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Jill Sobule - Spiderman

I get out of the underground

Near Hollywood and Vine

I had the whole train to myself

No one ever rides

I'm in my costume

My mask and tights

I'm Spiderman

I'm Spiderman

They're calling for a lovely day

The tourists sure are out

And here comes one as I speak

To take my photo now

His daughter jumps up on my back

She wants to climb the walls

We're Spiderman

We're Spiderman

I moved out here from Evansville

Seven years ago

The first week I'm an extra on

Well, you know, that TV show

And if you blink you miss me

But you can't miss me now

I'm Spiderman

I'm Spiderman

Did you hear there was a fight?

They arrested Captain Jack

And Princess Leia got so trashed

She won't be coming back

Like Spiderman

Like Spiderman

Now the sun is going down

On the boulevard

A German couple try to match

The footprints of the stars

The tips were pretty good today

Tomorrow I'll return

Like Spiderman

I'm Spiderman

Like Spiderman



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