译文 社区居民能否支持在其住宅附近新建工厂,多半要取决于该社区收入水平的高低。
点睛 六级写作中有一种建议类型的题目,其中会提出某种建议或看法,问考生是否支持。我们可以使用Whether...depends on/upon...的句型作为开篇铺垫,引出话题。如:
1) Whether the residents in a community support or oppose the building of a new restaurant in their neighborhood depends partly on the type of restaurant being proposed. 社区居民是否支持在小区内新建餐馆,在一定程度上取决于这家餐馆的类型。
2) The answer to this question depends primarily upon which industry is more important in your country. 对于这个问题,主要取决于哪个产业在你们国家更重要。
Whether we can persist in doing this bears on the future and destiny of the Party and state. 能否始终做到这一点,决定着党和国家的前途命运。
Whether or not should cameras be installed in public area has triggered a heated debate. 是否应该在公共场所安装摄像头引起了激烈的争论。
Who should be responsible for our old people has been fiercely discussed in the community. 谁应为老人负责这个问题在社区中引起了激烈的讨论。
One aspect of whether the residents in a community support or oppose the building of a new high school can be related to the ages of their own children. 社区居民是否支持新建中学的计划居民子女的年龄有关。