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高中英语作文:How to protect your eyes ?怎样保护眼睛






  The eyes are the windows of the soul, if any, have a bright big eyes and more good!How should we protect our bright big eyes? ?Should hand an inch from the tip away from the eyes of books one foot away from the desktop chest punched far; reading when not lying in bed, sofa or the floor, not the time to write things from the book too close or too far away; Do not light too weak or too light to read or write the place; can not watch TV too close to the time away from television, but in the last two meters outside the areas are playing computer can not play when the time is too long, to Wan Erwan Let us break the big eyes, or to be a distant view.We must protect our bright big eyes, if you do this, your eyes will be protected well.If you do not do so your eyes will be short-sightedness, farsightedness, will be put on the glasses.Remember: We must every day to protect our big bright eyes, not to bring small glasses.



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