Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear.
Saying is one thing and doing is another.
Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
Second thoughts are best.
[注解]或者是“Second thoughts are ever wiser”。
Seeing is believing.
Self do, self have.
Silence gives consent.
Slow and steady wins the race.
So many men, so many minds.
[注解]指各人有各人的意见,互不一致;有多少人就有多少不同的看法。还可以说:So many persons, so many minds. (or Many men, many minds.)
Speak of the devil and he will appear; speak of angels and you will hear their wings.
[注解]用于一个不在场而被谈到的人突然来到。同类谚语还有:Talk of the devil and the devil appears.
Speech is silver, silence is gold.
Speech is the picture of the mind.
Still waters run deep.