The Mountain Tomb
Pour wine and dance if manhood still have pride, |
斟酒起舞,若男儿仍有性情, |
Bring roses if the rose be yet in bloom; |
采摘玫瑰,若玫瑰仍在开放; |
The cataract smokes upon the mountain side, |
瀑水在山边升起雾气, |
Our Father Rosicross is in his tomb. |
罗斯克劳斯神甫躺在他的墓地。 |
Pull down the blinds, bring fiddle and clarionet |
拉下百叶窗,取来提琴与黑管, |
That there be no foot silent in the room |
不许房间里有停歇的舞步, |
Nor mouth from kissing, nor from wine unwet; |
不许唇边没有亲吻,不许杯酒不尽, |
Our Father Rosicross is in his tomb. |
罗斯克劳斯神甫躺在他的墓地。 |
In vain, in vain;the cataract still cries; |
徒劳,徒劳,瀑水仍在呼喊, |
The everlasting taper lights the gloom; |
不灭的烛光照亮幽暗, |
All wisdom shut into his onyx eyes, |
所有智慧锁进他石化的眼, |
Our Father Rosicross sleeps in his tomb. |
罗斯克劳斯神甫躺在他的墓地。 |