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> 英语语法 > 李阳疯狂英语口语突破之突破语法 >  第3篇





13、Would you like--表 示询问对方是否需要什么 王牌经典句;

Top 1: Would you like anything else? Top 2: Would you like to know the reason?;你还想要别的东西吗? 你想知道原因吗?

Top 3: Would you like to join us for dinner? 47.A:Would you like something to drink ?;想跟我们一起吃晚餐吗? 你想来点喝的吗?

B:Thank you. I'd like a cup of coffee.;谢谢,我想来杯咖啡。

14、must--表示必须 48. A: You must finish the job before five.;你必须在五点之前完成工 作。

B:It's impossible! There is only half an hour left!;这不可能!只剩下半个小 时了。

15、must--表示揣测 16、must have--表示对 过去的揣测;

50. A:I must have left my keys in the car.;我一定是把钥匙忘在车里 了。

B:Oh no, did you lock the door?;哦不是吧,你锁了门没有

17,shall--征求对方同意 51. A:Shall we leave? B:No, I'm not quite ready yet.;我们可以走了吗? 不行,我还没准备好。

18、Will you--表示请求 52. A:Will you please bring me some coffee? B:Sure.;你能给我拿些咖啡来吗? 没问题。

A:You know, I owe you an apology. B:What for?;你知道,我得向你道歉。 为什么?

A:You must have been angry with me yesterday.;你昨天一定很生我的气。

B:I don't understand. Why should I have been angry with you?;我不明白。为什么我应该 生你的气呢?

A:Don't you remember? We had planned to see a movie yesterday, but I completely forgot!;你不记得了吗?我们昨天 计划去看电影,但我全忘 了!

B:Don't worry about it Actually, I owe you an apology! A:You do? Why?;没事儿。事实上,我也该 向你道歉! 你要道歉?为什么?

B:I couldn't have seen a movie with you anyway.;我也不可能和你一起去看 电影。

I had to work overtime yesterday…and I completely forgot to tell you.;我昨天得加班……而我完全 忘了告诉你。

A:That's okay. Maybe we can see a movie some time soon.;没问题。也许我们很快可 以找个时间看场电影。 【李阳疯狂英语"三最"训练记录为:15 秒】

第四章 不定式动词 1、不定式当主语;

53.A:To become President of the United States used to be my goal.;过去我的梦想是成为美国 总统。

B:I think every American kid has dreamed about that.;我想每个美国小孩都这么 想过。

A:To be a leader in your own city is a lot more realistic.;做自己那个城市的领导要 实际得多。

B:True, but it's also less glamorous.;对,但也没那么吸引人。

(1)It isn't right to gossip about others.;说别人闲话是不对的。

(2)It is not an easy thing to master a language.;学好一种语言是不容易的

(3)How would it be to start tomorrow?;明天出发怎么样?

(4)It cost me a lot of money to have the car repaired.;修车花了我好多钱。

(5)It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.;听到这么说话我们很生气

(6)It was beyond me to help them.;我无力帮助他们。

2、不定式当表语--不定 式可以在句中作表语, 起名词的作用;

54. A: My wish is to be a doctor. What about yours?;我的志愿是成为一名医生 你的呢?

B:My wish is to be a billionaire!;我的志愿是成为亿万富翁

3、be+不定式--在主语为 人时,可表示义务、计划 或可能、希望等将要发生 的事;

55.A:Where are we to meet? B:We are all supposed to meet at the gate at 7:00..;我们要在哪儿碰面? 我们应该7点在门口见面。

4、不定式当宾语--不定 式可以在句中充当动词的 宾语 王牌经典句;

Top 1:I want to become a millionaire. Top 2: I can't afford to buy a car.;我想成为百万富翁。 我买不起一辆车。

Top 3: He promised to help me with my English.; 他答应过帮我学英语。

56.A:He offered to help me, but I refused B:You are so independ- ent. I admire you!;他说要帮我,但我拒绝了 你真独立,我太羡慕你了

57.A: I want to find a new job.;我想找份新工作。

B:Why? Don't you like the job you have now? It's hard to find a new job these days.;为什么?你难道不喜欢你 现在这份工作吗?这年头 很难找到新工作的。

(1)We found it impossible to get everything finished in time.;我们发现不可能按时完成 一切。

(2)She thought it unnecessary to argue with him at the meeting.;她认为没有必要在会议上 和他争辩。

(3)Don't you think it better to translate this way?;你难道不觉得这样翻译好 些吗?

