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> 英语语法 > 李阳疯狂英语口语突破之突破语法 >  第4篇





4、be supposed to--被 动语态的固定结构,表示 应该或大家都认为;

93.A:I'm supposed to be meeting the president at 10:15.;我约好了10:15分与总裁 会面。

B:Well, it's 10:30 now so you're already late;现在已经是10:30,你已 经迟到了。

5、have/ get something done--另一种形式表示被 动,表示"让……被做",即 请别人帮你做;

94.A:I think you should get your hair cut.;我想你应该理发了。

B:Why, don't you like my long hair?;为什么?难道你不喜欢我 的长头发吗?

95. A: Jim and Eric had all their money stolen while they were on vacation.;吉姆和埃里克去度假时, 所有的钱都被人偷光了。

B:I'm not surprised. They are both careless fools.;我一点都不吃惊,他们两 个都是粗心大意的傻瓜。

第六章 比较级 1、as…as…;

96.A:I don't study as much as the average student. B:How are your grades?;我不象一般的学生那么用 功读书。 你成绩怎么样?

A:Oh, they are not as good as they could be. B:You're going to have to start studying more;哦,成绩没有该有的那么 好。 你得要多学一点。

2、as…as…/like + used to--用于与过去比较, 使用形容词或副词的原形;

97.A:My goodness! I haven't seen you in 25 years.;天哪!我有25年没见你了

B:Wow! You still look as young as you used to.;哇!你看起来还是象以前 那样年轻。

98.A: Wow! I can't believe you got an MBA from Harvard!;哇!我真不敢相信,你居 然获得了哈佛的MBA!

B: Yeah, I guess I'm not as dumb as I used to be!;是啊,我想我不像以前那 么蠢了。

3、the same…as…--用于 比较对等的东西,表示" 像… …一样";

99.A:Sorry for being late again. You know, I ran into a traffic jam.;对不起,我又迟到了。 要知道我碰上交通堵塞了

B:Your excuse is the same as yesterday's.;你的借口跟昨天的一样。

4、形容词、副词(单音 节或双音节) + -er --;

100.A:I recently became busier than I expected.;最近我比预料中的要忙。

B:Why, because of your new job?;为什么?因为你的新工作 吗?

5、more + 形容词、副词 (多音节);

101. A: With a laptop computer, I can work a lot more efficiently.;有台手提电脑,我可以更 有效率地工作。

B:Yes, that was a good deal for the company.;是啊,那对公司来说是个 好交易。

6、不规则的比较级 102. A:Is your headache better? B:No, it's worse.;你头疼好点了吗? 不,更疼了。

(1) My family lived in Shanghai for many years.;(1)我们家在上海住了很 多年。

And for many years, Shanghai was a very good place to live. The streets were clean;很多年来,上海一直是个 很好的地方。那时候街道 很清洁,

The parks were safe. The people were friendly.;公园很安全,人们很友好

The bus system was reliable, and the schools were good.;公共汽车系统很可靠, 学校也很好。

(2) But Shanghai changed. It is a very exciting city.;(2)但是上海变了。它是 个让人激动的城市。

Unfortunately, today the streets aren't as clean as they used to be.;但不幸的是,如今,街道 没有以前那么干净了,

The parks aren't as safe as they used to be.;公园没有以前那么安全了

The people don't seem as friendly as they used to be.;人们不像以前那么友好了

The bus system isn't as reliable as it used to be,;公共汽车系统没有以前那 么可靠了,

and the schools aren't as good as they used to be.;而且学校没有以前那么好 了。

(3) Because of the changes in Shanghai, my family moved to Zhuhai last year.;3)因为上海的这些变化, 我们家去年搬去了珠海。

In Zhuhai the streets are cleaner. The parks are safer.;在珠海,街道更干净, 公园更安全,

The bus system is more reliable, the people are friendlier and the schools are better.;公共汽车系统更可靠, 人们更友好,学校也更好

My family is happy in Zhuhai, but we were happier in Shanghai.;我们家在珠海很开心,但 我们在上海更开心。

