Technology & efficiency 科技提高效率
Mind & soul 头脑对应精神
Society & crime 社会犯罪严重
Time & space 时间对应空间
Rights & responsibilities 权利对应义务
Environment & health 环境影响健康
Employment & competition 就业竞争激烈
Culture & population 文化人口创造
Money & fun 金钱买到乐趣
你会发现,每行的第一个单词首字母拼在一起,就是TM STREEC $ 这三个符号。把三个符号多写几遍,同时回忆对应的九个单词,几次下来,每行的第一个词就记住了。再看每行的第二个词,它们和每行的第一个词都有严格的逻辑对应关系,这样记忆起来就很快。
Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?
21世纪在technology, efficiency, rights, money, fun等方面明显取得了积极的进展;而21世纪在soul, crime, environment, employment, competition, population等方面明显存在令人担心的状况。
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
固定量刑的好处:efficiency (提高司法效率),crime (有效控制犯罪),money (减少司法过程的费用)等。
soul (更人道),society (有利于社会和谐),rights (罪犯也是公民,公民权理应得到尊重)等。
Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?
教job skills的必要性可以从efficiency, employment, competition和money等方面选择2-3点来论述。