(4)All these worries made it impossible for her to concentrate on her work.;这种种烦恼使她不能专心 工作。

(5)The teacher made it a rule to speak only English in class.;老师规定在课堂上只能讲 英语。

(6)She felt it stupid for him to talk like that.;她觉得他这样讲话挺愚蠢 的。

5、不定式当宾语补足语 --不定式可以与动词及其 宾语构成复合结构,此时 不定式作宾语的补足语;

Top 1: Jim wants you to call him back.; 吉姆要你给他回电话。

Top 2: My teacher encouraged me to try again.;我的老师鼓励我再试一次

Top 3: Force yourself to do more.; 逼自己多做一点。

58. A: Who taught you to drive? B: I taught myself!;谁教你开车的? 我自己学会的。

6、不定式当定语--不定 式可以用作形容词,在句 中充当定语,不同的是, 不定式作宾语都是后置, 放在所修饰的词之后;

59.A:Li was the first to arrive.;李是第一个到的。

B:Really? That's not like him. He's always the last one to arrive.;真的吗?那可不象他的作 风,他总是最后一个到。

7、不定式当状语--不定 式可以用作副词,在句中 充当状语,表示目的、 结果或原因;

60.A:I'll do everything I can to help you.(目的);我会竭尽全力来帮你。

B:You're really very kind to say so.(原因);你这么说真的太好了。

61.A:What have I said to make you so upset? (结果);我说什么了,让你这么心 烦?

B:Everything you say makes me upset. You are too heartless!;你说的每件事都让我心烦 你太无情了。

8、不定式当状语--不定 式当状语有一些常见的固 定结构,;

62.A:He is old enough to make his own decision.;他够大了,可以自己做决 定。

B:I know he is old enough, but he is not smart enough!;我知道他够大了,但他不 够聪明。

63.A:You'd better work harder in order to catch up with the others.;你最好更加努力学习来赶 上其他人。

B:I know. I'm working on it.;我知道,我正在努力呢。

64.A:That book is too hard for him to read. B:I don't think so.;这书太难了,他读不懂。 我可不这么想。

9、不定式作独立成份-- 不定式可以在句中充当独 立成份,用来说明说话人 的态度,对全句进行解释;

65. A: To tell the truth, I have no money with me.;说真的,我身上没带钱。

B: Then why did you invite me to lunch? A:Because I need some- one to pay the bill!;那你为什么请我吃午饭? 因为我要找人买单。

【额外奉献】 (1)To be honest, I do- n't like western food. (2)To be frank, you need to lose weight.;说实话,我不喜欢西餐。 坦白说,你真的需要减肥

(3)To be blunt, this idea is stupid. (4)To tell the truth, I don't want to go.;老实说,这想法真蠢。 说真的,我不想去。

10、疑问词 + 不定式 --;

66. A:Have you decided whether to go or not?;你有没有决定要不要出去

B:I really want to go, but I just don't have enough money to buy a ticket.;我真想去,但我不够钱买 票。

67. A:Umm.I don't know how to tell you this exactly, but… umm…;嗯,我不知道怎么才能跟 你说得清楚,但是,嗯……

B:Spit it out. What's the problem?;爽快点讲出来。怎么了?

11、不带to的动词不定式 68.A: I heard him sing but wished I hadn't!;我听过他唱歌了,但我情 愿没听过。

B:Is he really that bad?;真的那么糟吗?

69.A:Mother always makes me do what I don't want to do.;妈妈老让我做我不想做的 事。

B:Parents think they have the right to make their kids do anything;父母们认为他们有权利让 他们的孩子做任何事。

12、动名词当主语 70. A: Working on computers is his hobby;搞电脑是他的爱好。

B:Really? My hobby is working on cars.;是吗?我的爱好是修车。

13、动名词当表语 71. A:My hobbies are reading good books and listening to music.;他的爱好是读好书和听音 乐。

B: Really? I thought your hobby was chasing girls.;真的吗?我还以为你的爱 好是追女孩子呢。

14、动名词当宾语 72.A:He should appreciate having such a nice teacher.;有这样一个好老师,他应 该感激。

B:Forget it,he doesn't appreciate anything.;算了吧,他从来没有感激 之心。

15、动名词和动词不定式 作宾语的区别;

73. A:I remember meeting her, but I forget her name.;我记得见过她,但我忘了 她的名字。

B: Try to remember, I want you to introduce me to her. She's beautiful!;设法想一想,我想你介绍 我们认识。她真漂亮!

