‘Your eyes that once were never weary of mine |
“你那从未厌倦过我的眼睛 |
Are bowed in sorrow under pendulous lids, |
忧伤地藏进低垂的眼睑了, |
Because our love is waning.' |
因为爱已褪色。” |
And then she: |
然后,她说: |
‘Although our love is waning, let us stand |
“尽管爱已褪色,就让我们 |
By the lone border of the lake once more, |
再站在曾经的湖畔, |
Together in that hour of gentleness |
分享温柔的时光, |
When the poor tired child, Passion, falls asleep: |
当激情——那疲倦的孩子——入眠: |
How far away the stars seem, and how far |
星星看起来真远,远得 |
Is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart!' |
像我们的初吻。我的老去的心啊!” |
Pensive they paced along the faded leaves, |
在积满落叶的路上,他们沉默地走着, |
While slowly he whose hand held hers replied: |
他牵住她的手,慢慢作答: |
‘Passion has often worn our wandering hearts.' |
“激情常常消损了我们漂泊的心。” |
The woods were round them, and the yellow leaves |
走在林间,纷纷的黄叶 |
Fell like faint meteors in the gloom, and once |
如流星暗然坠落,有次 |
A rabbit old and lame limped down the path; |
一只老兔子瘸着腿跳过小径; |
Autumn was over him:and now they stood |
秋意笼在头顶,他们站住了, |
On the lone border of the lake once more: |
在曾经的湖畔: |
Turning, he saw that she had thrust dead leaves |
他转过身,见她无语间把落叶拾起, |
Gathered in silence, dewy as her eyes, |
放入怀中、发髻, |
In bosom and hair. |
落叶湿如她的眼睛。 |
‘Ah, do not mourn,'he said, |
“别难过了,”他说, |
‘That we are tired, for other loves await us; |
“我们倦了,却还有别样的爱等着我们, |
Hate on and love through unrepining hours. |
去恨,去爱,没什么抱怨。 |
Before us lies eternity;our souls |
我们向着永恒,我们的心 |
Are love, and a continual farewell.' |
就是爱,是一场无尽的道别。” |