1、He laughs at your mistakes. 他对你犯的错误一笑而过
2、He’s fully committed to you and your relationship together.他是认真在对待你,对待这段感情
3、He is willing to do anything for you.他愿意为你做任何的家务和事情
4、He wants you to feel good about yourself.他希望你充满自信
5、He is smart and wise.他既有小聪明又有大智慧
6、Only love you for a lifetime 一生一世只爱你一个人
7、Surprise and joy to you.时常的会给你惊喜和欢乐
8、He is caring for you ask people whether they feel hot 他对你嘘寒问暖,关爱体贴
9、He knows how to respect you. 他懂得尊重你
10、He takes his own mistakes seriously.他对自己犯的错误认真对待
11、He doesn’t avoid problems.他不逃避出现的问题
12、Your family and friends admire him.你的家人朋友欣赏他
13、He pays attention to the little things.他对一些小事很上心
14、He is broad-minded, tolerant 他胸襟开阔,宽容忍让
15、He makes your problems his own.他将你遇到的困难当做自己的困难来处理