【经典长句】 ☆I'm really sorry, but I forgot to bring my wallet.;我真的很抱歉,我忘记了 带钱包出来。

I remember seeing it on my desk this morning,;我记得今天早上还在桌子 上看见钱包的,

but I didn't remember to bring it with me.;但我忘记带出来。

【额外奉献】 (1)I remember seeing her somewhere, but I don't know her name.;我记得在哪儿见过她的, 但我不记得她的名字。

(2)Remember to call me as soon as you get home.;记得一到家就给我打电话

(3)I forget buying this book. I'm not sure when I bought it, maybe last year?;我忘记我买过这本书。我 想不起来是什么时候买的 ,也许是去年?

(4)I always forget to lock the door when I leave the office.;离开办公室的时候我总是 忘记锁门。

(5)I regret not having accepted your advice.;我很后悔没有接受你的劝 告。

(6)I regret to tell you I can't give you any help.;我很遗憾地告诉你,我帮 不上你什么忙。

(7)Try studying for an hour as soon as you wake up in the morning;你早晨一醒来,就试着学 习一个小时。

(8)Try to find Jim's phone number for me. I need to call him.;设法帮我找出吉姆的电话 我得打电话给他。

16、动名词当介词宾语-- 动名词除了作动词宾语, 也可放在介词后作介词宾 语;

74.A: Are you interested in working for us?;你有兴趣为我们工作吗?

B:Yes, I am. If you hire me I'll do my best.;是的。如果你聘用了我, 我会尽全力做好。

17、动名词的逻辑主语-- 也就是动作的执行者,可 用所有格或宾格表示;

75. A: I appreciate your telling me that. B: I just wanted you to have all the facts!;我很感激你告诉我这件事。 我只是想让你知道全部的 事实。

76. A: His wife is going to be angry with him being so late.;这么晚了,他老婆准得跟 他生气。

B:At least he has a wife to care for him.;至少他还有个老婆疼他呀

18、使用动名词的固定结 构--feel like, cannot help, go等 + 动名词;

77.A: I feel like going to bed early tonight.(feel like表 示想做……);今晚我想早点睡。

B:You're pretty tired, huh?;你很累了,是吧?

A: Yeah, but I cannot help worrying about tomorrow.(cannot help 表示禁不住、忍不住);是啊,但我禁不住担心明 天的事。

B:Well, just try to get some sleep.;算了,先睡会儿觉吧。

78.A:Would you like to go shopping with me after work?;下班后想跟我一起去逛街 吗?

B:Great idea. I'd love to go shopping tonight There are great sales in all the stores now.;好主意。我想今晚去逛街 现在到处都是大减价。


动名词对于中国学生来讲 也不容易掌握,我们给大 家提供了几段非常生动有 趣的三最短文,里面有动;

名词的各种用法,当你脱 口而出这几篇短文的时候 动名词对你就不再是个头 疼的问题了! ;

A (1)Different people enjoy doing different things.;(1)不同的人喜欢做不同 的事。

Joe and Donna are married but they have very different interests.;乔和朵娜结婚了,但他们 的兴趣大不相同。

This is their story.;下面是他们的故事。

(2)Joe enjoys reading very much. He's always reading.;(2)乔非常喜欢阅读。他 总是在阅读。

He likes to read on the way to work. He likes to read in the park.;他喜欢在上班的路上读书 喜欢在公园里读书,

He likes to read in the library. He even likes to read in the bathtub!;喜欢在图书馆里读书。 他甚至喜欢在浴室里读书

You can see, reading is a very important part of Joe's life.;可见,读书是乔生命中的 一个非常重要的部分。

He has no interest in watching TV.;他对看电视一点兴趣都没 有。

(3)Donna enjoys watching TV. She likes to watch TV in the living room.;(3)朵娜喜欢看电视。 她喜欢在客厅里看电视,

She likes to watch TV during dinner.She rea- lly likes eating while watching TV too!;喜欢吃饭的时候看电视, 她还真的很喜欢一边看电 视一边吃东西!

She likes to watch TV in bed.;她喜欢躺在床上看电视,

She even likes to watch TV in department stores when she's shopping!;甚至在逛街购物时她也喜 欢在百货商店里看电视!

