Everybody knows that carelessness is the most dangerous enemy in our life. But we sometimes can't realize it.So it is necessary to think twice when starting to do something.I suffered from my carelessness a month ago.One day I was going to my auntie's home, mom told me to bring an umbrella in case it mined.I answered casually and went out without taking the umbrella.But on my way back, I was caught in the rain and fell iii. I could do nothing but stayed in bed for half a month.
人人都知道粗心是我们生活中最危险的敌人,但有时我们并没有意识到自己的粗心。所以三思而后行是有必要的。一个月前,我就深受粗心之苦。一天我去姑姑家,妈妈嘱咐我带把伞以防下雨。我含糊地答应着,没拿伞就走了。在我回家的路上,果真下起了雨。 我淋了雨,结果病倒了,害得我在床上躺了半个多月。