Although Zhuhai has cleaner streets, safer parks, friendlier people,;虽然珠海有更干净的街道 更安全的公园、更友好的 人们、

a more reliable bus system, and better schools,;更可靠的公共汽车系统以 及更好的学校,

Shanghai hasa more exciting lifestyle.;上海的生活方式更为激动 人心。

It's more international, more fast-paced and more modern than Zhuhai.;它比珠海更加国际化,节 奏更快,而且更加现代。

(4) My family misses Shanghai.;(4)我们家人很怀念上海

Even though we're now living in Zhuhai, Shanghai will always be our real home.;尽管我们现在住在珠海, 上海永远都是我们真正的 家。 【李阳疯狂英语"一口气"训练记录为:2.5 口气】

7、The + 比较级 + the + 比较级 -- 这是一个固 定结构,表示"越……越……";

103. A:When will you be working here? B:The sooner the better.;你什么时候来这里工作? 越快越好。

8、形容词、副词(单音 节或双音节) + -est --;

104. A:Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life.;你结婚的那天一定是你一 生中最幸福的一天。

B:Yeah, I can't wait. This month has defini- tely been the busiest month in my life.;是啊,我都等不及了。 这一定是我一生中最忙的 一个月。

9、most + 形容词、副词 (多音节)--多音节词的 最高级;

105. A: That was the most delicious meal I've had for a long time.;那是我这么久以来吃过的 最美味的一餐了。

B: I'm so glad you liked it!;你喜欢,我真高兴。

106. A: He had the most awful manners I'd ever seen.;他是我看到的最没有礼貌 的人。

B:I should have warned you about how rude he is!;我早应该警告你他有多粗 鲁的。

10、不规则的最高级-- 107.A:What's the best movie you've ever seen;你看过的最好的电影是什 么?

B:I'm not sure.I have a lot of favorites.;我不太清楚,我喜欢的电 影有很多。

108. A:Give me a break It's not that bad.;别这样,没那么糟。

B:Yes, it is. It's the worst thing that could happen.;不,真的很糟,那是可能 发生的最糟的一件事。

第七章 疑问句 111.A:Can't you walk a little faster?;你就不能走快点吗?

B:My feet hurt! It's hard to walk fast;我脚疼!穿高跟鞋走不快

in high heels. You don't have to wait for me if you don't want to.;如果你不愿意等我,你可 以不用等!


112. A:What can I do? B:I'm not your mother. I'm not going to tell you what to do!;我能做什么呢? 我又不是你妈妈,我才不 会告诉你该做什么呢。

113. A:Where are you from? B:I'm from America.;你从哪儿来? 我是美国人,

but I like to pretend that I'm Canadian, because I'm afraid of terrorists.;但我喜欢假装是加拿大人 因为我很怕恐怖分子。

What about you?;你呢?

114. A.When will you leave? B: Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?;你什么时候走? 什么?你想赶我走?

115. A: Who called me while I was out?;我出去时谁给我打电话了

B:No one called you. You're not as popular as you think you are!;没人给你打电话。你可不 象你想象的那么受欢迎。

116. A:Why do you keep asking me the same question?;你怎么老问我这个问题呢

B:Because you never give me the right answer!;因为你从来就没有告诉过 我正确的答案。

117. A: How do you go to work everyday?;你每天怎么上班?

B:Sometimes I walk and sometimes I take the bus.;有时走路,有时搭公共汽 车。

118.A:How many people were at the meeting?;有多少人去开会了?

B:I don't know. I fell asleep because the meeting was too boring;我不知道。会议太闷了, 我睡着了。

119.A:How long did it take you to finish this job?;你花了多少时间做完这项 工作?

