方法一 多学习一些出色的范文,看一下他人是如何看待这一问题的,他们是如何表达自己的观点的,他们又是如何来支持自己的观点的,以及他们的写法有河借鉴之处。
方法二 多关心一下时事新闻,特别是要看一些英语新闻和报道,从中可了解世界的动态,最新的时事见解以及对时事的透彻分析,这些内容都有助于我们建立自己的观点和拓展我们的思路。
Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.
Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your answer.
Main body:
A women’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
B men’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
A women’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
1 women have more understanding of children’s needs.
2 women can be more patient with young children.
3 women can devote more time and energy to children.
4 women tend to indulge their children and spoil them.
B men’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
1 men can teach young children to be more creative.
2 men often tell young children to be independent.
3 men raise children by making them brave and decisive.
4 men sometimes lose patience with children.