As you can see, watching TV is a very important part of Donna's life.;可见,看电视是朵娜生活 中一个非常重要的部分。

She has no interest in reading.;她对读书一点兴趣都没有

(4)Joe and Donna like doing different things;(4)乔和朵娜喜欢做不同 的事。

They believe having their own interests is the key to keeping their marriage happy!;他们相信,各有各的兴趣 让他们的婚姻很快乐! 【李阳疯狂英语"一口气"训练记录为:2 口气】

B (1)Bad habits are hard to break.;(1)坏习惯很难改掉。

Breaking a bad habit takes a lot of hard work and effort.;要改掉坏习惯需要很多努 力,

It's worth the effort to improve your life by breaking a bad habit and developing a;但努力是值得的,如果你 能改掉坏习惯,培养好习 惯你就可以改善你的生活

good one. Here are two stories about how dif- ficult breaking a bad habit can be.;下面两个故事讲的就是坏 习惯有多么难改。

(2)Carol's friends always tell her to stop smoking.;(2)卡萝的朋友总是叫她 戒烟。

They think that smoking is unhealthy. They tell her that smoking causes cancer,;他们觉得抽烟是不健康的, 他们告诉她抽烟会致癌,

smoking makes her hair and clothes smell bad and that smoking is expensive.;抽烟会让她的头发和衣服 散发出难闻的味道,

Carol knows that, but she still keeps on smoking.;而且抽烟是很费钱的。 这些卡萝都懂,但她还是 继续抽烟。

She doesn't want to smoke. She wants to stop, but she can't.;她不想再抽烟,她也想戒 ,但就是戒不了。

Smoking is a habit she just can't break.;抽烟是个她改不掉的习惯

Don't be like Carol. Don't start smoking. You may not be able to stop.;不要象卡萝一样,不要开 始抽烟,一旦开始可能就 再也戒不了。 【李阳疯狂英语"一口气"训练记录为:2.5 口气】

(3)Tom's friends always tell him to stop gossiping.;(3)汤姆的朋友总是叫他 不要讲别人闲话。

They think that gossiping isn't nice.;他们觉得讲人闲话是不好 的。

They tell him gossiping ruins people's lives,;他们告诉他讲闲话会破坏 人们的生活,

gossiping causes problems at work, and it's just not polite to gossip.;会让工作出现问题, 而且讲别人闲话也不好。

Tom knows that, but he still keeps on gossiping.;这此汤姆都明白,但他还 是继续讲人闲话。

Tom's gossiping has caused him to lose many friends.;汤姆的闲话已经让他失去 了很多朋友。

He wants to stop, but he can't. Gossiping is a habit he just can't break.;他也想停止讲闲话,但他 停不了。讲闲话是个他改 不了的习惯。

If you love to gossip;如果你也爱讲闲话,

you should try to stop before it's too late and you lose your friends too.;你就得尽早改掉这个坏习 惯,要不然你也会失去你 的朋友。 【李阳疯狂英语"三最"训练记录为: 37 秒】

【对话突破动名词】 A:Hello.My name is Joe B:Nice to meet you,Joe I'm Kim.;嗨,我叫乔。 很高兴见到你,乔。 我是Kim。

A:Are you enjoying the party? B:Yes. How about you?;你喜欢这个聚会吗? 是的,你呢?

A:Well, not really. To tell you the truth, I'd rather be reading.;哦,不怎么喜欢。说实话 我宁愿读书。

B:Oh? Do you like to read?;哦?你喜欢读书?

A:Oh, yes. I enjoy reading very much. How about you?;是啊,我非常喜欢阅读。 你呢?

B:I like to read, too. In fact, reading is my favorite way to relax.;我也喜欢。事实上,读书 是我放松的最佳途径。

A:Mine, too. Tell me, what do you like to read?;我也是。告诉我, 你喜欢读什么?

B:I like to read books about famous people. How about you?;我喜欢读名人传记。你呢

A:I enjoy reading short stories.;我喜欢读短篇小说。

B:Well, please excuse me. I have to go now. It was nice meeting you, Joe.;不好意思,我得走了。 乔,很高兴见到你。

A:Nice meeting you, too, Kim.;我也很高兴,Kim。 【李阳疯狂英语"三最"训练记录为: 17 秒】

19、分词作表语 79.A:The food smells so inviting.;这食物闻起来很诱人。

B: I'll bet it tastes even better than it smells!;我保证它吃起来比闻起来 更香!

80.A:I was bored by her endless bragging.;她不停地吹嘘,我烦透了

B: Everyone was bored by her and her stupid stories!;人人都被她以及她那么愚 蠢的故事烦死了。

20、分词作定语 81.A:He is a promising young man.;他是个很有前途的年轻人

B:What makes you so sure of that?;你为什么这么肯定?

