Necessity is the mother of invention.
[注解]原句是“Art imitates Nature, and necessity is the mother of invention”。艺术模仿自然,需要为发明之母。
Necessity knows no law.
Need makes the old wife trot.
Never buy a pig in a poke.
Never cackle till your egg is laid.
Never cross a bridge till you come to it.
[注解]古时的桥不像现代的桥这么结实,过河有危险,故产生此谚语。喻指Don't worry about future problems before you need to,不要杞人忧天,船到桥头自然直。美国诗人朗费罗曾说过这是一句古老而又极具智慧的谚语。
Never do things by halves.
[注解]do things by halves事情做到半途而废,做事不彻底,做事草率不周。
Never hit a man when he's down.
Never offer to teach fish to swim.
No answer is also answer.
Nobody's enemy but his own.