B: It took much longer than I expected.;比我预料中的要长得多。

3、选择问句--要求对方 作出选择的问题,通常带 有or;

120.A:Do you want coffee or tea? B:I don't care. Either will do.;你想要咖啡还是茶? 我无所谓,哪样都可以。

121. A: Are you going to the party, or will you stay at home?;你要去晚会还是留在家里

B:I feel tired. I want to stay at home;我很累,我想呆在家里。

4、肯定句的反意疑问句 122.A:You prefer going by;你喜欢坐飞机,不是吗?

B:Yes, I hate going by train; it takes too long.;是啊,我很讨厌坐火车, 太费时间了。


123. A: You won't tell anyone else, will you? B:No, I'll keep the secret.;你不会告诉别人吧? 不会,我会保守秘密的。


124.A:Don't be late again, will you? B:Quit nagging me all the time.;你别再迟到了,行吗? 别总是唠叨个不停。

125.A:Let's go to the movies, shall we? B:Good idea! I'll buy the tickets.;我们去看电影,好吗? 好主意!我来买票。

第八章 祈使句 1、祈使句;

126. A: Oh, shut up! B:Never speak to me like that!;噢,住嘴! 不要那样对我说话!

2、Let引起的祈使句 127.A:Hurry up! Let's go! We'll be late.;快点,我们走吧!我们晚 了。

B:Don't be silly. We still have half an hour.;别傻了,我们还有半个小 时呢。

128.A:Let's not tell anyone about it. B:You can count on me.;这件事我们不要对任何人说。你可以相信我。


第九章 间接引语 1、He said that…;

129. A: Kim said that you were mad at me. B:Why do you believe everything she says?;Kim说你很生我的气。 怎么她说什么你都信呢?

☆The President said that he would launch an attack on terrorism;总统说他会对恐怖主义发 起攻击。

2、He asked me if…-- 130.A:Jim asked me if I would go to dinner with him.;吉姆问我是不是跟他去吃 饭。

B:Jim asks everyone to go to dinner with him. Then he always seems to forget his wallet.;吉姆请每个人去吃饭,然 后他总是好象不记得带钱 包。

【额外奉献】 ☆My boss asked me if I would work overtime tonight.;我老板问我今晚能不能加班。

3、祈使句的间接引语 动词不定式);

131. A:The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.;医生叫我卧床休息几天。

B:Be sure to follow his orders, you don't want to end up in the hospital.;你一定要听他的话,你不 想最后躺到医院里去吧。

第十章 简单句的五种句型 1、主语+不及物动词 (S+Vi);

132.A:Where do you live? B:I live in Guangzhou.;你住在哪儿? 我住在广州。

2、主语+连系动词+表语 (S+V+P) 133.A:It's getting warmer year by year.;一年比一年热了。

B:That's because we don't take care of the environment.;那是因为我们没有好好保 护环境。

3、主语+及物动词+宾语 (S+V+O) 134. A: She knows what to do.;她知道该做什么。

B:Do you really think so? I'm not so sure.;你真这么想吗?我可不 肯定。

4、主语+及物动词+间接 宾语+直接宾语 (S+V+IO+DO);

135.A:What did you get for Christmas? B:My father gave me a new Discman.It's great;你圣诞节收到什么了? 我爸给我买了个新的CD随 身听,太棒了!

5、主语+及物动词+宾语+ 宾语补足语(S+V+O+C);

136.A:Jim asked me to help him with his homework.;吉姆叫我帮他做家庭作业

B:He always depends on someone. He should be more independent.;他总是依赖别人, 他应该更独立点。

第十一章 并列句 1、And连接的并列句--;

137.A:I'll stay in Beijing for five or six days and then fly to Nanjing.;我要在北京呆个五六天, 然后飞去南京。

B:When will you be back?;你什么时候回来呢?http://Enook.cn


138. A:Actually, I didn't want to come this evening but I thought I should.;事实上,我今晚不想来的 ,但我想我应该来。

B: felt the same.;我也是这么想的。

3、Or连接的并列句 139. A:Now we must go or we will be late for the party.;现在我们得走了,要不然 去晚会就迟到了。

B:Don't worry. We're not far from Jim's house.;别着急,我们离吉姆家不远。

第十二章 主谓一致 1、语法一致;