82.A:I can't believe you didn't have a written contract!;我简直不能相信,你居然 没有一份书面合同。

B: I know I was so stupid. I trusted his promise!;我知道我是太蠢了,我居 然相信他的承诺!

21、分词作宾语补足语 83.A:I heard some girls gossiping about you.;我听到一些女孩子在说你 闲话。

B: It's not true! A: Oh, too bad. They said you were a nice guy.;不可能。 哦,真的,他们说你是个 很不错的家伙。

84.A:I had my pocket picked.;我的钱包被人偷了。

B:I'm sorry to hear that. How much money was in it?;我真为你难过, 被偷了多少钱?

22、分词作状语 85.A: Why didn't you call me after work last night?;你昨晚下班后为什么不给 我打电话?

B:I got home, feeling very tired, and fell asleep while I was watching TV.;我回到家,感到特别累, 看电视的时候就睡着了。

86.A:He left the room angrily, frustrated by his examination.;他很生气地离开房间,他 的考试让他很沮丧。

B: Did the teacher get upset with him?;老师生他气了吗?

23、独立主格结构 87.A:Weather permitti- ng, we'll leave for Beijing tomorrow.;如果天气允许,我们明天 去北京。

B:Wow, that'll be great!;哇,太棒了!

88.A:All the work finished, you can go home.;所有的工作都做完了, 你可以走了。

B:I never thought we would get done with this project!;我还以为我们永远也完成 不了这个项目呢!

第五章 被动语态 1、被动语态的基本用法;

89.A:Your spoken English is really amazing!;你的英语口语真棒啊!

B:Thank you. I'm flattered.;谢谢,你过奖了。

2、被动语态的各种不同 时态、用法;

90. A: I've been practicing English with the Crazy English method for several;我用疯狂英语的方法练了 好些天英语了,

days. But I don't notice any difference.;但我没觉得有什么不同。

B:Rome wasn't built in a day. You should practice more.;罗马不是一天建成的。 你应该多加练习。

91. A: I don't like being told what to do.;我不喜欢别人告诉我要做 什么。

B:Well, you're married now, so you'd better get used to it.;要知道,你已经结婚了, 所以你最好习惯这个。

【三最短文突破被动语态】 Bad Morning;

(1) Bill almost didn't get to work this morning.;倒霉的上午 (1)比尔今天早上几乎没 来上班。

(2) As he was leaving his apartment building he was hit on the head by a flowerpot which;2)当他离开公寓时,他 被一个花盆砸中了脑袋,

had been put on a windowsill by one of his neighbors.;那是他一个邻居放在窗台 上的。

(3) As he was running to the bus stop, he was bitten by a stray dog.;(3)当他跑去汽车站时, 他被一只迷途的狗咬了。

(4) While he was waiting for the bus, he was almost run over by a truck.;(4)当他等汽车的时候, 他差点被一辆卡车碾到。

(5) While he was riding on the bus, his wallet was stolen.;(5)当他坐在汽车上的时 候,他的钱包被人偷了,

All his money and identification cards were taken.;他所有的钱和身份证都不 见了。

(6) As he was walking into his company,;(6)当他走进公司的时候,

he was accidentally knocked down by a girl deliv;他被派报纸的女孩不小心 撞倒了。

(7) And when Bill finally got to work,;(7)当比尔最终到了公司,

he was yelled at by his boss for being an hour late.;他老板冲着他大喊大叫, 因为他迟到了一个小时。

(8) Poor Bill! What a terrible way to begin the day!;(8)可怜的比尔!这么开 始一天多糟糕啊! 【李阳疯狂英语"一口气"训练记录为: 1.5 口气】

3、It is said/ believed/ thought/ expected/ etc. that…;

92.A:Is it true that there is going to be a takeover of our company?;我们公司要被接管, 真的吗?

B:It is said that someone is buying up our stock.;据说有人买下了我们全部 的股份。

(1)It is believed that Santa Claus gives presents to good;人们相信圣诞老人会给好 孩子们送礼物,

children and coal to bad children.;给坏孩子们煤。

(2)It is thought that she survived the crash, but we can't find her.;人们认为她在飞机坠毁后 活了下来,但我们找不到 她。

(3)It is expected that the building will be completed by the sprin;人们期望这幢大楼在春天 前完工。

(4)It is reported that more and more teenagers are trying cigarettes.;据报道,越来越多的青少 年开始吸烟。


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