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苏格兰打卤面(强化听力系列)Celebrity Chef 名厨




BBC Learning English – 15 Minute Programmes 15 分钟节目
About this script
Please  note  that  this  is  not  a  word  for  word  transcript  of  the  programme  as
broadcast.  In  the  recording and editing process,  changes may have been made
which may not be reflected here.
Celebrity Chef  名厨
Finn:    Welcome to BBC Learning English, I'm Finn.
Jean:    And I'm Jean.
Finn:    You know Jean, I've got a question.  Where did you learn to cook?
Jean:   我从哪儿学的做饭吗?Well, I learned a lot from my Mum.  How about
   you Finn?
Finn:    Well I taught myself when I was a student living away from home –
   but I'm still not very good – I normally make simple things like 
Jean:    Oh, Finn.  男孩子都是这个样子的!
Finn:    But today on the programme, we'll be talking about some people
   who have become famous because of their cooking skills - celebrity
Jean:    Celebrity 明星chefs 厨师.  明星厨师,或者我们说的“名厨”。
Finn:    Yes, celebrity chefs.
Jean:   在英国的电视上有很多名厨的专题烹饪节目。这一类的电视节目尤其在90年
Finn:    That's right. And today we're going to meet a few of them.
Jean:    We asked some British people who their favourite celebrity chef is,
   and why.
- Jamie Oliver of course, I love his recipes because you can just throw everything
in and it all just turns out beautifully at the end.
- My favourite celebrity chef is probably Delia Smith.  She writes a lot of books.
Her recipes are always foolproof.
- Probably Gordon Ramsay, I met him once some time ago and I like the fact he's
really driven, and I also like the fact - his temper, it's brilliant fun, it's good to
watch on TV. 
Jean:     OK, 刚才说到的是三位不同的英国名厨。第一位是 Jamie Oliver。他是英国
Finn:    Yes, we heard that someone thought his recipes...
Jean:   食谱…
Finn:    Yes his recipes are very simple – you can just throw everything in
   and it turns out beautifully.
Jean:   你只要把各种原料扔进锅里 throw everything in, 不过最后的结果 it turns
   out 总会相当的美味!
Finn:    That's right – so it's easy, and fun.
I love his recipes because you can just throw everything in and it all just turns
out beautifully at the end.
Jean:   英国当今的另一位名厨是 Delia Smith, 她的年龄要稍微大一些,风格也比较
My favourite celebrity chef is probably Delia Smith.  She writes a lot of books. Her
recipes are always foolproof.
Finn:    Yes, she said Delia's recipes are foolproof.
Jean:   非常简单易懂的 foolproof.  这个词有两个单词组成- fool 傻瓜, and proof
   经得起的.  Adding proof 到一个名词上就是表示耐得住、经得起这个事物的
Finn:    Like soundproof, or heatproof.
Jean:    So, the kitchen table could be heatproof 耐热的!
Finn:    That's right. Heatproof.
Jean:   最后的这位英国人气名厨就是: Gordon Ramsay.
Gordon Ramsay, I met him once some time ago and I like the fact he's really
driven, and I also like the fact - his temper, it's brilliant fun, it's good to watch on
Finn:    Gordon Ramsay.  He is known for his temper; he often gets angry
   in the kitchen.
Jean:   他的 temper 脾气是出了名的大,经常在他的烹饪专题电视节目当中张口大骂
Finn:    But perhaps this is because he is very driven.
Jean:    Driven 专著执着的。
Finn:    And watching him on TV is fun because of his temper – you never
   know when he is going to get angry.
I like the fact he's really driven, and I also like the fact his temper, it's brilliant
fun, it's good to watch on TV.
Finn:    You're listening to BBC Learning English, and today we're talking
   about celebrity chefs in the UK.  Chefs these days often think it's
   important to use good ingredients.
Jean:    Good ingredients. 好的、健康的食物原料。
Finn:    One chef now who sees this as very important is Jamie Oliver.  We
   spoke about him earlier.
Jean:    Jamie Oliver 他第一部的电视节目叫做 The Naked Chef,在咱们中国叫做
   格,加上一口的 Essex 口音,广受观众喜爱。
Finn:    And Jamie uses a lot of informal language.  For example the word
Jean:    Stuff 其实就是东西的意思,也是英国的年轻人喜欢的常用词汇。
Finn:    See if you can hear the number of times he uses it.
Actually I've just recently finished a series – it's no nonsense growing stuff and
cooking stuff.  Last year I had the most incredible year, being rubbish at growing
stuff in my garden.  And you know what, 80% of the stuff that I threw in the
ground and got wrong, grew, and fruited, and I ate off it.
Jean:   呵,这么一段话,他就把Stuff这个词用了4次。
Finn:    Yes, he's just finished a series…
Jean:   一档系列节目… 
Finn:    A series about growing stuff and cooking stuff.  He also called the
   food he tried to grow 'stuff', as well.
Jean:   他说80%他扔到地里的 stuff 都会长起来。
Finn:    Yes, he says he really enjoyed being rubbish at growing stuff in
   his garden.
Jean:    Rubbish 在这里就是不擅长什么事情,技术很烂的意思。
Finn:    But even though he was rubbish at growing food – it still fruited. 
