A Tranquil Night
Before my bed a pool of light.
Can it be hoarfrost on the ground?
Looking up, I find the moon bright;
Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.
(许渊冲 译 2004)
Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
Before my bed a pool of light—
Can it be hoar-frost on the ground?
Looking up, I find the moon bright;
Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.
(许渊冲 译 2005)
Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
Before my bed a pool of light—
O can it be hoar-frost on the ground?
Looking up, I find the moon bright;
Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.
Notes: Seeing a pool of moonlight, the poet is drowned in the pond of homesickness.
(许渊冲 译 2006)
Hoarfrost:n, 白霜