To a Child Dancing in the Wind |
致一位风中起舞的女孩 |
Dance there upon the shore; | 在海滩舞蹈的你 |
What need have you to care | 何须在意 |
For wind or water's roar? | 风与浪的咆哮? |
And tumble out your hair | 披散你的头发。 |
That the salt drops have wet; | 披散你被海水打湿的头发; |
Being young you have not known | 你还小啊,不会懂得 |
The fool's triumph, nor yet | 愚者的得志,也不懂得 |
Love lost as soon as won, | 爱情会失去得如得到般迅速, |
Nor the best labourer dead | 不懂得最好的劳力已死, |
And all the sheaves to bind. | 所有的收割尚未捆束。 |
What need have you to dread | 你何须惧怕 |
The monstrous crying of wind? | 那些恐怖的风声。 |