140.A:What do you know about Sam? B:The boy takes good care of his mother.;你知道山姆的事吗? 那孩子很照顾他母亲。

141. A: What do your children like to do? B:The boys like playing on the beach.;你的孩子们喜欢做什么? 男孩子们喜欢在海滩上玩


142.A:How long do you need for your makeup? B:Ten minutes is enough.;你化妆要多久? 十分钟就够了。

143.A:The famous actor and singer has arrived;那个著名的演员兼歌手来 了。

B:Really? I wonder if I can get his signature.;真的吗?不知道能不能搞 到他的签名。

3、邻近原则 144.A:I just don't know who is right about this.;我就是不知道关于这一点 到底谁对。

B:Neither he nor they are mistaken.;他不对,他们也不对。

145. A:Why is there so much noise coming from that classroom?;为什么那个教室传来这么 大的嘈杂声?

B:Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the party.;学生们和他们的老师都很 喜欢那个聚会。

第十三章 倒装 1,强调句It is/ was +被 强调部分 + that/who +;

146.A:It is I who told your boss the truth.;是我告诉你们老板真相的

B:You're supposed to be my friend! I always cover for you!;你应该是我的朋友啊! 我总是帮你隐瞒。

2、Never, seldom, little, nor, hardly, scarcely, no sooner,;

not only等否定词在句首 时的倒装--全句倒装;

147. A:I can't stand really hot weather. B:Nor can I. I always feel tired.;我真受不了热的天气。 我也受不了,我总是觉得 累。

3、Here和There开头的倒 装 148. A:Here comes the bus!;汽车来了!

B:There are too many people on that bus. Let's wait for another;车上有太多人了,我们等 另一部吗。

149. A: There goes my last chance! B:Then don't let it slip away.;我最后的机会来了。 那就不要让它溜走。

4、As引导的让步状语从 句的倒装--表语放在句首;

150. A:Student as he is, he's started teaching his own English class.;他虽然是个学生,已经开 始教自己的英语班了。

B:He's really something. He's smart, and now he'll be rich too!;他真了不起。他很聪明, 还将会很有钱!

5、虚拟条件句省略if时 的倒装--助动词或情态动 词放在句首;

151. A:Were I in your shoes, I would accept the job.;如果我是你,我就会接受 这份工作。

B:But you aren't, you don't understand the situation. Keep your advice to yourself.;但你可不是我,你不明白 情况。把你的劝告留给你 自己吧。

6表达祝愿、祝福等用语 时使用倒装;

152. A:May you succeed in everything you do! B:Thank you.;祝你事事成功! 谢谢。

第十四章 名词性从句 1、That引导的主语从句;

153. A:It's great that you got a scholarship. I think you should treat us to dinner.;你拿了奖学金真是太好了 我想你该请我们吃饭。

B: I think you should throw me a party to celebrate instead!;我倒觉得你应该为我举行 个庆祝会。

2、Whether引导的主语从 句 154. A:Whether he will come or not is unknown;他来不来还不知道。

B:He likes to be mysterious. He never tells anyone his plans;他喜欢神神秘秘的,他从 来不告诉别人他的计划。

3、疑问词引导的主语从 句 155. A:What I told you is between you and me.;我告诉你的是个秘密。

B:I promise I won't breathe a word to anyone.;我保证我什么都不会说。

4、That引导的表语从句 156. A:How was your trip to America?;你去美国的旅行怎么样?

B: OK, but the problem is that no one there speaks Chinese.;还行。问题是,那儿没人 讲中文。

5、whether引导的表语从 句;

157. A:I really hope we can move to a better place.;我真希望我们能搬去一个 更好的地方。

B:The question is whether we can afford a house.;问题是我们能不能负担得 起一幢房子。

6、疑问词引导的表语从 句 158. A:The question is who can take his place;问题是谁来代替他。

B:I don't think anyone can take his place. He really is one of a kind!;我想没人来代替他,他真 的是独一无二的。


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