   To fruit.
Jean:   它结果了。
Actually I've just recently finished a series – it's no nonsense growing stuff and
cooking stuff.  Last year I had the most incredible year, being rubbish at growing
stuff in my garden.  And you know what, 80% of the stuff that I threw in the
ground and got wrong, grew, and fruited, and I ate off it.
Finn:    There's another word which Jamie Oliver uses a lot - pukka.
Jean:    Pukka 是一个Jamie 自己常用的口语词,就是好吃、美味的意思。其实这是
   个印地语的词,原意是“成熟了”、“煮熟了” 的意思。
Finn:    Yes but though he's very popular, not everybody likes his style. 
   Celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay have often
   been criticised by the public and the media.
Jean:    是的。不过很多人认为这些明星厨师其实更在意自己怎么出名,而不专著在如
何做好   他们厨师的工作。下面的这位女士说这些名厨的自我意识 ego 比他们的烹饪
   cooking 要更显著。
I think sometimes their egos are bigger than their cooking – that's a shame
because in the end the food is what's really exciting and I think sometimes the
personality takes over.
Finn:    She thinks that their egos are bigger than their cooking.  
   Sometimes the personality takes over.
Jean:   有时候他们的个人性格色彩完全支配了节目 it takes over, 结果烹饪的内容
反而   成了第二位。
I think sometimes their egos are bigger than their cooking – that's a shame
because in the end the food is what's really exciting and I think sometimes the
personality takes over.
Jean:    Actually Finn, I know Chinese food is very popular in the UK and
   there are lots of Chinese restaurants.  Are there any Chinese 
   celebrity chefs in the UK?
Finn:    Well there is an American Chinese chef called Ken Hom who we see
   on TV quite a lot.  He also has a range of Chinese cookbooks and
Jean:    Ken Hom 是一位美籍华裔的名厨。他的中国铁锅 woks 在英国相当畅销。
Finn:    Most British homes will have a wok for stir fries.
Jean:    Stir fry 炒菜。 Do you make stir fries Finn?
Finn:    Yes I do – I think stir frying is a quick and easy way to prepare 
Jean:    So you can cook Chinese food?
Finn:    Simple stuff, yes. But you know Jean, there's a British woman who
   went to Sichuan to study Chinese cooking, and she's written some
   books about this – she's very good.
Jean:    Really. 有一位精通四川菜的英国女厨师?
Finn:    There is indeed. Her name is Fuchsia Dunlop – I think her Chinese
   name is 扶霞, and we're now going to hear her describing how she
   likes to eat one of her favourite foods - pidan.
Jean:   她最爱吃皮蛋,还专门给我们形容了一番:
I like to serve them Sichuanese style, cut into segments with chopped green
peppers, and a drizzling of soy sauce and chilli oil.  Here we haev some chopped
green pepper here. Or perhaps in a Hunanese recipe, in a soup with garlic and
herbal amaranth. In goes the purple amaranth. Gancai, one of my favourite
Chinese vegetables. I'll just stir fry that for a few moments.
Jean:    Wow, 听起来她还真是个精通中国烹饪的专家呢。
Finn:    Yes, she likes to serve pidan in a Sichuanese style.
Jean:   四川菜的风格。
Finn:    And she cuts into segments
Jean:   切成块。
Finn:    with chopped green peppers
Jean:   剁碎的青椒。
Finn:    and soy sauce, and a little chilli oil
Jean:   酱油和辣椒油。
Finn:    Or she also likes to serve them Hunanese style. 
Jean:   湖南菜的风格。用的是紫苋菜。
Finn:    Yes, with purple amaranth – which is one of her favourite Chinese
I like to serve them Sichuanese style, cut into segments with chopped green
peppers, and a drizzling of soy sauce and chilli oil.  Here we haev some chopped
green pepper here. Or perhaps in a Hunanese recipe, in a soup with garlic and
herbal amaranth. In goes the purple amaranth. Gancai, one of my favourite
Chinese vegetables. I'll just stir fry that for a few moments.
Finn:    Well after hearing Fuchsia preparing pidan, I'm really starting to
   feel hungry.
Jean:    I know Finn, me too.  Shall we go and get some Sichuanese food?
Finn:    Good idea.  But before we do that we really should do another 
   review of the words we've learned today.
Jean:    Ok, quickly.
Finn:     Firstly, celebrity chefs 
Jean:   明星厨师。
Finn:    recipe
Jean:   食谱。
Finn:    foolproof
Jean:   傻子都会干的,简单易懂的。
Finn:    temper 
Jean:   脾气。
Finn:    stuff
Jean:   东西
Finn:    ego 
Jean:   自高、自大
Finn:    stir fry
Jean:   炒菜
Finn:    And that's all for this week!  I hope you've enjoyed hearing about
   celebrity chefs in the UK, and learned some more English words
   and phrases about cooking and culture.
Jean:   大家不要忘了有空来拜访我们的网站噢: www.bbcchina.com.cn, 帮助大
Finn:    Or you can send us an email if you have any ideas for programmes
   you would like us to make.
Jean:   我们的电子邮箱就是 chinaelt@bbc.co.uk
Finn:    Bye for now.
Jean:    Bye.


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