The parent-child relationship is one of the longest-lasting social ties human beings establish," says Kira Birditt, researcher at the Michigan Institute for Social Research. Whether your dad's been in your life all along, or you just recently rekindled your relationship, there are many ways to show your dad you love him.
密西根州社会研究所的研究员基拉-博蒂特曾说过:“亲子关系是人类建立维持的最长的社会关系之一。” 不管你父亲是一直在你身边,还是你刚刚才重拾这份关系,始终会有很多的方法让你父亲知道你很爱他。
1. Say the words,"I love you."
Maybe this phrase was not used much in your home, so it could be tough to utter at first. In that case, it's possible your father won't be able to return the sentiment. Don't take it personally. The main issue is not to have regrets. Let your dad know what you admire about him and why you're proud. Don't take for granted that he knows.
2. Seek your father's advice and opinions.
This applies from childhood to adulthood. He'll be pleased that you want his guidance. Listen to him. You don't always have to agree, but he will be flattered that you asked.
3. Invite your dad into your life.
Introduce him to your friends. Once you leave the nest, welcome him into your new home. When you marry and have children, include your father in many of your family functions.
4. Arrange activities strictly for you and your dad.
Even if it's an activity you might not fully enjoy, share his interests. Let him teach you to play golf or a card game. Take him to dinner, or join him in outings with friends and family.
5. Visit your father on a regular basis.
Stop and pick up a cup of coffee to take to him as a surprise treat. Don't' wait for his birthday or Father's Day to buy him thoughtful little gifts.
6. Inquire about your dad's life.
Ask him to tell you his "old stories" and record them. He will be proud that you care so much, and as a result, you will learn a lot about his childhood and your heritage.
7. Assist your father as he ages.
Don't treat him like a child. Be patient and understanding. Make sure he can meet his personal care and medicinal needs. Help him with his finances, if possible. Take the time to let him know you'll always be there.