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高中英语作文:Out of the Mist走出迷雾






  John has lived in London for a few years, but he isn't so familiar with that city, because he seldom goes out.One foggy morning, he had to go somewhere to attend an important meeting.Because of the heavy fog, he was unable to get the right way.Although he asked many people for the direction, no one paid attention to him, for they were all in a hurry.He looked so anxious.At this very moment, a woman came out of the fog and said, “Let me help you, Sir.Please go with me." John followed the woman, and then she led him to the right place.It took them about half an hour.John owed his great thanks to her.However, to his great surprise, he found that the woman was blind.“How can you take me here?"John asked.“I have been living in London since I was born, so I'm very familiar with every street in this city." the woman answered.

  约翰在伦敦住了几年,但他对那个城市并不是很熟悉,因为他很少出门。在一个有雾的早晨,他要去参加一个重要会议。由于雾太大,他无法找到正确的方向。虽然他向很多人问方向,没有人注意到他,因为他们都在赶时间。他看上去很着急。在这个非常时刻,一个女人从大雾中走出来对他说,“先生,我来帮助你吧。请跟我走吧。” 约翰跟着她,之后她带他带到正确的地方。他们大约花了半个小时。约翰非常感谢她。然而,令他吃惊的是,他发现那个女人是盲人。“你是怎么能带我到这里来?”约翰问。“我从出生开始就一直生活在伦敦,所以我非常熟悉这个城市的每一条街道。” 女人回答说。


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