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美国之音之流行美语Hook sb. up with something (someone) / Buzz off




Popular American #102

Hook sb. up with something (someone)

Buzz off

现在播送流行美语。Larry 正准备去食品店买东西。他打了个电话给Li Hua问她要不要带什么东西。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:hook something up和buzz off。

(Telephone rings...)

LH:  Hello?

LL:  Hi, Li Hua.  This is Larry.  I'm going to the grocery store and I was wondering if you needed anything.

LH:  Larry!  你要去商店买东西呀?我正好牛奶喝光了,你可不可以帮我买点牛奶呢?回头我再给你钱。

LL:  Sure, no problem.  I can hook you up with some milk.

LH:  Hook me up with some milk?  哎,我知道hook是“钩子”的意思。那hook up就是把东西用钩子钩住, 你想把我和牛奶钩在一起?噢,我猜就是给我带牛奶的意思,对不对?

LL:  Yes, you're right.  To hook somebody up with something means to get something for him.  I meant that I will get the milk for you.

LH:  你看,我猜得不错吧!To hook me up with some milk就是“给我带点牛奶”。对了,我差点忘了, Larry, 你能不能再给我带包土豆片呢?

LL:   Sure, I can hook you up with some potato chips, too.  Is there anything else you'd like me to hook you up with?

LH:  还有什么呀?对了,你能不能帮我买一张这个周末的音乐会票子呢?

LL:  Well, they don't sell those at the grocery store, but I have a friend who can hook you up with some tickets.

LH:  噢,对不起,我忘了你是要去食品店。那儿是不卖音乐会的票。你朋友可以帮我买票啊,那太好了!哎,Larry, 除了说hook somebody up with something以外,我能不能说hook somebody up with someone呢?

LL:  Of course you can, but it means "to introduce the person".  For example, if you want to meet my friend, then I can hook you up with him.

LH:  噢,原来to hook somebody up with someone的意思就是“把某人介绍给另一个人”。哎,Larry, 你还记不记得上次历史课上那个很有意思的男孩呢 - Can you hook me up with him?

LL:  I would if I knew him, but I've never talked to him before.  Sorry.

LH:  你从来没跟他说过话呀?那就算了。对了,Larry,每次我写学术报告,我总是对自己的英文不太有信心,你能不能给我介绍一个能帮我改英文的人?

LL:  Of course, I can hook you up.  I'll help you myself.

LH:  你愿意帮我改我的英文报告啊?你真是太好了!哎哟,还是你先去买东西吧,别忘了hook me up with milk and potato chips!

LL:  I won't forget. 


(Knocking on the door. Door opens)

LL:  Hey, Li Hua.  Here's your milk and potato chips.  See, I didn't forget to hook you up. 

LH:  Thank you, Larry.  我正忙着复习功课。 I'll see you later. 

LL:  Hey, you aren't even going to invite me in?  You're just telling me to buzz off?  That's a little rude!

LH:  对不起,Larry, 我不是不想请你进来坐,可是我实在太忙了。哎,对了,什么是buzz off 啊?

LL:  Buzz off is a way of telling someone to leave.  You were trying to tell me to leave, so that's like saying "Buzz off!" 

LH:  噢,buzz off就是叫某人离开,哎哟,Larry。我可没有要赶你走的意思,我只不过是心里着急,我星期五要考试,到现在还没准备好呢!

LL:  Well, then instead of telling me to buzz off, you should ask me if I can help you?

LH:  对呀,那Larry, 你先别走,你现在有时间帮我复习吗?

LL:  I have about an hour before I have to go home.

LH:  你大概一个小时后要回家?那你等会儿吧  - You can buzz off later.

LL:  Thanks, Li Hua, (sarcastically)  You make me feel so important.

今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是hook somebody up,  hook somebody up with something意思是“给某人带某样东西”;hook somebody up with someone意思是“把这个人介绍给某人”。李华学到的另一个常用语buzz off. Tell someone to buzz off意思是“叫某个人离开”。



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