1. 交税像一种剥削,这会降低员工对于工作的热情。
2. 税收的使用不透明,会被贪污或者乱用,比如郭美美。
3. 税收使用的不公平,真正获益的是那些无所事事的人,如丐帮和罪犯们。这是强迫努力工作的人为一无是处的家伙们买单。
1. 税收让政府能有序运转,这是社会管理的前提。
2. 税收确保了社会稳定,否则丐帮一旦造反,大家都活不了。
3. 税收促进了生活水平,比如说支撑了公交系统,学校,医院,运动场,公园等。
In comtemporary society, what we earn is not always equal to what we finally have simply due to the tax payment. As long as we make money, a certan proportion of our income should be spent in tax. People, who are somewhat unsatisfied with this rule suggest that it is unnecessary while I personally disagree.
Admittely, it seems to be a little unfair considering that we cannot own all the money we earn. However, for the benefit of an individual in the long term, paying tax is reasonable and worthwhile. Firstly, it is obvious that the government needs money to maintain public service which is necessary for every single citizen. Expenditure on constructing public facilites such as museum, transportation depends on tax. Moreover, a large amount of tax is invested in promoting medical insurance system. Sooner or later, tax payers will benefit from it and appreciate the fact that it costs them so little on medical bills.
On the other hand, tax payment is beneficial to the society as a whole. As we know, tax rate varies depending on how much a person earns. Briefly speaking, those who are more wealthy have to pay more tax to the state. Therefore, the gap between the rich and the poor is minimized to some extent. By virtue of imposing tax,the society can be stablized as there will be relatively less crimes commiteed by people in lower social-economic status.
To sum up, it is my belief that paying tax is the right act both for the welfare of an individual and the society. Thus, every citizen should be commiteed in tax payment according to related law.
(273 words)