来吧。
6.It can be put more clearly.这样能说得更清楚些。
7.I don't know how to put up into English.我不知道用英语怎么说。
1.I like the work in a way.从某种意义上讲,我喜欢这个工作。
2.In a way,you're not completely well.从某种意义上讲,我还没有彻底痊愈。
3.In a way,I agree with your estimate of the situation.某种程度上同意我对形势的估计。
4.Can I help you in any way?在哪方面我可以帮得上忙?
5.My behaviour is perfect in every way.无论从哪方面讲,我的行为也是无懈可击的。
6.I can in no way allow this to continue.我绝不允许这样的事再继续了。
7.You're in no way to do this.你怎么也不应该干这样的事。
8.Next week,we must have it done in one way or another.下周怎么也得把活干完。


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