我的琴声呜咽 泪水全无
一个叫马头 一个叫马尾
我的琴声呜咽 泪水全无
我的琴声呜咽 泪水全无
Hai Zi
witness the wildflowers on the grasslands where gods come to die
the wind – more distant than the furthest places
my lute crying out without tears
I return the distance of distant places to the grasslands
one is called the head of my horse one the tail*
my lute crying out without tears
in the distance there are only wildflowers brought together in death
the bright moon like a mirror hung high over the grasslands, shines down on a thousand years
my lute crying out without tears
alone whipping my horse crossing the grasslands
* This apparently refers to the horse-headed qin (here translated as lute), a traditional musical instrument used by horse-riding Mongolian people. The instrument is so named because its body is traditionally made from a horse’s head. The strings and bow of the instrument are made from horse hair.
(Dan Murphy 译)
Hai Zi
The prairie that witnessed the death of gods is covered with flowers
The remote wind is more remote than remoteness
My lute weeps, but I’m without tears
I return distance to the prairie
One lute is named Wood-Head, the other Horse-Tail
My lute weeps, but I’m without tears
The distance can only condense flowers in death
The moon, like a mirror, hangs high over the prairie, reflecting thousands of years
My lute weeps, but I’m without tears
Alone I drive my horse across the prairie
(Hong Zeng 译)
Hai Zi
Wildflowers gather on grasslands that witness the death of gods
The faraway wind is farther than far
My lute cries without tears
I return the farness to the grasslands
One is called horsehead one horsetail
My lute cries without tears
Only in death will wildflowers gather afar
The moon is a mirror hanging high reflecting thousands of years
My lute cries without tears
I speed my horse across the grasslands
(叶春 译)